
The Devil's

AJ was just an ordinary guy, who recently lost his father due to car crash. His mother started to drink heavily. He got chase out of the family for not being perfect enough in his mother's eyes. He was picked up by a lovely looking couple who has some hiding background identity. Will his life change after that? Or will he found the life he wanted?

MissLiana · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

The Devil's - Chapter 3

I take my steps to the dining room. "Mom, Elena told me, you going to give me the list," I called out to Rachel and got no answer. Weird it is like no one is even in the house because it feels empty as soon as I get out of the kitchen.

"Father?" I sigh and take my walk to the front door. As I was about to reach the doorknob, a voice can be heard just right behind me saying,

"Where are you going, AJ?" It's Sofea. Guess she gonna pay back to me after what happened during lunchtime. I turn around to look at her, but as soon as I turn she was already at my back our faces just a few inches away. I'm shocked to see her standing exactly behind me however at first her voice sounded pretty far.

I can't believe my eyes not my ears. She gives me a sly smile to me, while on the other side feeling confused and curious. "We still have one more hour to kill." She places her arm around my shoulder.

"What do you mean?" She smiles and moves her face closer to mine only to be stopped by Rachel's voice. I can see Rachel standing at the staircase watching us. "AJ, leave her."

I nod and try to take off her arm that wrapped my shoulder tightly. My expression changed to anxiety. "Sofea." Mike's voice suddenly echoes around the house. Sofea's eyes turn to fear and she removes her arm that is around my shoulder, I can tell her hand gets shaky as she heard her name being uttered by Mike.

She turns and walks away from me to the staircase. She climbs the stairs past Rachel. Mike walks up to the living room. "Just ignore her, she's quite the flirty type. Don't fall for her trick, son."

I listen to every word Mike told me and before I could even reply to it, Rachel cut me off by saying, "Your father is right. Just be careful around her by yourself." I give a couple of nods to both of them.

"Okay, I will take caution of that." Rachel walks down the staircase and comes to me. "Here is the list. I noticed we ran out of Oreos. Once you get back with the groceries items, we will do it right away okay?" I take the list and nod in agreement.

"She still coming with me?" I asked, it sound dumb but I ask it anyways. "Yes, also others." That relieved me a bit. "Okay." I take a look at the list and noticed some accessories for myself also we're on the list. I look up at Rachel.

"I assume you might need something new to wear too." She smiles. "Mom, there is no need for my thing, the ones that I brought with me are still new." Rachel frowned eyebrows as she hear everything I have said.

Mike joins us as he says, "I already give the ladies the money to buy the groceries and AJ things. His job is to tick the list-to-do and tell the ladies what item are they buying." Rachel nods as Mike wraps his arm around her waist.

"We are your parents, AJ. And as a parent, we just want you to feel that you are not alone and you have both of us all by your side anytime you needed us." I walks up to both of them and hugged them tightly.

"Thank you for accepting me, even tho I'm not even yours." I let my tears fall and ran down my cheek. "Shh. Don't cry, sweetheart." Rachel said while Mike patted my back. I break the hug and wipe my tears. "Now how about you go get fresh up a bit?" Rachel lowers my head and kisses my forehead.

I felt touched by the movement that Rachel did to me. My mother stopped loving and caring about me right after my father's passing. I was treated differently than my older siblings. "Once you got back from shopping we will make the lasagna together okay?"

Rachel's soft-spoken brings me back to reality as I slowly start to fall back into memories. I reply with a nod. "Thank mother, father." Mike nodded back at me. "You are always welcomed, AJ."

I take my step to the staircase and stop my step halfway, only to turn and look at them. They were looking at me. "I was thinking about what should I wear soon." I rub my head while asking them.

"Just wear anything that you feel comfortable with." Mike replied to my question. "Okay." I continue my steps up the stairs and walk straight to my room.

As I was walking to grab my towel, Christine shows up at my doorway. "Hey, AJ." I drop my deed halfway through getting changed into the towel. I slowly turn to look at her. "Yea?" She enters my room and walks up toward me.

"I was–Uhm." Now she standing in front of me, while me looking at her with a confused expression plastered on my face as she seems to stumbled to say something in mind. "You are–?"

