
The Dimensional Trader

⚠️WARNING⚠️ There are violent scenes and other disturbing scenes in this fic. As I've already warned you, don't whine if you don't like what you read. _________________________________________ Upon waking in the Marvel Universe as Bruce Banner, Budi wanted to lead a tranquil and easy life. His aspirations are dashed when he sees the news reporting on how hated mutants are around the world. Then he understands that he needs to be strong enough to make his opponents fearful of him to enjoy a lazy life. His system is broken. How will he fix it? Hulk was also pulled back by his beloved father (TOBA). Can Budi, or what we now know as Bruce, survive there? If the world rejected his presence, all he needed to do was look for a new world. . This story will move slowly, if you are looking for an MC who can explode stars in chapter one, this is not for you. Chapters 1- 50 will be a journey to find a way to freedom, maybe you can't wait for that, so you can just skip chapter 60. One more thing! The grammar of this fic may feel bad to the point of being terrible. I think it's natural because I'm not a Westerner but an Asian person So, if anyone complains about my bad grammar, here's my excuse.  I know that my grammar is bad, that's why I try to make interesting plots and storylines as compensation to you readers. _________________________________________ P@treon? If you want to read ahead, check out my Patreon and access up to 15 chapters ahead of Web Novel and Scribble Hub: patreon.com/AboutMe01. For just five dollars, you will be able to read all chapters. ********************************

AboutMe01 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs

It's Him!!!

Don't forget to give stars to the story, and comment too.


In the middle of a cold and silent night, the bonfire crackled as the dry wood burned slowly. Fireworks from burning flames flew into the night sky like a swarm of fireflies.

Two humans were seen sitting near a campfire, warming themselves from the cold night breeze.

Nocturnal insects get out and become active.

Crickets whistling sound like a group of orchestras were performing, in addition to crickets, other night insects also enliven the night. For example, mosquitoes hum happily when flying here and there in the air while avoiding the applause of the audience.

Mosquitoes saw the listeners of his choral orchestra and then flew up to him. The mosquito intends to give an autograph because he has become a listener for tonight.

The mosquito landed on one of them, and…

* Pat*

"Fucking insects! Can't they just bite other people…" Damian complains when he sees a mosquito sprawled on his palm. Blood spots were visible on his palms.

He scratched the itchy part of his body in the silent darkness of the night, his eyes glancing at Kai, who was eating.


They both sat on a wooden stump for dinner, the dinner menu was grilled fish. Kai catches some fish in a nearby river, and Damian cooks the fish.

He cooked it with love and affection. Damian even sprinkled a secret seasoning on the grilled fish, further adding to the taste of the food.

"Delicious?" he asked, hopefully.

His eyes twinkled like stars in a galaxy, and his bald head also shone whenever it reflected the light generated by the bonfire.

"Huh? Yes, it tastes pretty good," Kai replied casually and continued eating.

Damian sighed with relief because the answer given by Kai turned out to be positive, it warmed his heart. He painstakingly made the seasoning, but for the sake of a friend, he was willing to do anything.

Although he was tired, he was happy that his efforts were appreciated by Kai.

"The poison is also quite tasty, where did you get it?" he continued shortly afterward.

Damian nodded his head happily, but the next second, he suddenly stopped doing so. His closed eyes opened slowly, and the mouth that had always formed a smile at this time froze. 

He raised his head and faced Kai, his eyes narrowing with a dangerous beam.

"Oh, you're finally realizing. I'm a little tired of playing with a monster, enjoy the rest of your life in peace and then die a fucking bastard," he said slowly.

As he spoke, he got up from his seat.

Kai only saw him wake up, his eyes looking at Damian's eyes in surprise. His mouth suddenly formed a small smile, and then a small smile slowly widened. Forms a very creepy, wide grin.

* Zooommmm*

An aura of violence and cruelty emanated from his body, in contrast to the transparent white aura that we often see in other Nen users. The color that came out of his body was black, as if describing the endless darkness.

The surrounding trees and rocks shook, then shifted back and forth as if driven by something invisible. Kai's eyes, which were once blue as sapphires, were now blackened. Dark lines, like little worms, were wriggling on a face that used to have a slight touch of cuteness and good looks.


Murderous intent erupted.

Kai's presence was both frightening and suffocating, silencing all signs of living beings residing in the forest. Those insects that were weaker than other creatures had long since fallen lifeless, they lay lifeless.


- KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL! - his mind began to bend, and a demonic whisper sounded in his head.

He was transformed from the beginning of a man into a disgusting abomination.

*Clap... Clap... Clap... Clap*

Kai suddenly came to his senses when applause sounded, and it seemed to come from the direction Damian was standing. His eyes widened at the thought of one particular possibility, and his head tilted with curiosity and fear as he faced the man.

