
The Devil :vChapter 1

In Chapter 1 the characters : mom Akera , Akera and the devil the name of the devil in chapter 1 ???

LanaOstora · História
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


A girl Namen Akera. Akera Wake up from her dreams.

She goes to the kitchen to See her mom Thier she said "my Lovly mom don't cookfor me you are tired "

The mom said "no problem sweetheart it's okay anything for you" Akera said "mom don't make me sad if you love real go to bed you very sick with cancer :( " mom Akera said "okay sweety don't be sad you the best daughter ever " then Akera eat her breakfast and go to school Akera life very poor and her dad dead when she have only 9 years old he was very kind like her mom but he dead from fire and this fire get her mom cancer °◠° and Akera can't get enough money for her mom to go to the hospital 🏥 when she finished her school she go to work . When she was walking* to her work or job some one Shock her front of her face he looks so handsome but his color skin was different and his hair was dark and his eyes was cold he look at her and he was very nervous because a humman see him and she had some nervous but when she will talk he get her arm and run behind tree and said don't act like you saw me okay she was very nervous this time and shy he in disappeared. When she go to work she saw some one like hem but his killer color was normal and his teeth not sharp when she look at him with a long time he know and look at her with shock and nervous she hum-ing and look the other after work he came to her with anger he look at her and said what you was don't in there he was in Enger and nervous when he said that she laugh small laugh and said it's my work he shocked and then he close his eyes and breath and open his eyes and disappeared