
The Divine Emperor From Another Dimension

A divine emperor from another dimension, descending to earth and living as a immortal. On earth, he met a pack of wolves. The divine emperor gave a drop of his blood to the pack of wolves through a vessel of water they were drinking. The pack of wolves evolved into a new species and could transform into a human. The Divine Emperor made them his army. A feud broke out on earth. Martial arts figures emerged. Those with vile hearts wreaked havoc, and spread threats. The Divine Emperor pretended to be a weak youth. He played a charade, and eliminated them without mercy.

archadeus_deus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 3

Emperor Granel presided over the empire in a vast and magnificent palace.

The palace has thousands of mansions, each mansion has a very beautiful garden, and each garden is overgrown with various ornamental plants and fruits.In addition to having mansions, Emperor Granel Palace also has 2 dungeon buildings with different levels. A dungeon provided for monsters and demons, and a dungeon provided specifically for punishing gods.

The dungeon provided for confining and punishing monsters and demons is known as the Hexaron Dungeon, while the dungeon provided for punishing gods is known as the Seron Dungeon.

Seron Dungeon, located in the right wing of the palace.

Seron Dungeon has 1000 levels. Each level has a different level of torture. The higher the level of the dungeon, the higher the level of punishment it presents.

Dungeon level 1 is intended for gods with power levels at the basic stage who commit very minor offenses. While the 1000-level dungeon is intended to punish high-level gods who commit treason, rebellion, and high-level gods from the enemy who are captured for interrogation.

In the 1000-level dungeon, there is a secret dungeon intended for confining, punishing, torturing, or executing high-level gods whose power level has reached the king of gods. It was in this secret dungeon room that Empress Ignia played a charade.

The secret dungeon room is able to cover the radiant aura of the power of the gods inside the dungeon. As a result, the gods outside the dungeon were unable to detect the existence of the gods locked up inside.

Seron Dungeon

Emperor Quelle successfully teleported into the dungeon. Hiding the aura radiance of the power he possessed. Only gods with the power level of a peak-level divine king could sense the aura radiance hidden by Emperor Quelle.

The Emperor closed his eyes, using the power of the divine eye to see all the creatures and objects in the seron dungeon in one observation.

"Where did they hide her?"

Emperor Quelle opened his eyes and sighed, "hufffft.... it seems I need to clean up this place."

"But before that...." Emperor Quelle was silent for a moment, trying to think of something.


Emperor Quelle flicked his finger.

"Divine emperor technique! The divine sky cage!" Emperor Quelle sealed the Seron Dungeon from the inside with the power of the emperor-level divine cage, so that not a single creature or god could leave or enter the dungeon without his permission.

Meanwhile, on the ground floor of Seron dungeon, two god-level warriors patrolled along the corridor. Walking side by side, on the right side and the left side, keeping an eye on the situation.

"Hey! That, that just now, did you see it?" The soldier walking on the right side asked the soldier walking on the left side.

"Yes, of course! Of course I saw it!" The soldier on the left answered.

In the middle of their conversation, suddenly a flash of light flashed and shattered the bodies of the two soldiers into pieces, until their bodies and life energy crystals vanished.

The light from Emperor Quelle's speed of movement.

Emperor Quelle continued to move from corridor to corridor, room to room, level to level. Exterminating all the soldiers and guards of the seron dungeon, he passed through mercilessly. Emperor Quelle moved and kept moving in search of the whereabouts of Empress Ignia, who was locked up in a secret place.

Dungeon level 970.

"So far, I haven't found any sign of her. Where exactly is she?" Emperor Quelle set foot for a moment in the 970-level dungeon. He looked around. In a dungeon of this level, there were countless guards whose duty was to supervise the punishment of the prisoners.

The 970-level dungeon guards saw Emperor Quelle's presence, but they did not know that the figure standing before them was a God Emperor. Like a pack of wolves about to prey on a stray rabbit, these high-level god-level dungeon guards were already preparing to pounce on the Emperor's body together.

"Look, who's here? Hahahaha." a high-level divine guard with a dwarven physique said to his companions.

"This little god seems to have lost his way. Shall we lead him to hell?" said a high-level god guard with an orc-like physique.

"Us? You guys do it yourselves. I'm not interested in killing a little bug." said a chief guard whose power level had reached that of a peak-level god. The chief guard who had a background as a war general in an empire under the leadership of Emperor Granel. Physically, the 970th level dungeon chief guard had a physique resembling that of an elf.

"There's no need to talk anymore! Let's finish off this little god!" said a high-level god-level guard with a large physique and covered in swampy mud.

The high-level god-level guards with orc-like physiques moved quickly to attack Emperor Quelle.

