
The Devil Is Back

Working as a lawyer and being one of the best gun traffickers out there, Kenneth not knowing how to control the situation, would he be thrown to jail? Would he get caught? -------- "Could James know about Nathan?" A question that has been rattling around Kenneth's head. Not sure what to do Kenneth called Nero to meet him at his first warehouse where he keeps most of their gun supply. But of course Kenneth can't risk James following him so whenever they have to meet up at one of Kenneth's warehouses they meet at his second one, which has a lot of boxes, but nothing in them. "Meet at the first warehouse down at Farmstead Street." Kenneth texted, grabbed his coat and made his way to the parking lot. He arrived at the warehouse and hoped that no one followed him. But then again at the back of his mind he knew James would've followed him. The warehouse had the same lighting as the other one last night. "Has James checked the firearms?" Kenneth said calmly, as he placed his bag on top of one of the boxes. "He did and there were no missing firearms." Kenneth just thought for a bit like he was expecting something, then- CRASH! The front entrance smashed down by the SWAT team. "Kenneth Presley, you're under arrest for possession of illegal firearms." James said from outside the warehouse with a megaphone, as Kenneth expected James would follow him. "Do you have any proof of me having this alleged illegal firearm?" Kenneth asked the police officers politely. "So be it! Search the place! I bet you'll find loads of firearms!" James shouted on the megaphone from outside. -------- "Right. Going back to the matter at hand, where did you find the idiot George?" Kenneth said keeping himself together, shrugging off what just happened. "Just down the block." George responded quite firmly. "We can't just go and confront the guy, because it's obvious that he moves quickly. And if we're sure that it's Nathan-" Kenneth then showed some printed pictures of places where Nathan could be found. "Then what am I supposed to do?!" Margot said quite sarcastically. "You, get to torture and get information on James." Keneth said facing Margot. "When?! I have to go grab my knives an-" "When we have enough information on him." Kenneth said, cutting off Margot. "Boo, no fun." Margot said apathetically. "We know that Nathan is really smart. So he could just be paying the home owners to stay at theirs for just a day or two." Kenneth said, trying to somehow grab information on how they would get to Nathan. "We could actually try to hire someone to disguise as one of James' followers? If I may say?" George added. "Followers my ass." Kenneth said laughing to himself. "We could try and look for the places he delivered some firearms?" Margot suggested. Then something popped up in Kenneth's head. "You found James down the street right?" Kenneth asked, pointing at George. "Uh, yeah?" George said, confused. "2 years before the raid, he did deliver firearms on this street," "Can I just kill the idiot now?" Margot whined, cutting off Kenneth. "He delivered it to a guy named Joshua Mercia." Then he threw a photo of the guy to George. "Do you know where he could be?" George asked.

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12 Chs

Chapter 3

"How long have you been back?" Kenneth asked the long brown haired girl sitting on his kitchen counter. "About yesterday. Knew I should come see you first, your b*tch Nero said there have been some problems." She said then ate an apple with her knife.

"Margo, get down from there." Kenneth said, shaking his head. "You're not the boss of me." Margarette said spitefully.

"Did Nero tell you about Nathan?" Kenneth said very sturnly. "You bet he did." Margarette said, gettin down from the kitchen counter. "You know that guy tells me everything." She said rolling her eyes.

Margot is like Kenneth's sister he never had. They'd been there to support each other on their choices in life.

"The real question today is, what have you gotten into Kenny?" Margot asked, squinting her eyes. "I didn't do anything, just a lot of-" Kenneth thought of something, but didn't finish his sentence, he just stood there, staring at the floor.

"Hello? Am I even talking to someone?" Margot said, waving her hand in front of Kenneth's face. "James knows." Kenneth said sternly, looking directly into Margot's eyes.

"The idiot co-worker?" Then Kenneth nods. "I think one of my men may be working for him."

"Who do you suspect? I'll grab my knives." Margot turning to the direction of the living room, Kenneth stops her. "I don't know for sure."

Meanwhile, down the street, James walks up to a patio looking exhausted. "Why the f*ck did I jog from the bottom of the hill to here." James said in between breaths.

As James was nearing the patio, he tried to make himself look presentable. He tried to wipe away some of his sweat and succeeded… just a little.

James knocked on the door then a muffled deep voice answered. "It's open." Then James slowly opened the door, while looking at his surroundings, checking if anyone was following him.

"Any news?" The deep voice said. "Uh- we're on to him boss." James said, a bit frightened by the guy. "I'll ask again and once. Any news?" The guy said impatiently.

"We- haven't- c-caught him with the firearms." James stammers. "OF COURSE YOU WOULDN'T!" The guy said slamming his hand to the table.

"Get out of here. Come back if you have relevant news." The guy said calming down.

James walked out of the house trembling from the guy. He reached outside and tried to gain back his ego, then commuted home.

Back at Kenneth's house, Margot was throwing a temper tantrum because Kenneth won't allow her to find and interrogate one of his men without any proof of them betraying him.

Then a knock could be heard. "I'll get it. Stay here." Kenneth demanded. When Kenneth reached for the door, Kenneth could see Margot mocking him then he shrugged it off. "What are you doing here?!" Kenneth asked the guy in front of him. "Who's there?" Margot asked from the living room.

"Oh great! Margarette's there." The guy said. "Wait just there-" Kenneth cutting him off from his tracks.

"Yo, aren't you going to say who's there?!" Margot said impatiently, crossing her arms.

"It's no one relevant." Kenneth said, trying to close the door on the guy. "Oh my god, is it George?" Margot said excitedly coming near the door. "Oh f*ck, there isn't stopping you now." Kenneth said silently at George and let George in.

"Why didn't you tell me you were back in town?" George asked Margot and Kenneth rolled his eyes. "Got back yesterday, how are you? What are you doing here?"

"Yeah, what are you doing here?" Kenneth chimed in. "Nero told me about the James guy you're working with." George said facing James.

"For f*cks sake- why is Nero sharing information now." Kenneth said quite angrily and crossed his arms.

"I followed the James guy, and the guy went inside a house down the street. Then went out a bit terrified actually." George said, keeping calm while Kenneth was thinking of a lot of things.

"So he could just be working for someone else then?" Kenneth said to both of them. "Can't I just kill the guy?" Margot said sarcastically. "No, we may need him."

"Need him for what exactly?" Margot asked while Kenneth went to the living room to grab his laptop. "We first need to know who he is working with. Second, why he is working with the guy. And if we actually get those two huge pieces of information, we have to know who, the rat is."

"I'm not catching up- what the f*ck did you just say?"

"It means you can torture the idiot all you want 'til we find what we are looking for."

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