"You... why are you still standing firm after feeling the air of my presence?" Kai said in a hoarse tone, his vocal cords as if they had been damaged by the energy of chaos.

His eyes looked at Damian, who was standing with both hands in both pockets of his pants. He treats his presence and intent on killing him like a mere breeze. 

Kai watched his appearance, there was a change in the clothes worn by the bald man. Previously, he wore a long-sleeved shirt and sweatpants, but now his appearance has changed to a combat uniform.

Several coarse iron plates were attached all over his body, and an object similar to a laser rifle was attached to his right shoulder. 

A fearsome blade curled out of his wrist gauntlet. The blade of the knife shone in full glory under the moonlight.

"Me?" Damian put on a surprised expression.

He pointed to himself.

The next moment, he looked around him, looking for someone other than himself.

Kai gritted his teeth loudly, he was very annoyed by her annoying attitude.

"I'm... Batman," said Damian with a small smile on his face, his eyes shining with a silvery white light in the darkness.

The way Damian looked at him as if looking at a fool was quite hidden, but Kai could tell at first glance.

"Hehehe," Kai chuckled.

"KHEKHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" small laughter then turns into psychopathic laughter. 

His saliva spurted everywhere as he laughed out loud.

Ren wrapped around his body and turned even more ferocious than before. After looking carefully, Bruce found something that shook his mind a lot, some human souls seemed to be trapped inside there.

The souls roared fiercely, inflicting a mental attack on anyone. Especially for those who are in a radius too close to Kai. But not with Bruce, someone who's immune to all sorts of mental attacks and thoughts.

"Cannibalism, right?" Bruce said while frowning.

It turns out that Kai is more dangerous than he thought, the hunch is never wrong.

When he was close to Kai, his instincts screamed and gave him a warning signal. It was too dangerous to approach the man, but he had no other choice at that moment.

He needs Nen, so Bruce is willing to take risks. Nen played a very important role in his ultimate plan, he was even willing to sacrifice some of his limbs if he could awaken Nen. 

- System! Status- he said inwardly.

[Name: Bruce Banner 

Race: Human 

Gender: male 

Condition: half of your lifespan has been lost, your soul is wounded.

System features: Gate of Another World, Inventory, Title.

Title: Worldwalker, System User, Researcher. 

Classes: Mage 

Sub Class: Nen fighter

Essence: 0.011%]

His eyes glanced at the sub-class he received a few days ago. A class that appears when his shoko manages to open, all thanks entirely to the help of that fucking cannibal.

He was very surprised when the notification suddenly appeared. Moreover, the notification appeared at a very crucial moment.

Investigate, and it turns out that to get the second class, he must first meet certain requirements, such as having to master certain energies, for example, Nen. 

He didn't think long and accepted the class as his second class. 

[Nen Fighter: A class similar to other melee classes. Nen Fighter can manipulate his life energy freely. They have strong bodies and have a longer lifespan than humans in general. Effect: Nen's talent and capacity will increase by 5%]

The effect of the class increases his talent and energy capacity. It was not very remarkable, but Bruce chose the class without thinking. 

"Ohh, you're still okay?" Kai asked Bruce curiously.

Twice already, he had let go of Ren in different ways, but somehow Damian was still fine.

His pupils glowed with red light like blood crystals, he was happy when a worthy prey had appeared before. 

Kai is fed up with the victims he's killed over the past few days, they're too weak. They even fainted in the presence of the killing intent issued by him, even though he had not used all of his abilities. The screams of the souls are an ability related to his main ability, it can be upgraded slowly.

"Your attack is nothing, it doesn't even have any effect on me."

"I wonder, has all this time what you've been after as 'food' been people who are an inch from their graves?" Bruce expressed his opinion in a very dismissive tone.

"It's enough to waste time, time for us to fight," Kai said to him impatiently, saliva dripping profusely from his mouth.

Droplet after droplet fell from his mouth, it looked very thick and foamy. 

Kai wasn't the least bit afraid of Damian, after all, he only resurrected his Nen a few days ago. A beginner couldn't be able to defeat a master like himself, his physical strength was also better than his.

"Hmm, alright," said Bruce, as a creepy smile also flashed across his face.

Nen came out of his body, enveloping him like a veil made of thick and warm water. The sensation of using Nen is exactly that, it's just that this dressing feels stickier and denser than warm water wraps in general.

Bruce exploded with full power, if you look closely, a slight greenish aura could be seen emanating from his body.

The meeting between the two monsters happened unintentionally. Who will survive to the end?

Tell me if there is any grammar that is wrong or inappropriate

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