after chealse know that she is the devil man. she become so afraid... some day she will be... I don't know what to say that I know is the devil man is the curse blood..,.. Christian I love you even you are the cursed blood.... you unique and so human..... chealse still have a secret that she love Christian... only Christian can make her calm down... he is my closest friend and I will his best friend..... so chealse meet Christian.... she tell that the story that the oldest so making her afraid.... Christian said don't you worry about him he just follow the rule .., I will protect you chealse..., Christian there is something that I want to tell you..... I love you Christian... chelase I am too... don't worry about the oldest and john.... I will stop him.., if there is a love in your hearth I believe it won't be happen.... I am sorry Christian to get involve you to my problem.... yeah your my trainer when I became a vampire you teach everything..... I am still that your the one who guide me into the vampire life.... I will stop the hunting you and make you feel the love in your heart..... I know about your parent was murder by the oldest and john.... please don't get revenge on them.... let it go..... I will be the man that will protect you..... thank chisrtian..... you make me calm..,. I love you chealse you are amazing women that I ever met.... you teach me everything.... suffer, happy, and sadness... now you need help and freigtening so I will help you..... for the first please stop killing man ..... I will help you ... you just don't know who you are cause of that you murder them.... you know the oldest said that if the devil man can life there wont be another or reincarnation of him.... you know that the oldest is the pure blood.... if you drinking his blood you power will increase.... but it can be stop by stopping your feel in your blood that will make you the devil man.... so the devil man will not awake in your blood... now I asking you how do you feel of being the killer that kill entire people at the church... I feel so powerful..,.. my body full of energy..... and I can't stop it... Christian... yeah you need control that.... you know that your ability and capability to survive will guide you.... like me I control from drinking blood.....I only drinking when I am tired and weak... chealse please try to control it..... the blood in your body so boil for killing man but if you can control it I think you will be a human being.... I love you chealse if you can't control that you can remember me when you was un control..... do it cause you love me chealase.... don't worry I think love can be found in ours... you will do that chealse..,.. yeah I will trying Christian...., don't be like monster for this.... please control it...