Emperor Quelle teleported, standing directly in front of the 970-level seron dungeon chief guard.

The head guard was shocked. His eyes widened at the sight of Emperor Quelle who was suddenly in front of him. Emperor Quelle displayed a bit of his aura power without showing his true aura power to the chief guard.

"P..peak level god king? H..how could a peak-level god king be in this place? No way, this is impossible!" The chief guard was terrified. His body trembled, his face puckered, pale, and sweating profusely.

"Tell me, where is Empress Ignia?" Emperor Quelle asked the chief guard, to save energy and time in the search.

Emperor Quelle let them live for a while. After obtaining the answers, he then moved to eliminate the creatures in the 970-level dungeon. This included eliminating the prisoners who were not part of his imperial army or people.

"Ee..Empress Ignia? A..are you the one sent by that Emperor Quelle?"

Secretly one of the guards attacked Emperor Quelle from behind.

Emperor Quelle flung a hand back, knocking the air away, tearing apart the bodies of the high-level god-level guards who were at the back of his body.

If the dungeon guards were only at the early-stage god level, then his soul and body had already vanished without a trace.

"Sent? Hmmm...." Emperor Quelle waved his hand upwards, the guards flew over. A few seconds later, the emperor clenched his fist, and the bodies of those high-level god-level guards disintegrated like blood-soaked porridge. "Just say so."

The chief guard could only gape in fear.

"Nooo..! no way!" the guard chief's body trembled.

"You don't seem to know anything," Emperor Quelle said to the chief guard. Emperor Quelle sighed "haaaah!!! I've wasted time again!"


Emperor Quelle snapped his fingers.

"Divine-king level technique! Black hole!

A Divine-king level black hole appeared right above the head of the chief guard. It sucked in all the objects around it. Except for Emperor Quelle's body.

Emperor Quelle continued searching. Until he finally arrived at the 1000th level dungeon door.

The gate of the 1000-level dungeon, guarded by the mythological creatures of the Gloxinia plains. A legendary creature in the form of a fiery creature with the head of an Allosaurus, the body of an Ankylosaurus, the legs and hands of a Deinonychus. This mythological creature of Gloxinia is named Alkynorus.

A ball of smoldering fire shot out of Alkynorus' mouth. The blast of fire came rushing towards Emperor Quelle's body.

Without moving a single foot, Emperor Quelle mightily reduced the blast of the fireball to a gust of wind, with just the movement of an index finger.

Alkynorus leapt high, attempting to pounce on Emperor Quelle's body, which stood not far from him.

Emperor Quelle welcomed the physical attack thrown by Alkynorus. Welcoming with a palm touch right on the top of Alkynorus' head. Emperor Quelle used the power of the time stopper, and at that instant, time stopped. The entire space seemed frozen in the dimension of time. Only Emperor Quelle could move within the influence of the power of his own time dimension.

"When I was a child, my father told me many stories about you," Emperor Quelle said as he rubbed the head of Alkynorus who was frozen in time-stopping power. "Did you know? My father was originally just a knight from the plains of Gloxinia. An invincible fighter, but he was once severely injured after a long battle. When he was injured, not a few bounty hunters of the Gloxinia plains hunted my father. In a bad condition, my father kept running and kept running to save himself. Until finally, he met a creature known as Alkynorus.

At first, my father was worried. He thought that the creature would hurt him.

But who would have thought that the creature would come to my father's rescue?

Now, the creature was reunited with the son of the knight in an unexpected place.

Thank you for saving my father. I hope we become friends. But first, I must cleanse you of the evil influence that that old fart had implanted in your head.

Emperor Quelle tapped the top of Alkynorus' head with his index finger. Instantly, the black energy with mind and body controlling effects embedded in Alkynorus' brain for thousands of years vanished completely, without a trace.


Emperor Quelle snapped his fingers, the time dimension within the dungeon returned to normal.

Alkynorus' body moved, his eyes staring at Emperor Quelle, his nose smelling the body scent of the Emperor figure standing before her.

"A familiar scent. I've smelled this scent before. Was he the man back then? No, it can't be! This man's face looks younger than the man who took refuge in my forest back then!" thought Alkynorus as she looked at Emperor Quelle's face.

Alkynorus walked backwards, shapeshifting into the form of a beautiful goddess. A goddess with jewel-blue eyes, fair and smooth skin, brown hair, and a sharp nose.

All living beings of the Gloxinia plains of the animal and plant species that have reached the level of gods, naturally change their form into a god or goddess with the same physical body as the gods of Gloxinia in general.

Alkynorus looked away, taking in the surrounding atmosphere.

"Where is this? What is this place? Why am I in this place?" those were the things that crossed Alkynorus' mind as she just woke up from a long dream.