She looks up at me my eyes. She moves closer to me. "I kinda wondering if you want to have some time alone with me?"

Once she asked me she quickly look down. Her face got red and she even plays with her finger, waiting for my answer. I was taken by surprise by her request.

"If you were asking why I ask for something like that. I kinda see what you do with Elena last night. I was hoping I could have that kinda opportunity too. With you?"

Her feet didn't sit still. So she knows, I can't risk lying. I smiles and answered. "Sure, Christine."

She quickly looks up at me, I can see joy overwhelming her as she smiles so happy and give me a tight hug. "Thanks! I'ma go get ready to go to Walmart soon. See ya downstairs."

She breaks the hug and walks out of my room hopping. I smile dumbly and grab my towel. I take my step outside of my room and make my way toward the bathroom.

I reached the bathroom, but the door was fully shut, seeming like being locked from the inside. Someone seems to be inside the bathroom. I slowly knock on the door and waited for a moment but no answer.

I shrugs and just thought maybe it was just someone closing the door. "I'ma just go in." I twist the doorknob and to my guess, it's not even locked. It just 'looks' like someone locked it. I shove myself inside, as I was placing my towel on the hanging bar.

I noticed there is another towel there. It's purple. I don't think that was mine. I turn slowly only to see Tanisha sitting in the bathtub having earphones plugged on.

No wonder she didn't hear me at all. I grab back my towel and slowly turn around facing toward the door and take my step out of the bathroom smoothly as I can. But my deed dropped, and Tanisha stopped me.

"Don't worry, I'm done bathing." I didn't turn around to look at her. Her body was covered half with bubbles that were set in the bathtub. Only her head t drowned in those bubbles. I feel completely embarrassed and just stare at the door. "Can you throw my towel to me?"

I can hear her get up from the bathtub as the bubbles pop. I slowly pat my hand to the left and slowly turn around to face the wall. I grab her purple towel. "Which direction are you standing?"

I fold the towel into small pieces. She reply, "Left." I close my eyes and throw the towel in the direction she said. "Even with your eyes closed shut, you are still good with your aiming."

I thought I'm gonna miss because I just throw without knowing whether she stand left or just a little left. "Just tell me when you are done." I can hear, she picked up her phone and the earphone as the wires seem to hit the bathtub making a small sound of 'ting'.

"Yup, I'm done. You can open your eyes now." I slowly open up my eyes only to see her in front of me, her face really near me. I can tell my skin color are changed by now. She only had her towel wrapping up her body from the top to her knees.

My expression turns to shock. She whispered saying, "Bath well, AJ." And she walks past me out of the bathroom but she stopped as she was about to close the door.

"You know your aim is good for some reason there. Unless you could've spied a bit before you make your shoot." She goes out as soon as she said that sentence, giving me a slight of feeling a bit turned on.

I questioned myself about what will happen if I see her. I quickly doze off as I realized my whole face turn red, I shut the door and lock it. I let out heavy breaths as I lend my back to the door holding my towel over my chest.

"Damn, one by one giving me a chill running down my spine." I sigh and just take off my clothes. I open the shower and let the water pour heavily on me. "I wonder how my sister is, I hope she's doing okay."

I turn the shower off and apply body soap. I quickly rinse the soap off. I grab my towel and wipe my wet hair and body. I wear back my top tank and tug the towel around my waist.

I walk up to the door and unlocked it. I take my step outside of the bathroom. Rachel was upstairs and seem to be talking to Anisha. I make my walk toward my room, where I need to pass both of them.

As I walk past them, Anisha kept her eyes tailing me from behind. "How's the bath?" Rachel asked me and turn to face Anisha with a deadly stare. "The bath was cool and refreshing. I'ma go get ready."

Rachel nods but her eyes are on Anisha, who look down as she gets the stares from Rachel. I slowly continue back my steps toward my room as I reached my door. Before I twist the doorknob, I decided to turn around.

To my shock, Rachel was scolding Anisha for not focusing on what she have said but instead focusing on me. The last bit caught my attention.

"It's not like he's gonna make it out just like the other did." What does that suppose to mean? I questioned myself as I slide inside the room. I stand silently behind the door in case there is something else that going to come up right after what's Anisha said.

