
Chapter 24

They all head back to the vehicle, Ari shot the one she took down stairs since using him for live bate for Kalae didn't work and when they make it to the edge of the parking lot.

( bang ) A shot rings out.

Len sees Ari, she runs from the truck and crashes her lips on Aris and the kiss turns into a passionate one. Lillian clears her throat, the two quickly separated and Carra walks over to Aris truck then leans against it checking on her pit inside who lays on the floor board of the trucks.

Ari sighs then kicks the one they left alive out of the two as she dragged Jim on the back of his knees making him crash into the ground face first, the one wbo could still slightly move glares back at her and Paul punches him in his jaw. The two girls shake in fear at seeing the two men on the ground, Ari shoots Mike in the head without a second thought seeing the two in fear and when she seen how relieved they both was she smiled.

" ok Jim your gonna talk about what Lillian wants to know or you'll end up like your friends" Ari said while pulling out her dagger dragging it across his face in several places shudders at the gruesome act and Lillian pulls her to the side explaining what the two girls went through.

" Carra you'll ride with Wei, I'm gonna tay a few more hours to see if Kalae will show up" Ari said Paul drags Jim to the car and Sam already emptied the trunk for him to go inside.

" he isn't going to feel that so what you have will do plus the old man there knows enough " Ari said sheathing her knife

Everyone was at the vehicle they were going to be headed out in with Ari following behind Carra they heard wings flapping above them and see a 10 ft creature lands four feet away from Ari.

Everyone else is further back behind her especially Carra and Len when she heard the wings flipping she knew one of those things they seen has made it to them, they all open fire against the creature when two flaps on the side of its head open up showing bright colors and shaking them at a fast pace when it opened its mouth a long white appendage with a large looking canine at the end. Everyone was confused about what the thing was doing looking at the vibrant pieces of skin that flapped like butterfly wings and the appendage shoots out from its mouth faster than lightning. It hits Ari in her chest when she made sure to cover the others, even stopping the long appendage holding it to where it couldn't hit the person behind her which it was trying to do as it thrashed around. Carra was the one who blinked just a few times with how quick everything happened, she screamed trying to grab it to shove it out of Tai but wei was quick enough to wrap her in a bear hug pulling her away taking her inside the riot truck and locking them inside the tank having to wrestle all the weapons she had away while she screamed and cried breaking his heart even worse. The blood spray hit Carra more than the others, the thing kept trying to pierce Carra and Ari screamed profanities at the thing shouting for them to get Carra and Len out from here. Making her brother and his boyfriend do just as she said watching Lillian squeeze some shots off, pointing at her friend shouting for him to kill it while hearing Evelyn screaming on the other end of the transmission for Lillian to help her. Lillian had to jump back when that thing was secreting it's venom into Ari who held it in spot was pumping a blackish purple venom out from its skin while drops sizzled when hitting on the concrete.

" kill it " Lillian Shouted as shells was bouncing out of the guns as they kept kitting a exo skeleton on its outside that was keeping the thing from getting a fatal wound or kill it easily.

Len and Carra tried to run to her again but both men held them tightly as a third brought the others inside the tank, crying loudly while gasping and the others held them tight while looking on with everyone of them having tears pour down their cheeks looking outside the window as Ari stood holding the thing in place.

A loud scream came from over by the houses and when they looked behind the creature they watched a woman appear behind the thing with pure Fury in her red eyes and beautiful shade of a red colored hair seemed like it was earily floating at how quickly she made her way over.

" Kalae " All of them said as the only one who didn't know Kalae is the people they just met up with earlier or frobthe hospital, Carra brought her head back hitting Wei on the side of his jaw making his arms go limp for a few seconds giving Carra time to get away to only be stopped by Len who even helped weis husband restrain Len back as he kept glancing over at his husband.

Len glared at the woman as her eyes snapped over at Ari watching Lillian hold her while Kalae gently pulled the things stinger out.

When the red haired beauties fist punched through the creatures head, Lillian slowly walks toward Ari while keeping her eyes on the creature and the fist that's inside its head within a couple seconds a beautiful red headed woman is hugging Ari to her chest sat holding her gently from Lillian grasp.

" Kalae" Ari gasps out while her body was turning paler by the second, Lillian walks closer to them and Kalae hisses at her causing her to stop where she was. A sad smile crosses her lips and she bites down into her tongue and bottom lip with her long sharp fangs, she bends down kissing Ari gently letting her blood fill Aris mouth and smearing Blood all over each other by hungrily kissing each other letting blood dripping down as Kalae looked at Lillian then to the other women's faces looking for Evelyn.

" Evelyn I need to give her my venom and get my master's to help or she'll turn like those other creatures and not like me... but I'm deadlier but I won't attack my friends and family, do not shoot even if you all unload all the shit you have I could still kill all of you " Kalae said with a serious look staring into Lens eyes who held the woman's stare as she opened her mouth showing razor sharp fangs biting into Aris neck as she hissed in pain gripping Kalaes shirt with white knuckles.

" Kalae let us look at her, we might be able to help" Lillian said as she takes a step closer, Kalae looked at her with a deadpan face.

" that thing...she'll change into that thing" Kalae said while holding Ari tightly to her chest, kissing her lips and She leans down biting into Aris neck again on the other side when Lillian couldn't feel Aris pulse making herself cry looking back at the others who start crying.

Kalae slices slices her own wrist open with her nail and pours her blood into Aris mouth, whispering about helping and she got startled when Wei pulled Lillian away from Kalae and looked at Ari with fear and sadness then looked down at his rifle making a sob sound.

" she's still alive barely but still I have hope " Kalae said trying to fight off her thirst along with anger, watching the two girls she's known their whole lives waved at her with a sad smile.

Wei waited for the others to be loaded up then grabs Lillian from behind and carrys her to the truck, he looks one last time at Ari and Kalae.

Ari gives him a smile then waves him away, then hugs Kalaes arm tightly, when Lillian seen her move she tried to get away from Wei to be by her side.

They watch her start to convulse and an agonizing scream came from her, all of them rushed over to help but a gush of wind knocked them back making them land hard on the concrete when a tall black haired woman appeared beside Kalae and picks Ari up into her arms as they disappear from the spot while Carra was a few steps from reaching Ari the black haired woman smirked at her while Make glared at Len before all three was gone.

" what the fuck was that" Wei said while looking around for them, he could hear Evelyn sobbing on the radio.

" a vampire, so we also have vampires " Sam said while hugging Len and Carra inside the truck, Len pulls out the letter from her pants pocket and starts crying loudly.

" go get a sample from that creature for Preston and what ever that thing was that stuck into Ari" Evelyn said while David goes over with an axe chopping the head clean off from the creature.

" that thing is attached to its chest as well " Paul said while David rips it from its chest that had a pair of lungs with a heart three times larger than a normal one, they put everything in a cooler they got from Jim's car.

" ok let's clean these bodies up and hide the cars in a garage, we'll make sure they cant find the bodies so Anthony can trick them in case they send someone to make sure their ded and we still have Jim alive to negotiate with well he's paraplegic." Lillian said while looking over at Len and Carra. who are standing where Ari last was.