
The Divine Emperor From Another Dimension

A divine emperor from another dimension, descending to earth and living as a immortal. On earth, he met a pack of wolves. The divine emperor gave a drop of his blood to the pack of wolves through a vessel of water they were drinking. The pack of wolves evolved into a new species and could transform into a human. The Divine Emperor made them his army. A feud broke out on earth. Martial arts figures emerged. Those with vile hearts wreaked havoc, and spread threats. The Divine Emperor pretended to be a weak youth. He played a charade, and eliminated them without mercy.

archadeus_deus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 12

Soul sucking flower, one of the terrible techniques in the sky of Gloxinia. The technique of creating flowers capable of sucking the souls of gods, until the body of the god is left with only bones and skin.


Scwertz could only scream, as the soul sucking flower sucked all his strength.

Sucking and sucking, until Scwertz's body dried up, becoming a skeleton covered in dry skin.

Scwertz has perished. Meanwhile, Scwartz and several other war commanders scattered to protect the goddess and the children from the attacks of Emperor Granel's remaining troops.

Empress Ignia looked up at the sky, she smiled and said "You will never be able to hide from me."

Empress Ignia prepared to teleport but....

"Ugh, I almost forgot! The prince is still injured. It's worrisome if I don't fully heal him soon. I'd better heal the Prince's body first!"

Empress Ignia placed both palms on Prince Cusso's chest.

"Divine healing beam!!!"


Somewhere in a different dimension.



Duar! Duar! Duar! Duar! Duar!




The two divine emperors continued to fight relentlessly. The asteroids and meteorites in the surroundings were devastated by the pressure of the aulra of the two emperors' attacks. So was the planet that accidentally became the battle zone for the two of them. The planet exploded, with a very powerful explosion. Destroying all living things on it, except for gods.

"Is that all you've got, you old fart?"

"Tch!!! Don't get cocky just yet, rascal!!! I'll make sure that you vanish in my hands today!"

"Hahahaha!" Emperor Quelle burst out laughing. "Prove your words old fart, and stop talking nonsense!!!"

Emperor Granel grew even more furious, a murderous aura emanating so strongly from within his soul.

"Alright, I'll grant your wish, you rancid brat! Prepare to receive my real attack!"

Emperor Quelle sighed and said, "Haaahhh.... You've been saying that all along. But in reality? You're the one who got hurt from receiving my counterattack. You're such a disappointment!"

Emperor Granel darted quickly, sending a kick towards Emperor Quelle's chin.

Emperor Quelle managed to dodge the attack.

Emperor Granel moved quickly, pulling out an annihilation technique.

"God emperor technique!!! Darkness fall!!!"

Darkness fall, an extremely powerful force of darkness. The power of darkness in the form of falling black balls. One hit inflicted, could obliterate a star in the darkness.

Emperor Quelle moved to ward off the attack. With all his strength, he used one of the strongest protective techniques in the skies of Gloxinia.

"God emperor technique! Darkness resist! Darkness shield!!!"

The power of darkness fell, raining down on the Emperor's protective wall relentlessly. But it was all absorbed by the black-coloured barrier known as the Darkness shield.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

The Darkness shield continued to absorb the attack energy. Transforming the absorbed attack energy into new energy that Emperor Quelle could control.

"Tch!" Emperor Granel was annoyed, he stopped the power of the ranged attack. "All my attacks seem meaningless to him. Whether I want to or not, I must continue to make physical attacks. Yes, physical attacks!" That was the only way to defeat him.

Emperor Granel shot out quickly, punching through the black barrier wall that enveloped Emperor Quelle's body.

Punching and continuing to punch him. But unfortunately, the darkness shield had a special effect of reflecting attacks. All punching attacks received were reflected back to the owner of the attack.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!" Emperor Granel was injured, due to the reflection of his own attack.

"Do you still want to play around again? Or.... I just end this fight?" Emperor Quelle drew back the power of the darkness shield that protected his body from various types of darkness and physical attacks.