After quite a moment, nothing seems to happen, I decided to just make my moves toward my wardrobe. I take off my top tank to replace it with a hoodie that I planned to wear as we go out soon. Then a soft knock can be heard coming from my door.

"Ady?" It's Elena's voice. "Yes, I'm inside. Just a moment." I quickly pick up my pant but at that exact moment, the door slowly opens from outside. "I'm still— Nevermind."

Elena can be seen entering my room while me looking at her, waiting for her reaction and trying hard to keep it normal. "I just want to take a look at the list Rachel gave you."

She looks up at me, her face suddenly red as she noticed I'm still having my towel. "Uhm—." She quickly turns around. "Why you didn't tell me that you still not wearing any pants?!"

She covers her face while asking me. I smirk and answer her. "Well, I thought you like what you see here." I take my steps to the small cabinet beside my bed. "Here is the list. Come get it." She turns to look at me, her face still red.

"Seriously, Ady?" I give her a sly smile mine. "Oh, come on. You said you want to look at it. It just laying right next to me." She slowly takes her steps toward my direction but stopped halfway as a shadow can be seen on her right.

It's Rachel. "Mother. I can explain." She shakes her head. "Stop the teasing, AJ. Just give the list to her. After all, she will be right by your side when you go shopping soon."

She gonna assist me, sounds great to me. "Wait, you didn't tell me that part of my job." Elena seems to shock by what Rachel has told me just now. I just keep my smile on as I listen to their conversation.

"Sorry I haven't told you much soon. But now you already know. So there is nothing to discuss more. And AJ gets dressed." She shot me a look and I give her a nod as I walk to my wardrobe to grab the hoodie I'm about to select before Elena came into my room 10 minutes ago. Rachel takes Elena's hand and leads her outside.

"Let's go or do you want to stay and watch him get dressed?" That shocked Elena, she quickly looks at Rachel, who manages to make Elena's cheeks turn red with the teasing. "Heck no!"

She hold Rachel's hand tightly in her grip and went straight out of the room. I chuckle at the reaction Elena gave to both of us. "I will be downstairs soon." I said as Rachel closed my door and give me a nod.

As I was choosing what to wear, I decided to just grab my white hoodie and pair of pants, trying to match up. I realized that I don't care much about wearing any color.

Everything seems okay as long as it is comfortable to wear. I get myself dressed quickly after realizing that I took too much time to even pick an outfit and wear them. Once I'm done, I grab my phone and head downstairs.

After reaching downstairs, to my guess saying the ladies didn't arrive yet. But nope, they were already ready in line waiting for me to join them.

"Am I late?" I asked while rubbing my head through my hair, Anisha sees me acting that way and how my hair getting a bit messy. She takes her steps toward me, by her movement approaching me raising a question mark in all the ladies' minds also me not knowing what's she trying to do or wanted to do.

She places her hand on my head and fixed every inch of my hair. After 5 minutes, she stops and takes her steps backward. She frowned her eyebrows as she looks and tries to get the best view.

She nods and says, "Now that's better, you deserve a reward." The sentences that came out from Anisha seem to strike the other back to their sense by knowing what's Anisha next step is.

"No!" All of them said in a high tone at the same time. Rachel came out at the moment right after hearing the ladies. "What's wrong here?" The ladies just glare at Anisha. She sighs and looks at Anisha.

"Don't ever try Anisha." Anisha switch her look and kept looking down. Rachel then turns to look at me. "Did you get the list with you?" I give Rachel several nods. "Good, you guys can go now. But don't come home late, Be safe."

The last sentence pronounces with an accent. American accent. Leaving me with questions and anxiety. But Elena's sudden reply, quickly bereft the question out of my head. Her voice gives me equanimity. "We won't be late so don't worry much."

I nod in agreement and walk up to Rachel. I hug her. When she hugs me back and slowly rubs my back, I can't seem to let go. "Now, now time to go. Or you will be late." I slowly break the embrace and say, "Okay mother, I will get going now. I will be back before you know it."

