
Chapter 39 Meeting

"Azazel tell me, why didn't the church retaliate against the devils for killing a seraph?"

"Quite a simple answer for that my foolish nephew, the devils weren't involved. A terrorist was the main culprit and it didn't matter that he did it for a devil, at least in the eyes of the majority. Though Michal worked his ass off to find out the truth and I have my doubts that the higher-ups from the devil side didn't know anything about this incident, but if they would have interfered, a war would have probably started and to tell you the truth, no one is ready for that. The church and the angel may win the war, but the devils would for sure get extinct or at least close to extinction."

"While you would have scavenged the spoils of war, thus walking out as a winner, am I right?"

"Exactly, but that's just a thought of what could have happened in that particular case. Now tell me, Haru-kun, what will you do now that you know the truth? Would you start a war against the devils or will you wait for the perfect time to strike the real mastermind?"

"Azazel, I'm not stupid or a madman to go all out against the devils, but that doesn't mean that I will just sit and let the death of my mother be forgotten. One of the culprits has paid the price and the other one will pay in time, slowly and bloody."

"Kid, just to become the monster you hunt. I've seen my fair share of good men and women going crazy for revenge and in the end, they become the monsters they swore to kill."

"Don't worry, I won't turn into one. I have my own way of making sure of that and a surprise for the whole world, which will give me the perfect Casus belli to conquer the land of the Astaroth."

"You are crazy, son, but at the same time, I know one or two fallen angels that will join you if you really declare war against the devils or particularly on a devil clan. They won't be able to go on an all-out war because the Church and the angels will side with you for sure, not to mention your support from the Youkais and to be fair, my support."

"While Sirzechs is quite a strong guy, stronger than his fellow Satans at least, but he didn't stand a chance against the original Satan or father, both gods that could create or exterminate life, sadly both of them died in the war for the greater good of the world. While I, Michel, or Yasaka aren't strong enough to fight him head-on, your butler could definitely fight him, while his chance of winning against a walking nuclear bomb aren't high, anything can happen."

"It doesn't matter, Azazel, the devils won't declare war for someone like the Astaroth clan, it will be foolish for them to do it and I'm pretty sure that the other three Satans aren't that dumb."

"Well, you aren't wrong there. While Ajuka barely deals with political stuff, he also barely interacts with his in-name clan. Serafall is the diplomat and she will do anything in her power to stop a war from breaking out while the last, Falbium wouldn't even care what will happen, after all, he got his title to stop the war and keep the peace in the underworld and as long as he can enjoy his peace and life, he won't interfere. Sirzechs on the other may try to hinder your plans because he's that shortsighted to see that it's their fault that a war may start."

"Thanks for telling me that and for standing behind me in this matter."

"Don't worry, we are family right?"

"A family member won't rip you off, Azazel."

"Anyways, we should leave, if we want to arrive on time for the meeting with the devils and when we are done with the boring stuff, you could tell me what you were up in the last couple of days."

Two hours later, I and Azazel were standing in a really beautiful meeting room while both of us were enjoying some tea. To be fair the devils were quite rude for leaving us to wait for them, but at least they were thoughtful enough to let Grayfia serve us tea while we were waiting. Thank God, she ain't hostile, not that it will matter too much, but that will make my plan of bringing her to my side harder.

Unfortunately for me, she didn't want to talk and her only answers were "Yes, sir." Or "No, sir." And occasionally "I can't answer that question, sir."

Thankfully though, the three important people arrived sometime after we finished our second cup of tea.

The bundle of joy and energy was the first one to greet us, which was a godly …satanly move as she was quite a looker and would for sure turn the tides towards their side.

"Sorry for the late arrival, I'm Serafall as the old man near you may have already told you, but seeing that you are so handsome, you can call me Sera-chan, tay?"

"Let me guess, Sera-chan you are a Magical girl, right?"

When she heard my words, Serafall turned into the happiest person in the entire world and directly jumped-hugged. Thankfully for both of us, I was quite sturdy and a simple jump-hug won't bring me down. If not for those old men in the room, this scene with me carries a sexy cosplayer girl could be mistaken as a special adult movie.

"You are so smart. Awawawa! I want to steal you and keep you for myself!"

Unfortunately the dickhead, decided to interfere by dragging the bundle of joy and her two mountains of happiness that were supporting my head.

"Serafall, that wasn't appropriate for a meeting. Don't you see that you embarrassed the poor guy?"

"Sirzechs, Haru-kun wasn't even fazed what happed and if I know him as much as I think, the bastard enjoyed that hug,*Tsch* lucky bastard."

"Let's talk about what we originally decide to talk about. I'm a busy man and I can't waste my time here on pointless subjects, Sirzechs. Azazel may be right, but the young man is well a teenager after all."

After we all sit at the table, Sirzechs was the one the first one to talk.

"Azazel, my people told me some interesting news regarding you, that boy over there, and someone from our side. I want to know what does this means, and what do you plan to do?"

"You are still too shortsighted, my friend. You should address this question to Haru-kun. He's the important one, not me, I am but an old fallen angel."

"You heard the question I asked Azazel, Yoshida Haru, now answer it."

"First thing first, you won't raise your voice at me. Your pride won't matter if you would start a war and you should be thankful that I enjoy Sera-chan's company or you would have been already in a fight. Anyway, for your stupid question, Me, Azazel and Diehauser are a family and that's all you need to know."

Before Sirzechs could say something, Ajuka talked.

"That means that you are in a relationship with Cleria Belial and Azazel-san is related to your parents. Did I get that right?"

"Yes, sir, you are right."

"Haru-kun, then does that mean you are a friend? Because I would love to spend more time with you."

"That depends on how you guys will react to my next declaration, Sera-chan."

"Your next declaration? What does that mean, Azazel?"

"Just listen, Sirzechs."

"My mother was an angel and someone from your race killed her because she didn't want to become his plaything."

"Diodora Astaroth, am I right, Yoshida-san?"

"You are right, Beelzebub-san .He killed an angel and you guys manage to hide the whole thing under the pretext that a terrorist was responsible thus avoiding war, but with him confirming his crime, I could start a war, so tell me what are you guys willing to pay me as compensation in exchange of destroying any solid evidence of this matter?"

For a second I thought that the red-haired Satan may attack me, but thankfully Sera-chan was the one to open her mouth.

"Haru-kun, I'm sorry to hear that and I assure you that I and my family didn't have anything to do with this incident."

"Neither did my family, Haru-san. I'm sorry for overreacting like that, but after a while, you have the tendency to see things quite differently and while I can't speak for his family, Ajuka didn't take part in that crime. As for what we can offer you that depends on what do you have in mind."

I see, he isn't that dumb as I thought he was, but then again, he's one of the leaders of a race and he needs to think for the good of their survival.

"Nothing too bloodthirsty or extensive likes the heads of all of the members of the Astaroth clan or money, but I want Cleria Belial to be free from her duty and her family to be made proper nobility and not just in name for now. In the future, I also want to have the right to accept or deny any decision made by them regarding my town when the new overseer arrives and finally the right to own a piece of land in your territory."

Without wasting any second, Sera-chan hugged my arm and dragged me.

"We accept. Now, Haru-kun, come with me, and let's watch Miracle Levia-tan."

(At the end of the chapter will be hall of honors for my patr3ons that supports me from now on)

Guard Class- Caesar

Survivor Class :Patryck/ Patrick W./James/ Juan D. /Exactingspoon and Osmund O.

Thank you guys for your support and thank you to all of the readers here on webnovel)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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MeatBunKuncreators' thoughts