
The Divine Emperor From Another Dimension

A divine emperor from another dimension, descending to earth and living as a immortal. On earth, he met a pack of wolves. The divine emperor gave a drop of his blood to the pack of wolves through a vessel of water they were drinking. The pack of wolves evolved into a new species and could transform into a human. The Divine Emperor made them his army. A feud broke out on earth. Martial arts figures emerged. Those with vile hearts wreaked havoc, and spread threats. The Divine Emperor pretended to be a weak youth. He played a charade, and eliminated them without mercy.

archadeus_deus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 4

800,000 years ago, the Gloxinia plains.

"Kill that monster! Quickly!" ordered a Gloxinia plains fighter with a spear in his hand.

"Do it together!" ordered a fighter armed with two swords.

Gloxinia's fighters worked together to eradicate Gloxinia's sacred animal creature called Alkynorus. By exterminating Alkynorus, they believed that the blood, flesh, internal energy, and consuming everything that came from Alkynorus' body could help raise their power level to a higher level.

Alkynorus roared in pain, the fighters continued to attack Alkynorus' body relentlessly.

"Hahahaha! With this we'll soon reach the king stage!" said a mace-armed fighter.

The Alkynorus they were facing was a sacred beast that had reached the void sacred beast stage.


A sword slashed through their midst.

The attacks they were making came to a halt.

"Who? How dare you interfere with our business!" shouted one of the fighters with a large sword weapon.

A young man with a very handsome face flew through the air.

"Hey stupid brat! How dare you interfere in our business!" shouted a bald-headed fighter.

The young man descended and stood before them in a position to block their attack on Alkynorus.

"O dishonourable warriors, are you not ashamed to attack this helpless little creature?" said the handsome young man.

"Stupid brat! How dare you lecture us! Get out of here!" ordered the bald-headed fighter.

"One, two, three, ..., One hundred and forty-two. Wow, 142 grandmaster warrior levels five to eight are standing in front of me. Oh, how my heart breaks." said the handsome young man. "142 trash tails!"

"What did you say? How dare you call us trash!" shouted the bald-headed fighter angrily.

"No more talking! Let's attack them!" ordered a fighter armed with two swords.

The fighters simultaneously attacked the youth and Alkynorus blindly.

"Barrier!" the youth built a shield wall around Alkynorus's body to block the attacks from the Gloxinia fighters.

"Lightning sword technique!" the youth deployed one of his ultimate techniques.

"What, the lightning sword technique? Doesn't that move belong to.... "a fighter with a large sword weapon was surprised to see the sword technique deployed by the handsome young man. "Perhaps you are.... Sword knight Quenice! King warrior tier five!"

The power level of a gloxinia plains fighter before reaching the god level from the lowest to the highest achievement.

Warrior, elite warrior, master warrior, grandmaster warrior, elder warrior, king warrior, emperor warrior, sage warrior.

As for the power level of sacred animals before becoming gods.

Sacred beast, elite sacred beast, golden body sacred beast, golden core sacred beast, void sacred beast, king sacred beast, monarch sacred beast, eternal sacred beast.

Both fighters and sacred beasts have ten levels each. After breaking through the level ten peak stage, then a new level of stages can be reached.

"Calm down, he's only one person. If we all work together, then defeating an arrogant knight like him is not impossible!" said a fighter armed with a spear. "Come on everyone! Let's attack him together!"

"Heyaaaaaa!!! Haaaaah!"





A fierce battle ensued. One hundred and forty-two grandmaster warrior stage fighters against one king warrior stage sword knight.

An axe swung towards Quenice's sword knight. Quenice managed to parry and counterattacked with a swipe of his longsword.

"Damn! This brat is too strong!"

"Hoaaammm..." Sword knight Quenice yawned. "What a bore. I'd better end this game."

Sword knight Quenice set up a stance. "Peak-level demon-slaying sword technique!"

Sword knight Quenice swung the long sword, one swing of his sword produced thousands of slashes, each slash containing deadly energy particles.


In just one move of the demon-slaying sword technique, the group of fighters before him fell instantly. Their bodies were charred like charcoal.

"Well, it's safe now." said the sword knight Quenice to Alkynorus.

Sword knight Quenice stroked Alkynorus' head. Treating the sacred animal with healing power.

"I guess, this area isn't a safe place for you. But don't worry, I know the best place for you. Spring Mountain Forest, the best and safest place for sacred animals like you. In that place, you can increase your power level rapidly. Because it contains a lot of natural energy that is very good for creatures like you. If you're interested, I'll take you there."

Alkynorus nodded.

Sword knight Quenice escorted Alkynorus to the Spring Mountain forest.

