
The Divine Emperor From Another Dimension

A divine emperor from another dimension, descending to earth and living as a immortal. On earth, he met a pack of wolves. The divine emperor gave a drop of his blood to the pack of wolves through a vessel of water they were drinking. The pack of wolves evolved into a new species and could transform into a human. The Divine Emperor made them his army. A feud broke out on earth. Martial arts figures emerged. Those with vile hearts wreaked havoc, and spread threats. The Divine Emperor pretended to be a weak youth. He played a charade, and eliminated them without mercy.

archadeus_deus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 8

Pride, honor, greed, lust for power, and strength.

All of these have become the characteristics of Gloxinia creatures. Whether when they were just creatures of the gloxinia plains, to becoming among the inhabitants of the gloxinia sky. That feeling is still inherent in them. Regardless of which race they come from. Be it gloxinia creatures with the human race, elf race, dwarf race, orch race, golem, goblin, or troll. All of them have the same character.

To achieve their goals and achieve what they want, they will continue to compete with each other to become the strongest. To increase their strength, they continue to train, fight, and absorb life energy from defeated opponents.

These Gloxinia creatures that focus on becoming the strongest are called fighters or warriors.

The strength level of a fighter consists of several stages.

The stages from the lowest to the highest level start from the warrior stage, elite warrior, master warrior, grandmaster warrior, elder warrior, king warrior, emperor warrior, sage warrior.

After breaking through the peak level of the sage warrior stage, Gloxinia creatures will reach the god stage and the portal of the floating plains or the upper plains of Gloxinia automatically opens.

After reaching the god stage, they can still increase their strength again to reach the next level or to the next level.

The divine in the Gloxinia celestial realm, has a stage of power that is different from the stage of power possessed by immortal cultivators who have reached the divine realm in general.

The power level of a Gloxinia divine, consists of four stages. The early stage, intermediate stage, high-level stage, and peak stage. The early stage god power level includes the power of tier 1 to tier 40 gods, intermediate stage gods include tier 41 to tier 75 gods, high level gods include tier 76 to tier 95 gods, peak level gods include tier 96 to tier 100 gods.

After reaching the peak level god stage, the next power level achievement is the god king level which consists of 75 tiers (levels). Tier 1 to tier 35 is called the early stage god king, tier 36 to tier 57 is called the middle stage god king, tier 58 to tier 72 is called the high level god king, tier 73 to 75 is called the peak level god king.

Gloxinia creatures that have reached the divine king stage are capable of creating their own world. However, in the creation of the world, they need time according to the level of power they have. The higher the tier they have, the faster the creation process.

Unlike the case with the god emperor. The divine emperor has the ability to create worlds containing galaxies in the palm of his hand, and destroy galaxies with just his fist.

The divine emperor tier is attained after the divine king's power has surpassed the peak level. There are 50 tiers that must be reached in order to surpass the peak emperor level for one to be at the divine emperor stage.

God emperors of tier 1 to tier 25, are referred to as early stage god emperors. God emperors tier 26 to 40, referred to as middle-stage god emperors. The divine emperors of tier 41 to tier 47, referred to as high-level divine emperors. The divine emperor of tier 48 to 50, is called the peak-level divine emperor. After surpassing the peak level limit, the name of the new achievement is still unknown.

Emperor Quelle and Emperor Granel are still at the early stage of the emperor tier. Both are at the divine emperor tier 25 stage.


The Gloxinia sky of the kingdom of Caseus

In the Gloxinia sky, there is a kingdom that is famous for the quality of its cheese production, the best cheese-producing kingdom is called the kingdom of Caseus. A large kingdom that is under the auspices of the Granel empire.

The kingdom of Caseus was chosen as the host of a large meeting attended by the monarchs of the allied kingdoms. The meeting discussed economic co-operation, sharing information about knowledge, food, and politics.

The inter-kingdom meeting that took place was directly monitored under the supervision of Emperor Granel. An emperor who looked like a child in stature. Emperor Granel, to the naked eye, looked like an ordinary child. But based on age, he was a million-year-old divine emperor. Emperor Granel was not a talented god like Emperor Quelle or Empress Ignia who were able to increase their strength so rapidly. The level of emperor that Emperor Granel reached was the result of his diligence in increasing his power and the support of the allied kingdoms. Support as a form of their respect for Emperor Granel who has been considered a hero of the Gloxinia sky.

