
The Divine Emperor From Another Dimension

A divine emperor from another dimension, descending to earth and living as a immortal. On earth, he met a pack of wolves. The divine emperor gave a drop of his blood to the pack of wolves through a vessel of water they were drinking. The pack of wolves evolved into a new species and could transform into a human. The Divine Emperor made them his army. A feud broke out on earth. Martial arts figures emerged. Those with vile hearts wreaked havoc, and spread threats. The Divine Emperor pretended to be a weak youth. He played a charade, and eliminated them without mercy.

archadeus_deus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 2

Quelle palace armory

"Your Majesty." Scwartz and Scwertz came to see Emperor Quelle who had been waiting in the armament room.

"You have come. Come here, both of you come closer to me. I have something important to discuss with you."

"Yes Your Majesty." Scwartz and Scwertz stood directly in front of Emperor Quelle, standing at a short distance.

"According to my knowledge, right now the old fart.... eee...sorry, I mean Granel, he is not in the palace for the foreseeable future" Emperor Quelle saw Emperor Granel's movements, right from where he stood. The ability he was demonstrating was commonly known as the ability to see long distances without any boundaries between time and space dimensions. "However, he could appear right in front of us, knowing that his palace has been ravaged."

"....." The two brother generals remained silent and listened carefully to Emperor Quelle's explanation.

"So, before he teleports to the palace, we should move quickly to rescue the empress and return to this palace safely." said Emperor Quelle.

"I apologize Your Majesty, I would like to express an opinion to Your Majesty." Scwertz ventured to speak up.

"Please, what opinion would you like to convey to me, General Scwertz?"

"Well Your Majesty, I am of the opinion that Empress Ignia is locked up in a dungeon with a fairly high level of guard. In fact, to teleport directly into the dungeon alone, our forces are unable to enter it Your Majesty. Because there is such a strong barrier wall surrounding the dungeon Your Majesty. If we try to break in by sneaking in, then it's possible that there will be a small fight inside the dungeon. If this happens, I'm afraid Emperor Granel will smell our movements, and return to his palace before we manage to rescue the Empress, Your Majesty." said Scwertz in expressing his opinion.

"You two no need to worry, I don't plan to order you to break into their dungeon. I have prepared special roles for the two of you in this liberation process. I hope you can accept and fulfill the roles I have given you well."

"Of course Your Majesty, of course I am ready to accept whatever role Your Majesty gives us, and we are always ready to carry out orders from Your Majesty."

"Alright, then you should listen carefully...."

Emperor Quelle conveyed the plan to free Empress Ignia in detail to the two brother generals.

Based on the strategy made, the two generals were given the task of watching the atmosphere of the dungeon from in front of the portal. In the surveillance process, the two of them would disguise themselves as guards of the entrance portal to the dungeon. As for the release of the Empress, Emperor Quelle would intervene directly into the dungeon and free the Empress. Freeing by teleporting into the dungeon. Only gods who had reached the emperor level were able to teleport into the dungeon without being affected by the power of the barrier.

Meanwhile, inside the dungeon of Emperor Granel's palace.....

"Hurry up! What are you waiting for? Hurry up and do it!" Ignia gave orders to Prince Cusso.

"Are you crazy? If I do it, you'll die!" Prince Cusso said with a sweaty face. His right hand held the heirloom sword tightly.


Prince Cusso dropped the sword onto the dungeon floor.

"You loser! What are you afraid of!? You don't have to worry about me! That stupid emperor will do all sorts of things to save my life!" said Empress Ignia.

"Arggghhh! You're driving me crazy! Is there no other way than this? "Prince Cusso shouted, scratching his head in annoyance.

"There are many ways, but .... out of the various ways that came to my mind, this is the one with the highest chance of success." said Ignia as she wrapped the heirloom knife around Prince Cusso's body. "How? Do you still have doubts? Or .... are you still not brave enough to do it?"

"..." Prince Cusso shook his head, without saying a word.

"Ahhh...you are such a disappointment! If you dare not do this to me, then you will never be able to topple your own father from his throne, when you are already at the stage of emperor." Ignia twitched a finger. Prince Cusso's heirloom sword lifted off the dungeon floor without a touch of the hand.


