
The Devil Doctor's Spicy Love

Rumors say that if you ever come across an extremely handsome man in a doctor's coat twirling a shiny scalpel between his fingers with an alluring smile on his lips that takes your breath away… Run. For he is the devil. *** Yang Mingshen’s existence screams of six adjectives - Handsome, wealthy, talented, narcissist, arrogant and evil. He is an unrivaled doctor from one of the most affluent and prestigious Underworld families, who sees only medicine and his own interests. Until a desire consumes him - to have a woman’s heart. That woman, Song Jia, continues to put all the wrongs to right as a capable police officer. She, whose life was once saved by the devil doctor, refuses to bend to his tempting seduction. “I will just take your heart and put it in somebody else's chest. It won't hurt at all, I promise~” “Yes because I will be dead to feel anything.” But the bad news comes knocking when Yang Mingshen becomes the lead forensic investigator to assist in her cases. With a devil now clinging to her, she comes across a deep, dark and cruel web of conspiracies stained with blood, love, hatred, revenge, politics and much more. Treading into dangerous territories, will they be able to uncover the net of lies and deceit? And maybe find love along the way? *EXCERPT* “I am not the weak patient anymore. You try to grab my neck and I will break your wrist,” Jia threw him a death glare. Mingshen leaned in closer, chuckling devilishly. "I told you before, Spicy. I have saved your life. I have touched your heart quite literally. So that heart beating in your chest right now belongs to Yang Mingshen. If I want it, I will have it.”

enthu_reader · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
260 Chs

Good news

With his hands in his pockets, Mingshen emitted an aura of charm and playfulness.

"Spicyyyy, how come my presence is so unwelcomed here? Did you forget all those sweet memories we shared in our love nest for those precious months you were in my lab? And how much we enjoyed playing cat and mouse?"

"You mean unlawful imprisonment to force me to become an organ donor for your patient. Yeah, I remember that so well," Jia smiled sarcastically and continued, "After all, one cannot forget the taste of stale food so easily because it's disgusting."

"Your fiery insults are what is so attractive about you, Spicy~"

"Which makes me think I am in luck today," she sneered. "Since you are already here, I might as well show you the way behind the bars on charges for my imprisonment and sexual harassment."

Mingshen gave her a baffled look and asked, "Me and behind the bars?"

"What happened? Won't our young master like the cozy jail prepared for him?"

"I would if you join in for us to get cozy together in the jail~ Otherwise, I will pass. Your prison cannot handle Yang Mingshen anyway," his black eyes glinted with a sinful appeal.

"Prison has set straight a lot of cocky men like you. You won't be disappointed."

"I beg to differ. Your prison cannot meet my high standards."

"And your lab does?"

"It's perfect, isn't it? After all you, who failed countless attempts to escape, would know the best~" He gleamed as if expecting her to praise him.

Jia grimaced. "Why are you at the bureau, Mingshen? Have you lost your way to the lab? Your presence doesn't suit here."

He waved his hand. "You make me blush, Spicy. I am here to give you good news!"

"You and good news don't suit each other either."

"Just hear me out~ You will definitely feel dizzy with happiness."

Jia gave him a dry look. "I will most probably feel dizzy with an urge to punch you instead."

He ignored the comment and continued. "Well the good news is-"


Her colleague and fellow cop, Mo Huojin came running towards them. He raised his brow checking out Mingshen for a moment but focused back on Jia.

"Huojin, what's up?" Jia smiled and asked.

Mingshen complained. "Why don't I get that smiley greeting Spicy?"

"It's only reserved for normal people," she shot back.

"I am quite normal."

Jia refused to comment on that.

Mo Huojin cleared his throat. "We got a case. A little girl has been kidnapped. Around six years old."

Immediately alerted, Jia grabbed the initial distress report from him.

"She was returning home from school and some men suddenly grabbed her from a van?"

"That's what the witnesses saw happening."

"Did they see their faces?"

"Masked men."

"There is no license plate number jotted down here."

He nodded. "It happened all too fast. Nobody could catch the plate number."

Jia narrowed her eyes. "We will get that from the CCTV. Tell Xiyang to fetch it as soon as possible."

She studied the report and thoughtfully continued, "The area from which she was taken… I think the only school around there is Sunshine Primary School. She must be studying there. Once we get the footage, I will contact the school's principal to get me all her details. We need to inform her family."

"Roger that."

Just beside her, Mingshen had been observing Jia doing her work when his phone buzzed.

"Yes, Assistant Lu. I thought I was clear that you won't call me when I am with my Spicy."

But instead of any reply, the only sound he heard was of his assistant crying vehemently. "B-Boss…w-what should I do?" He sniffled. "I-It's all my fault…"

Mingshen's expression twisted. "I give you thirty seconds to cut short your story or I am hanging up."

"N-No! Don't hang up! I-I was at a t-toy shop…the one near Sunshine School buying some toys for Limei and Weiyun w-when I saw a few men grabbing a l-little girl off the street!" Bojing burst into tears.

Mingshen raised his brow. He glanced at Jia and tilted his head. "And how is that your fault?"

Bojing stammered. "I-I was just on the opposite side…of the road…Y-Yet I could d-do nothing to save her…W-what will I do…if something happens to h-her because I wasn't alert? It's all my fault. I am useless…" he sobbed.

Mingshen could imagine Bojing trembling and shedding tears in a corner, blaming himself for this tragic event.

"Oh shut it. You are not a hero who has taken an oath to protect this damn world. So stop crying or I will stitch your eyelids together once I find you."

"Boooossss…" Bojing's guilt only intensified.

"Besides, you don't need to do anything," he smiled as he looked at Jia. "The case is already in capable hands~"


"Did you see anything useful?"


Bojing told him so and he said, "I see. Go back to whatever you were doing."

He hung up without a further word.

Jia hurried to check out the CCTV footage of the area from where the little girl was taken. But she turned, seeing Mingshen following him. "Why are you following me?"

"Accompanying you with your case," he chirped merrily.

"Excuse me? You are a civilian. I cannot involve you in a criminal case so go back."

Mingshen smiled. "I am already involved my dear because my capable assistant has witnessed the same kidnapping happening in front of his eyes."

"What?" Jia's eyes widened. "Bojing?"

"He just called me. The poor soul is blaming himself for being unable to save the girl. As a responsible and caring boss, I need to see through the case and assure him that there is nothing to worry about."

"Did he see anything that can help us?"

Mingshen beamed. "I will tell you, on the condition, you allow me to tag along"

Jia coldly said, "We are not doing some shopping that you are bargaining with me. Yang Mingshen, I am warning you. This is a case and somebody's life is on the line. A child at that. This is not some entertainment for you to enjoy."

"Entertainment will be when I get my hands on the kidnappers, Spicy," his eyes gleamed like sparkling stars. "My lab desperately needs some lab rats."

"They will be in jail, not your lab."

"We will see about that~"

Jia didn't have the time to argue with him. "Just don't get in my way or the first person I will dump in the jail will be you."

Mingshen chuckled. "Don't be so harsh, Spicy. You should learn to get used to my company from now on~"