Then I step out with the ladies. As we were walking to the car, Sofea start talking and asking all of us. "Who driving?" I look at each one of them. "I'm not driving." Elena said. Tanisha just minds her own business and completely ignores the question that Sofea has asked.

While Anisha in her statement said that she won't drive but insisted on sitting by my side the whole car ride to Walmart. Well, I can tell the others disagree with her offer and her wishes. "No. AJ will be sitting on the passenger seat and I will be driving the car."

Christine finally speaks up. Her face is full of rage, she already gets enough of Anisha's sassy behavior. "Sure." Sofea agrees and also Elena.

We enter the car, Elena sitting just right behind my seat with Sofea in the second row. Tanisha and Anisha got placed at the back of the car. I feel relieved knowing that Anisha is far from my seat.

While we are on our way, Christine hands out a few questions to fill the silence on the car ride. "So, did you get a driving license yet?" I was looking outside, enjoying the view. I slowly turn facing her while she kept her hand tight on the steering wheel.

"No. But I wanted to. It might take a while." I smile while looking forward at the road. "That's cool. I wish you luck." Said Christine in an exuberant tone. "Thanks, I will try to get one once I start making some money."

Christine let out small laughs. Sofea's voice makes me turn around to look at her in the back seat next to Elena as she says, "Don't worry, you will get a lot of it." Elena nodded in agreement.

"Yup, just don't be scared to get it no matter what's situation you in." That raises an eyebrow of mine. "Why should I be scared?" She smiles and turns to look out the window. Sofea's reply to my question.

"You will know soon and will get used to it, AJ." I turn back to look at the front, trying to understand why would someone be scared to get some money without y moves to the right as Christine makes a sharp right turn.

"Wowowo." That came right out of my mouth suddenly because I was shocked as I moved to the right. I guess I was thinking too much about it which make me react spontaneously.

Christine looks at me as we reached Walmart. "You okay?" I slowly calmed myself down and look at her. "Yeah. Are we there yet?" She gave her wary and worried look plaster on her face.

"Yes. We are here. If you are not okay, we can just turn back and head straight home. I don't mind driving home." I let out a soft chuckle and replied, "Hey, I'm okay. Let's park the car and get the groceries."

She nods and we begin looking around for the empty parking lot while driving slowly past lines of parked cars. "If you see an empty lot, let me know." Christine told us as we keep our eyes searching for an empty lot.

After five minutes of going past each row of cars, I decide to get off the car and walk to find an empty lot a bit far from the entrance door. "How about I go take a look at the parking lot around the back? I'm sure there might be an empty lot."

Christine looks at me and then turns to look at the ladies in the back seat. "I will come back as soon as I found one." After two minutes, Elena speaks up for everyone. "Do you want any of us to come with you?"

I do a little thought and reply, "I think there is no need. I will be fine." All the ladies let out heavy sighs of letting go on their own. I see their reaction. "Okay here's the deal, if I'm not back in five minutes. Come look out for me. How does that sound to all of you?"

They look at each other. "Sure." Elena seem like a boss in the car because every answer came from her, other will just agree and looks at her. I go out of the car and walk with one of my hands inside the pocket of my hoodie.

As I was walking while looking around for an empty lot. My sense told me, I seem to have been followed since I walked past a few cars.

I stopped my step and turn around just to see three figures, wearing all black standing right behind me. I was a bit startled and anxious start to grow inside of me.

Telling me that I should just get going. "Uhm— Can I help you?" I asked them, who knows what are they looking for? They start walking toward me while me backing away from them. As they noticed that I'm backing away, they also open their steps much faster.

"Fuck!" I turn around and run through the car and fastly change direction each turn heaving back to the ladies. I run as fast as I can. I did glance a few times looking at my back just to see they also running at a speed that I couldn't describe but they were sure were incredibly fast.

Suddenly my body hit hard on something that was in front of me. My breathing gets hard as my hand touches the thing that turns out to be a person. Fear crawled into my eyes. "They can't be right in front of me."

The person holds my hand and says, "AJ, why are you running?" It's Sofea's. I look up and hug her tightly. I can tell my heartbeat beating faster than my breathing.

"S-someone chasing me down." My voice starts stuttering as I mouthed the word. Sofea looks up behind me to see the three-figure standing not far from me and her. She let out a groan and push me right behind her.

