

Tea Dolphin: Guess it's up to me.



Tea Dolphin: barrier fruit is really tricky~



A figure appeared slamming a claw where Tea Dolphin once stood. When dust disappeared. A white haired person with golden strip's, a pair of white wings and three eye sockets. One on the forehead is completely golden.

The two on the face each have a blue and red eye iris in each socket. Claws for hands and fangs coming out of the mouth. This is Kuro and his half man half beast form of the Evil Eye's White Tiger.

Tea Dolphin: What a good looking transformation. But what type of tiger are you exactly?


A concentrated golden light formed in Kuros mouth and then shot out. A beam the size of a normal person's fist shot at Tea Dolphin at amazing speed.



Tea Dolphin: How inten



Tea Dolphin: You're wide open



Tea Dolphin: What a hassle. Such a tactic understanding of one another. No it's not just feelings cultivated you guys haven't been a pirate group for long. So it means you've been training this scenario multiple times before. One to maintain air attack dominance. Another ground attack tank.

MarineFord Fleet Admirals Office

Tsuru: In such a short time he's managed to organize his crew to do such a well prepared plan of combat. He's not like a pirate at all.

Sengoku: Well he was born a noble. Even if he wasn't liked by his father and family he must've seen army drills and exercises. Now he's taking what he's seen and understands and pass it on to his crew. Thus improving their strength and cultivating feelings in a short time.

Aokiji: Which means he must've been the target of suppression for them. Maybe there's resentment.

Tsuru: I doubt it. Would you hold resentment for that kind of terrifying natural power?

Aokiji looked at the magma giant thrashing around trying to hit Kizaru. Thinking of the pictures of the several flame tornadoes. He simply shook his head. Resentment? No. One can only have awe and fear of such power.

Sengoku: Then how can Tea Dolphin deal with them?

Tsuru: Only if we send someone to break this situation will it work. Even if Kizaru is stronger than Ryan he can't bypass that magma defense and attack unscathed. He may suffer serious burns and Ryan himself with that physique will only feel painful. As Aokiji said before the tactics are against Tea Dolphin.

Sengoku: What if he ignores Bartolomeo and just focuses on Kuro?

Tsuru: It's like facing Shiki one on one. Even if you use moon Walk you're still not flying. Tea Dolphin will tire out faster if he goes that route. Besides I don't think he can break that barrier.

Sengoku: Let's see what personal are in the area. We can't have him escaping after this incident. The others as well they all must be captured.

An entire Kingdom was destroyed by a group of pirates. One of whom did it for the second time. Even made a profit and letting multiple pirates join his fleet. It's simply to much.

Seven Hour's Later, Finch Island Shore

Carina: Alright get everything on the ships. Don't you dare touch it I know how much everything is. You touch it and see how I teach you. Water and crackers will be a luxury for you to eat.

Vlad: This girl is really fierce.

Van Augur: Indeed but in terms of management of money and navigation no one is better.

Franklin: The light over there is still happening. Could they still be fighting.

Gin: Most definitely. Until we call and tell him we've set off the captain won't retreat. Besides it's common to fight for three or even ten days for those monster's in the New World.

Vlad: You're Joking

Van Augur: No according to the captain three days of combat for admirals or Yonko is nothing. If they really want to decide the winner only ten days can do it. Of course if a powerhouse is besieged by multiple people that time can be shortened.

Gin: The captain hasn't reached that level but according to him fighting for a day or two shouldn't be Impossible.

Carina: Alright everything is packed up let's go to Shawkens Island.

Franklin: Shawkens Island?

Van Augur: Captain plans to recruit Edward Weevil into the fleet.

Vlad: He's still expanding

Gin: You'll understand later. By the time we enter the new world we'll be ready to take the throne of Emperor and become the Fifth Emperor. After that is Pirate King and then the world.

The 35 Ships set sail one after the other. It wasn't until Van Augur could no longer see the island that they called the phone snail of Bartolomeo.



Kizaru reappeared in a flash of light and said

Kizaru: You can still keep this up. It's really a monster new comer.

