
Connecting the dots

Two hours later, Marsha heard the clunky sound the front door made when it was closed.

“Dominique is that you sweetheart?” Marsha shouted from the kitchen.

Yes, Marsha , Dominique, replied gruffly

“Why do you sound like that. You did not sound like that this morning when you left. You were upbeat and happy. Who troubled you?” Marsha asked

“Nobody” Dominique replied

Marsha walked around the island with her stomach protruding waddling. Her skin glowed radiantly.

“Dominique Martin, I love you and we can deal with anything after the year we have had.” Marsha said smiling pleasantly.

“I know baby, but I had a visit from Mr B this afternoon and he rubbed me the wrong way. The scrawny little man is extorting me Marsha, Why didn’t you tell me that he was Raymond Sharpe’s father in law?

Marsha frowned.