
Chapter 13- Innocence lost

Dominique could not help but laugh at the innocence and her excitement that she brought to the office.

He kept watching the clock as the hours passed by, he had spent almost 3 hours between the banks and acquiring the treat for his office manager.

At exactly 6:15 p.m., the buzzer at the office door was pressed. Michelle was at the door with a basket in hand and was clad in a baby doll dress. The gentle breeze lifted the hem playfully.

“Hi,” Michelle greeted him with a shy smile.

Her smile was infectious, and Dominique could not help but to return with one of his own. As he held out his hand to shake hers, she pulled him toward her and hugged him with her empty hand. Her warmth took him by surprise and it brought back so many memories.

“Can I take the basket?” he asked.

“Sure,” she responded.

“Why is it so heavy?” Dominique enquired.

“It’s nothing I went home and cooked some chicken alfredo and I got a bottle of white wine to go with it…so hush.”