Ignia flicked a finger.


Prince Cusso's heirloom sword shattered into pieces.

"What?!" Prince Cusso was shocked to see one of his favorite heirloom swords shattered.

It was shattered right before his eyes.

"Do you want me to do it myself? If I do it myself, then there is no guarantee that our plan will succeed." Empress Ignia said.

Prince Cusso thought for a moment. Thinking with an indecisive feeling in his heart.

"Alright, alright! I'll do it, I'll do it!" Prince Cusso took out an heirloom sword with a crystal green blade from the portal of the legendary weapon room of his personal collection that he got from various parts of the world.

"Remember, after you injure me, you must immediately meet your father and report to him about our plan! As for the next step, let's just leave everything to your father. That way... I'm sure, that foolish emperor's history will be finished once and for all. Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes, of course I understand." replied Prince Cusso briefly. It was only a few moments later that Prince Cusso realized the irregularity of the order Empress Ignia had given him. "However, wouldn't it be very dangerous for me to report the plan for my father's abdication when we have reached the level of emperor?"

Prince Cusso and Empress Ignia, a god and goddess whose power level had already reached that of a god king. Prince Cusso was at the level of the early stage of god kings, while Empress Ignia was at the peak level.

Unbeknownst to Prince Cusso, Empress Ignia was planning to eliminate Prince Cusso after eliminating Emperor Quelle and Emperor Granel from the sky god world of gloxinia.

"Don't you report that part of our plan.... fool!" snapped Empress Ignia while slapping Prince Cusso's right cheek. "Already, you don't need to ask many more questions! Hurry up! Do it now! Before that stupid emperor comes!"

"Aa...alright! I'll do it now. Get ready, dear."

Prince Cusso set up a stance, preparing to slash Empress Ignia with the legendary sword slash in hand.

"The technique of the divine king of a thousand slashes! Star slashers!" Prince Cusso slashed at Empress Ignia's body with a thousand slashes in one fell swoop.

Empress Ignia's body was cut into small pieces.

In less than ten seconds, Empress Ignia's body regenerated and recovered without any scars.

Empress Ignia, was actually a plant goddess with a god king level of power that was at the peak level. The power of healing, of body regeneration, was already a natural power inherent to her.

"What?! ...how is that possible? How could that be possible? Even though I clearly saw.... No, this really doesn't make sense!" Prince Cusso was stunned at what had just happened before his eyes.

"What are you talking about? Quickly do the right thing!"

"Fine, fine, I'll try another move." said Prince Cusso. His face seemed to be sweating even more, his brain kept spinning ideas thinking of the best sword technique he had.

"Divine king technique! Solar system sky-splitting sword slash technique!"


Empress Ignia's body was split into two. But in less than three seconds, her body returned to normal as before without the slightest scratch of a wound.

"Divine king technique! Soul-melting sword slash technique!"

The slashing technique this time didn't have any impact, only showing a few flashes of useless sword movements.


Prince Cusso discarded the sword, retrieving a long spear from the portal hole.

Setting up a stance, he attacked with a different technique.

The attacks still had no impact.

Discarding the weapon, changing to a different weapon.

"Knuckle fist!"

"Wind element shot!"

Until finally he took out the legendary bazooka. The weapon with the highest attack power in the gloxinia sky.

Prince Cusso walked backwards, standing away from where Empress Ignia stood. Prince Cusso set up a stance. A sting of lightning flowed from the bazooka's mouth.

"Now accept this! Hyaaaahhh!!!"


A powerful explosion ensued. Puffs of flame shot across the room, where Empress Ignia stood.

"Was my attack excessive?" Prince Cusso wondered with anxiety in his chest.

The flames continued to billow relentlessly.

"No! No! My dear Ignia!" Prince Cusso shouted in panic.

In the midst of the fire, there was a shadowy figure of a woman walking towards Prince Cusso.

The shadowy figure of Empress Ignia.

Empress Ignia stood right in front of Prince Cusso in one piece.

There was one important thing that Prince Cusso had forgotten. No matter how great the attack power of the weapon, the power generated was not comparable to the attack power of the weapon combined with the Divine king's attack power technique.


Empress Ignia slapped Prince Cusso's right cheek hard for the second time.

