
The Different Boy

Every coin has two sides. Like that every person also has two side. We can say that a person cannot be completely bad or good. Takana Itsuki, a mysterious high school student in a city in Japan along with a popular girl of his class Isogai Ine are finding this through their experience here. But the thing is that how Takana does stuff is not something a normal human would do. He does it different.

The_unknown_guy · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Well, that was weird

It's been some time since the beach visit and Asuka was bored out of her mind. Though, Ine comes all the time to our house and is basically eating dinner with us every time, Asuka wanted to do something else. The problem was when she wanted to do something else, let's just say that it turn troublesome. Last time she wanted to do "something else", we went cave diving. I really cannot say no to her.

Coming back to the main topic, the question was what she wanted to do this time? I also remembered one time she wanted me to try eating bugs. I really can't refuse her request. On a side note, they did not taste that bad. I was laying on the couch and watching the television because Asuka was at Ine's house and I did feel like playing the piano.

They were showing a baseball match and I decided to cheer for the red jersey team for no particular reason. I do not even like baseball and still here I was. My eyes were about to close because of how bored I was then suddenly.

Ring Ring Ring

I got summoned by the devil, I mean Yui. I had no idea what she wanted this time. She had been calling me more often since the day I saved her from the car incident. I think I just need to forget the fact that it was the same day she was just touching me all over at the beach. Even in the water, she sneaked up on me from behind and got on my back. I do not remember her being this clingy to me. Well, she was clingy but not at this level. I decided to ignore the call.

It rang again and I ignored it. Then again and it was ignored by me and this went for about 12 times until the door bell rang. I sighed knowing who it was because Asuka just went and I am sure Ine would not let her go so easily. I opened the door to see the figure of the brown haired girl standing in front of my with a pout on her face and maybe a vein also popped on her head. She must be really pissed off.

"What is it?" I asked her.


Then I closed the door and she rang the bell again and again. I opened the door again.

"If you have something to say then say already. I don't like playing this game."

"Why did you not pick up my phone?"

"I was too lazy to."

"How far was your phone?"

"In my pocket."

As I said that, she face palmed and without any warning entered the house. I sighed and decided to enter too. Gon was looking at her and then he looked back at me grinned. I glared at him and he was giggling to himself. I checked the clock and it was 2:00 PM at the moment and I did not have my lunch yet. I decided to head to the kitchen and Yui trailed along me. I made some curry last night which was left last night and I did not want to waste some good curry. On top of that, it was Indian curry which I, for some reason, love a lot. I grabbed the curry pot from the fridge and started heating it.

"You want some?" I asked her.

"What is for lunch?"

"Curry. So, would you like some?"

"I had my lunch before but if Itsuki made it, I would love to have some."

You could have said a normal yes also. I did not need that long translation. For some reason, Yui has been acting a lot different lately. I still could not pin point the reason about that. Due to some reason, she reminds me of her. Her smile was the only one who could steal my heart. Her talking to me and spending time with me felt like a festival every single time. She was the one who said that she would stay by my side the entire time.


She was the first one who betrayed my expectations after the incident. I felt like forgetting about her but I could not bring myself to do it. Pushing those thought away, I was back to normal. By the way, all of this happened in only two seconds. For some reason, I can think really fast about things I hate. Yui was beside me staring at the curry as it was being heated on the stove. I already had the rice ready. Since Asuka would not come here for lunch but stay at Ine's house because her mother has held her captive, I was on my own for lunch even though there was enough for two people and Gon was sitting on the table. He still had that grin on his face.

"Itsuki, I was thinking. How about we go on a date?" said Yui.


At the moment, everything was silent for a second. I could not get my thoughts together. Why is Yui asking that? I could not understand. She is just bored. Yes, I am sure about that. That is what happened. I turned towards her and before I could say anything....

I felt a pair of soft lips on mine. What is going on? My eyes widened as I said Yui's closed eyes so close to my face. I could not react. I had no idea what is happening. My hand which was stirring the curry let go of the utensil which I was holding. Yui pushed me and started kissing me even more roughly. In an instant, her tongue entered my mouth and was moving all around. I tried to push her away from me but my arms were powerless. I could not move them. I just laid there without moving and Yui just kept kissing. It was an amazing feeling if not for the fact that I was being forced into it.

Suddenly, everything went black and I could not see anything at all. I still felt Yui on me doing what she was doing before. Finally she stopped and sat up and held my hand and placed it on her breast, it felt really soft. I still have no idea what is going on. She smiled and said,

"I love you Itsuki."

Then I woke up. Just what was with that dream? To really think I could dream of something like that. I quickly sat up straight and my poor head collided with that of Asuka. What was all that about anyway?