"......" Emperor Granel remained silent, thinking of the best technique to immobilise Emperor Quelle.

"You seem to be exhausted. I think you are no longer able to play games with me."

Emperor Granel moved a finger, controlling the surrounding meteorite stones. Infusing immense energy into the meteorite stones.

"Oh, it turns out you still have the strength to continue playing. Alright, I'll accompany you to play around again old fart."

The meteorite stones, which had been filled with a great deal of energy, shot rapidly towards Emperor Quelle. Emperor Granel used the meteorite stones as catapults to aim at his prey.

Emperor Quelle tried to dodge the attack, but the meteorite stones continued to aim and follow the direction of Emperor Quelle's movements.

"Troublesome!" Emperor Quelle muttered.

Emperor Quelle snapped his fingers



Emperor Granel moved quickly to break the defensive skill that Emperor Quelle was about to cast. "God emperor technique! Silence!"

The silence skill, a technique capable of making the target unable to use its power for three seconds.

Duar! Duar! Duar! Duar! Duar!

The meteorite stones struck Emperor Quelle's body repeatedly.

Emperor Quelle's body was injured, and he was blown away to the surface of the moon-like satellites.

Not enough, Emperor Granel delivered his next attack.

"God emperor technique! Gravity!"

Emperor Quelle's body continued to be slammed into the surface of the satellite. He could hardly move due to the divine emperor-level gravitational force released by Emperor Granel.

"Gravity technique?"

Emperor Granel moved his finger again. The next finger he moved was the left one.

A planet spun rapidly, moved irregularly, and went off the orbital trajectory.

Emperor Granel felt he had the upper hand. He confidently asked, "What would happen if I crashed that planet into you?"

Only a few moments after hearing that question, Emperor Quelle was suddenly behind Emperor Granel.

It was not difficult for Emperor Quelle to break free from the pressure of the gravity technique's power.

"Into whose body?" whispered Emperor Quelle to Emperor Granel who was flying in front of him.

"Impossible! How is that possible?" Emperor Granel was surprised to see Emperor Quelle's figure already behind him.

"Nothing is impossible. Because anything is possible." he whispered. "By the way, that gravity technique of yours is really bad. I'll show you what a gravity technique looks like."

Emperor Granel moved quickly, moving away from where Emperor Quelle was.

"Our power levels are the same. But, why is that rancid brat's ability so far superior to mine? What's the cause?" thought Emperor Granel.

"Hey, why are you staying away from me old fart? Come here, I'll teach you what a gravity technique is!" Emperor Quelle sped up, kicking Emperor Granel in the face until he fell to the cold surface of the planet.


The ice-cold rock shattered into a huge crater as Emperor Granel fell onto its surface.

"God emperor level gravity technique!!!"


Creccckkk!!! Creccckkk!!! Creccckkkkk!!!

The surface of the planet split apart, Emperor Granel's body was flung into the crater that was split open.

"...." Emperor Quelle thought for a moment about his options.

"Do I give him a satellite or a star?"

Emperor Quelle moved a finger.

The satellite that resembled the moon moved.

Emperor Quelle waved a finger.

The moon-like satellite shot out quickly, slamming into the planet where Emperor Granel was.



Blarrrrr!!! Blarrr!!! Blarrrr!!! Blarrrr!!! Blarrrr!!!


Planets and satellites collide with each other, resulting in catastrophic planetary explosions.


".....I don't feel any power emanating from that old fart. Is it possible that he has perished? Is he that weak? Strange. It's really strange."

"God emperor technique!!! Absorb!!!"

Emperor Quelle absorbed all the explosive energy from the destroyed planet.

When all the energy had been absorbed, Emperor Quelle searched for Emperor Granel's whereabouts in the vastness of space. He searched and searched, but he did not find or sense his existence. Only fragments of planetary fragments were found in the universe he was in.


Did he really perish?

Or did he... managed to escape to the skies of Gloxinia?

If that's the case, then this is going to be a very big problem! I must rush back there now!"