
His will or the highway

Dominique, you were so eloquent. For a while I thought I was listening to politician filled with charisma. Boy, you had the audience eating out of your palm. I think, the units sold just from how you introduced the project. The way how you stood with poise, they could not take their eyes off you.” Marsha hugged her husband.

Dominique blushed.

“Honey, did you expect anything different girl? I think after all these years you are still inlove with my mystique. Thank you, baby. I rehearsed over and over in the bathroom at the office.” Dominique’s smile was radiant.

“Yes, I am still in love with you Dominique, despite the challenges of life. Pregnant in my forties, my nose spreading, Sometimes I feel like a whale especially when I saw Yanique the other day, behind the wheel of that wine red Mercedes”

Marsha watched as Dominique’s eyebrows creased.

“She drives a Mercedes?” He asked as if he had no clue, and it didn’t matter one biscuit.