
Chapter 1:permission

Humming and jumping down the stairs,Anna went into the kitchen where Mrs Freya was washing a vegetables.

"mom I'm selected for an inter school debate competition"

"Aha...so?" bluntly replied Mrs Freya

"so..can I go"

"well! ask your dad"

speaking of the devil,the door bell rang,Anna went out answer "welcome home dad"

the exhausted Mr Jeffrey, handing hid bag to Anna went straight into the drawing room and sat resting his head on the couch

Anna giving a glass of water to him and said "the work in the office must be tiring"

"yes it was, my dear" replied Mr Jeffrey

"well...(hesitant to speak)I'm selected for an inter school debate competition"

"oh that's good! why were you hesitant"

"but the problem is, it's going to be held at wagon wheel school" a school in different city. "we can't reach there before the competition starts so we have to spend there two days"

the wasted Mr Jeffrey suddenly got so energetic "what! you ate going to be away from home for two days? alone,without us to a far place?"

in his mind to leave his daughter to a place where it was some distant away from home was like sending away to another world.it may sound a little too exaggerated but that's how Mr Jeffrey is concerned about her only daughter.

"I'll be fine, I have my friends ,my class teacher and moreover the principal is coming with us so let me go" pleaded Anna

"how many of you are participating" asked Mr Jeffrey

"Amm four of us Lucy, Jac, Steve, and me"

"no no you are not going, I'm speaking to your teacher tomorrow"

"but why dad, why can't I go"

"because you are too young to go distant away alone yet, moreover you are so sickly who's gonna take care of you"

Anna who was already a 15yrs old widen her nostril " whatever" went to her room disappointed.


After an hour, Mrs Freya knocks her door "dear come out for dinner"

" I'm not hungry"

"oh really! dad and I have a thing to tell you" Anna came out and sat down for dinner where all her family is already sitted "so what were you going to say"

"first have your meal" coldly replied Mr Jeffrey

John snigger which is not a rare thing for a siblings to not get along very well and try to annoy each other

after a minute "you may go for the competition" said Mr Jeffrey

"huh really! I love you so much" "aih wait ,what made you change your mind, you could

have agreed from the beginning without saddening me"

irritated Mr Jeffrey replied "so now you don't want to go anymore? then you can stay back"

" no no I want to go ,you are the best dad"

few hours ago after Anna went to her room "honey maybe you are a little too hard on her! yes everything you does is for her good bur sometimes we must accept her interest as well and its not something which can ruin her, participating in academic competition is beneficial for her" said Mrs Freya

"but it's risky to send her alone ,she's still a kid and we can't freed her too much unless she become a spoiled brat"

Mrs Freya said calmly "don't worry too much".