As a form of their respect for the hero, the kings of each kingdom always sent gifts to Emperor Granel. Gifts in the form of rare plants that can be able to increase the level of strength of the gods. With these gifts, they hoped that their kingdom would always receive protection from Emperor Granel from various threats.

When a god reaches the realm of divine emperor, there are two possible side effects.

The first possibility is the effect of having the body of a child. This kind of effect happens to gods who reach the realm of emperor due to the help of consumed food such as plants or pills. This is what happened to Emperor Granel. Even so, he was able to change his form to his original form. The form before he reached the divine emperor realm. The physical form displayed did not affect the level of power. The physical form displayed only requires a small amount of energy consumption.

The second possibility is the effect of being youthful and having a very alluring face. This kind of effect happens to gods who reach the realm of emperor due to talent. This was the case with Emperor Quelle.

Emperor Granel reached the emperor realm earlier than Emperor Quelle. When Emperor Granel was at tier 11 of the emperor realm, Emperor Quelle came as a newcomer to the emperor realm.

When Emperor Quelle entered the emperor realm, the entire skyline of Gloxinia was in an uproar. How could it not be? Without the help of consuming rare plants, a god was able to reach the emperor realm at a young age.

The level of achievement achieved by Emperor Quelle was considered to be a great threat to Emperor Granel. A great threat that must be eliminated from the skies of Gloxinia. What's more, Emperor Quelle built his own empire. An empire built on the kingdom left by his father, King God Quenice with his large kingdom called the kingdom of Lenca.

It was based on this factor that Emperor Granel began fighting Emperor Quelle.

Over time they became eternal enemies that have lasted for hundreds of thousands of years.


Prince Cusso arrived at the kingdom of Caseus after all his business in the secret room of the Seron dungeon was over.

Prince Cusso came to see his father, Emperor Granel who was attending a meeting with the kings. Upon meeting him, he gave a respectful greeting. "Prince Cusso to His Majesty the Emperor!"

"You have arrived, my son." Emperor Granel welcomed Prince Cusso. "Now stand up, and tell me what you wish to tell Father." Emperor Granel ordered.

Emperor Granel raised his right wrist, signalling all the gods and god-kings to exit the room. Emperor Granel wanted to have a one-on-one talk with his son, Prince Cusso.

Prince Cusso stood up, then he waved both sleeves as he said "Report Your Majesty, the first mission has been completed. Everything has gone according to our plan Your Majesty. Currently, that fool is already in Seron dungeon Your Majesty."

"Yes, I already knew that. Then, what about that woman? Is she really trustworthy? I'm not sure about her. I still doubt her."

"Of course, Your Majesty the Emperor. Although Goddess Ignia has long been the wife of that fool, she does not have any feelings for him."

"That is precisely what makes me doubt. Is it just because she has no feelings for that stinky brat, that she decided to betray her own husband and decided to join us?" Emperor Granel picked up a piece of grilled meat, and ate it with gusto. "claclaclap, glup." a moment later he said, "I smell a fishy odour from that woman. Since she has the courage to betray her own husband, then one day she will also betray us. This woman is very dangerous. It would be good if I take care of her after I finish my business."

Prince Cusso was surprised by his father's statement.

"Finish off the Goddess Ignia? Ah~ seriously! How could I kill the woman I love so much?" That was the thing that crossed Prince Cusso's mind.

In relation to this matter, Prince Cusso thought again. "What should I do so that father does not continue to suspect Goddess Ignia? Is it necessary for me to tell him about my love affair with Goddess Ignia? If I tell father, will it be able to dispel father's suspicion towards Goddess Ignia? Ah~ damn! What should I do? This matter is really driving me crazy!"

Prince Cusso tried to remain calm.

What I need to do now is to reduce Father's suspicion of Goddess Ignia. Yes, for the time being that is the only way I can do it.

"There is no need to worry Your Majesty, Goddess Ignia cannot possibly betray us. If she did intend to betray us, she would not have dared to sacrifice her life for our future Your Majesty. Please reconsider Your Majesty's decision."

"That's it! That's enough! Let's talk about that another time! The most important thing now is to make the surprise gift for that stinky brat according to plan! Now prepare yourself, let's destroy that stinky brat's empire together!

"Yes Your Majesty, I am ready to carry out Your Majesty's orders."