Ryan: If we were by the sea I could've killed you hours ago.

Kizaru: So confident

Ryan: It's a fact. Water and Lightning are the elements I trained to the max. This is just me stalling for time

Kizaru: Stalling for w





Bartolomeo: Hehahahaha if you hadn't called I don't know how how long this guy Kuro can hold on.

Kuro: Speak for yourself you bastard Rooster.

Bartolomeo: Hey be careful I throw you guy out of the barrier. Dabe

Kuro: Open it and see who he goes for first the person whose been taunting him for the last three hours or the person who hasn't offended him.

Bartolomeo looked at Tea Dolphin who was constantly slamming his leg on the barrier dome. He and Kuro sat back to back but Tea Dolphin only stomped on his side.

Bartolomeo: Tch.

Kuro: Give me this. Have you guys left yet?

Kuro took the phone snail from Bartolomeo and asked.

Gin: Yeah we've already left the island behind. You guys can catch up any time you feel like it.

Kuro: Good.

Looking at the battle with Ryan and Kizaru he yelled


Ryan hearing this laughed as he said.

Ryan: HAHAHAHA. Hopefully I don't have to see you ever again Kizaru. I'd rather get beaten by Garp than to be in a fight with you guy. MAGMA ALMIGHTY PUSH

Kizaru: Tea Dolphin get out of here.

With a blink he left. Tea Dolphin also didn't hesitate and left with the fastest speed his speed fruit could bestow.

Ryan came to the barrier of Bartolomeo. Used wind to block the magma and took them out. Wrapped the three of them in earth and then moved the earth in the direction that the others left.

Kizaru: Leaving so soon. That isn't good~. Laser


When the smoke cleared a translucent barrier was wrapped around the earth ball. Then the earth ball fell apart showing the smug looks of Bartolomeo and Ryan. Bartolomeo directly printed his ass against the barrier.

Ryan just laughed while Kuro looked on in amusement. The most shocking thing is that they were all healed. Ryan is fine he didn't expend much. But Bartolomeo could barely maintain a barrier just now.

As for Kuro he had stopped his transformation an hour ago. Seeing this Kizaru immediately knew that the earth cover wasn't for defense but was so he didn't see inside. Obviously Ryan has a way to heal people but he didn't want to show it.

Kizaru: I don't believe a barrier can keep me from breaking in.

Tea Dolphin: Its not so easy to do alone. Let's go together.

Tea Dolphin also appeared. Pulled out a gun

Kizaru: Laser

Tea Dolphin: X50 Speed Bullet.




Bartolomeo: Bleh. You shitty navies can't break my barrier. it's best to hold hands and sing a lullaby.

Ryan: Bartolomeo Marines don't sing. They don't even have a song to inspire marines. Even pirates have Bink's Sake. The navy is really pitiful.

Bartolomeo: Maybe it's because they're too stupid to make one. I see these two guys look like a pair of lewd uncle's. You say they wouldn't be Okama would they.

Ryan: Now that you mention it they both use the legs to attack. That's a signature attack method of woman and Okama.

Bartolomeo: Big News. Big News.The Admiral and Admiral alternate are a pair of undercover Okama. Captain could it be

Ryan: Could it what

Bartolomeo: Could it be. Because the two specialize in speed the night action always ended too quickly. So they are forced to be Okama to cover it up

Ryan: Oh wow a double cover up. How deep.

Bartolomeo: Thats mean captain they obviously never heard that last line before. You're embarrassing them

Ryan: Ah but now that you mention it I remember this Tea Dolphin being obsessed with the younger sister of Vice Admiral Tsuru. Gion. But she always refuses his advances. Could it be

Bartolomeo: Say it captain

Ryan: Could it be she knows of his true nature and that's why she refuses his advances. Or you say she

Kizaru/ Tea Dolphin: THATS ENOUGH








Bartolomeo: HEHAHAHAHA

The attacks of the continued as Ryan and other two ran away.

Three Hours Later

With the constant earth movement they made it to the shore in three hours once there they saw the previous commodore and several rear Admiral ships blocking them