"From this moment on, the beautiful forest will be your new home." sword knight Quenice said to Alkynorus while petting the sacred animal's head. Sword knight Quenice sighed. "Alright, now I'll continue my adventure. It was nice meeting you. If we are mates, we will meet again someday."

The two of them went their separate ways for many years.

50 years later...

Spring Mountain Forest.

"Haaa....haaaaa...haaaa....haaaaa....haaaaahhh..." body covered in wounds, a sword knight endured the pain in the middle of the wilderness. Wounds from a long battle against the powerful warriors of the Gloxinia plains.

He was the sword knight Quenice, a knight who had now become a mighty fighter. In just fifty years, he had managed to reach the sage warrior tier eight stage. It would take him two tiers of levels to be able to reach the god stage and realm shift to the upper plains of Gloxinia.

"Ughh...! Cough! Cough! Cough! It's bad! Those rats keep chasing me! If I serve them, more rats will keep coming! Arrrghhh! Cough! Cough!" complained the sword knight Quenice while enduring the pain.

Sword knight Quenice continued to sneak into the Spring Mountain forest, looking for a safe hiding place out of reach of the elder warrior stage Gloxinia plains fighters, up to the tier one sage warrior.

In the middle of the wilderness, the sword knight Quenice found a clear spring with tiny twinkling lights hovering above it.

As the sword knight Quenice was about to drink the water from the spring, suddenly a sacred animal came approaching. The sacred animal was Alkynorus who had grown into a giant-sized sacred animal.

"Damn it at a time like this! Why would a tier five eternal stage sacred beast appear before me?!" roared the sword knight Quenice in a stance preparing to protect himself from an attack with his remaining strength.

Due to the long time that had passed and the physical changes to Alkynorus' body, the sword knight Quenice didn't recognise the figure of the sacred beast before him.

As for Alkynorus, she moved quickly, pounced on the sword knight Quenice's scarred body, and threw him onto her back, then ran towards the hiding place.

"Calm down master, I have no intention of harming you." said Alkynorus.

Sacred beasts that had reached the king sacred beast stage could speak the language of the people of Gloxinia.

"Cough! Cough!" Sword knight Quenice vomited blood from the deep wound he had sustained.

"Endure, master."

Alkynous laid the weakened body of the sword knight Quenice down in the cave. The cave looked beautiful with a variety of flowers, springs, and several shady trees bearing fruit inside.

"Lie down here, master."

Alkynorus moved to fetch water from the spring by slapping it on a leaf that he supported with a grip of his hand. Then, he helped the sword knight Quenice gulp down the spring water.

"Now, master, rest here. Let me take care of them. It is time for me to repay your kindness."

Alkynorus came out of hiding, running headlong into the gloxinia plains fighters who were searching for the sword knight Quenice in the middle of the spring mountain wilderness.


Seron Dungeon level 1000.

"Are you well, Goddess Alkynorus?" asked Emperor Quelle to Alkynorus.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm fine." replied Alkynorus as he walked backwards to compose himself. "It's just that..."

"Is there a problem? If you have a problem, just express it to me. There is no need to be shy, for I am the son of your good friend."

"My good friend's son?" Alkinorus asked while thinking about who the good friend Emperor Quelle was referring to. "Mmmhh.... could it be.....you are the son of that sword knight?"

"Sword knight?" Emperor Quelle wondered about who the sword knight Alkynorus was referring to was.

"I am Quelle, son of the God Quenice. My father was a God King in these Gloxinia skies. Before becoming a god, my father was a very powerful fighter in the plains of Gloxinia. In those plains, my father had received help from the sacred animal Alkynorus, when he was very badly injured. From then on, my father became good friends with you until he finally reached the god stage."

Alkynorus smiled happily.

"It's true, you're the son of the sword knight." said Alkynorus happily. "How is your father? Is he doing well? I miss him so much."

"Regarding that..... emmm.... my father died in a great battle 500,000 years ago."

Alkynorus' heart was devastated by the news. His tears fell like raindrops in the midday heat.

"Young master..." said Alkynorus as he wept bitterly. "Lord knight of the field..."

Emperor Quelle ventured to hug Alkynorus' body, trying to calm his feelings.

After his mood improved a little, Alkynorus tried to ask Emperor Quelle about something that was stuck in his mind.

"By the way, what is this place?"

"This place? This place is the gate of the 1000-level Seron dungeon." replied Emperor Quelle.

"Seron dungeon?"

"Yes, that's right. We are currently in the Seron dungeon belonging to the situa bangka Granel."

"....." Alkynorus was shocked to hear that. His eyes widened without saying a word.

A moment later he shouted

"Graneeeell!!!! How dare you set me up!!!! I won't forgive you! I promise to kill you!!! Wait for my revenge...."