"Can you please not slap me?"


Empress Ignia slapped Prince Cusso's left cheek. This slap was harder than the previous one.

"What exactly have you been doing since earlier? You kept attacking me without any meaningful results! I asked you to make me look as if I was about to be killed at your hands! But why did you torture me like that instead? You think it doesn't hurt?"

"I'm not torturing you dear..." Prince Cusso whined while stroking both cheeks. "I intended to do as I asked, but your body keeps regenerating like that. Even some of my weapon attacks don't work against you."

"So now you're trying to blame my body?"

"No, I didn't mean it that way."

"Never mind, you shouldn't talk so much anymore. This time you have to do it right."

"But how? I already don't know what else to use so that I can make you look like you were almost killed by my hands?"

"What kind of idiot are you? As long as my life energy crystal remains active, then my body will continuously regenerate. Even if you attack me repeatedly." Empress Ignia slightly swung her hand, obliterating all of Prince Cusso's weapons that were scattered around where he stood. Prince Cusso could only stare sadly at the sight of his beloved weapons being destroyed in an instant. "Besides, with your poor power like that, you won't be able to destroy my life energy crystal. In fact, you won't even be able to scratch it."

"Why didn't you say that from the start?"

"That is basic knowledge. You should have known that without me having to tell you." Empress Ignia sighed then gave an explanation. "So that you do not make a mistake, then I will tell you how to make me look as if I am about to be killed at your hands."

"Alright I'll listen to you, and I'll make sure I won't make a mistake this time."

"You must! You must succeed this time! There must not be the slightest mistake! Otherwise, I'll be the one to kill you!" ordered Empress Ignia sternly.

"Okay, okay dear." replied Prince Cusso. "What should I do this time?"

Empress Ignia grasped Prince Cusso's wrist tightly.

"First, you focus your energy into your palm." Empress Ignia stretched Prince Cusso's palm, and placed the stretched palm right on the center point of the forehead surface. The point where his life energy crystal was located. "Then, use your power to seal my life energy channel."

Empress Ignia released her tight grip from Prince Cusso's wrist.

Prince Cusso was still standing right before Empress Ignia. He was preparing to exert all his strength in order to seal the flow of life energy power flowing from the energy core, to all of Empress Ignia's organs.

"Beforehand, you must remember! There are four main channels. Of those four channels, there is one part of the channel that does not have a role as the body's regeneration system. However, that channel has the same role as the life energy channel that exists in ordinary god-level beings. A channel that only supplies life energy to my entire body. Please keep that channel open. That channel is in the upper corner of the crystal. Can you see it?"

"Yes, yes, of course I can see it." Prince Cusso looked at the structure of Empress Ignia's life energy channel using the divine eye.

The life energy crystal, in the shape of a crystal prism, had four corner points. The top corner, right corner, bottom corner, and left corner.

"Now do it!"

Prince Cusso began to execute the sealing process. The first sealing process, sealing the energy flow in the channel located at the right corner of the crystal.

"Fyuuhhh... how thrilling." Prince Cusso sighed.

The second sealing process, sealing the energy flow in the channel at the bottom corner of the crystal. Then the third sealing process, focusing on the left corner of the crystal.

Empress Ignia drew out her right fingers, tearing the smooth and soft skin of her left wrist. Ensuring that her body could not regenerate for a while.

Empress Ignia observed the scratches on her left arm for a while. There was no sign of the recovery process or organ generation happening so quickly.

"Not bad. You've done well." Empress Ignia was quite satisfied with the results of the process of sealing the three-point channel of her life energy crystal. "I don't think you made any mistakes this time."

"Huffftttt... thank goodness." Prince Cusso was relieved.

"For the final process, you'll have to attack me until my body appears to have sustained some pretty severe injuries."

"My dear, to be honest.... Ever since the first time I attacked you with my various best skills, my heart has been in great pain and sorrow. I really couldn't bear to do it."

"What are you talking about? Huh? Hurry up and do as I say!"


"....!!!" All of a sudden, Empress Ignia felt the emanation of an extremely powerful aura of power. The emanation power of Emperor Quelle's aura.

"Damn it! He's already here! I didn't expect that he would arrive so soon!"