The woman smiles and says, "We met again, Sofea. Long time no see." Sofea's face full of rage, I can tell she is pissed off by the presence of whoever is the woman is. "What's brought you here, Emma?!"

Emma lets out a soft chuckle and replies to Sofea with an answer that sends a chill running down my spine. "Just chasing a new toy to play with." She even smirk at Sofea as she finished her sentence. Sofea groans some more.

"He's mine!" I wonder where's the other at. "Well, he's cuter than the last one. I guess I need to pass you first to get him just like I always did. And you were never strong to guard what's yours." She let out evil laughs.

My heartbeat gets uneasy. Suddenly a strong wind blows right at us. After adjusting both of our eyes sight. I look at the lady and realize that both of the men that were right by her side are already gone. Where they went? Where is the wind coming from?

I was lost in thought and kept my eyes looking for the men. Suddenly Sofea yells, "Get down AJ!" She cover me up as there were explosions right above us, sending debris erosion on us.

I start coughing and slowly look up at Sofea, she was injured by the explosion. "Sofea?" I cup her face and try to wake her up. "Sofea?!" Christine's voice can be heard. I turn to look at the ladies as they came running at us. Before they reach both of us, I can feel my left arm getting pulled away from Sofea.

I turn to look just to be facing Emma who's having her sly smiles plaster on her face as she pulls me. "Sofy?!" Sofea woke up and pulls me back harder as she shakes her head trying to regain her eyesight back.

Emma's eyes widen as she couldn't believe that Sofea can be awakened right after her attack which usually turns Sofea into the weakest.

Emma suddenly got pushed straight to the parking wall, and the wall itself cracked by the sudden attack from Sofea. Sofea slowly stands up, I put her arm on my shoulder getting her back on her feet with my help.

"Don't worry I'm fine, go to them." I look at her, that still full of rage. "But you injured, Sofea." She chuckles and says, "Don't worry much about me. I'm gonna end this bitch down for good." She smiles and takes her hand off my shoulder.

"Now go." I nod and run to the ladies, I look back at Emma, who's standing right at the cracked wall, looking at Sofea in the disgraced face. The men were not back on her side trying to help her but she dismiss their help.

"I can handle it by myself. Just go!" She even yells at her people. They both left her. She even spits blood on the floor. Sofea stretched her arm a bit. "The most person in this whole world, you are the one that I hated the most."

Sofea groans in anger while Emma laughs in a very creepy way as she wipes her mouth. "Then try killing me instead of just hurting me." This time Sofea laughed back mimicking Emma's laughs.

"That's exactly what I have been looking forward to doing." Sofea laughs again some more after receiving a shocking expression from Emma. I look at Elena and she let out a sigh.

"Christine take AJ out of here now." Christine nod and take my hand. "What. Wait, how are you and Sofea going home soon?" She turns around and smiles. "I will handle that. Now get going."

Christine pulls my hand and begins walking to the car. Once we reached the car, Tanisha asked Christine as she start placing her hand on the steering wheel and the gear.

"We going without them?" I plug on the seatbelt and wait for Christine to answer Tanisha's question but she just makes a move and starts the car. She then drives the car away from the scene. "Answer me, Christine!"

I sense horror in Tanisha's voice as she raised her voice at Christine, who just ignores the question. "Calm down Tanisha. Elena ordered us all to leave." I answered while trying to calm Tanisha and also my unceasing heartbeats.

Out of a sudden, our car got hit by something, making the car spin unbelievably. The airbag hits me as we crashed to the mast. The front of the car got smashed so hard, as I try adjusting my eyesight and try removing the seatbelt off me.

I look up at the cracked windscreen and my eyes caught an orb circling the car just a few inches from my position. I turn to look at the driver's seat, making sure she's doing okay.

I hold her hand and feel her heartbeat. "I'm glad she's okay but." I sigh as I realized that I'm the only one, who's already awakened while others are still unconscious. I doff the seatbelt that is still wrapped around me.

Once I'm done, I turn to look at Anisha and Tanisha in the back seat. I move upward from my seat and go to the second row. I fall to the seat as I try balancing myself as I slide between my seat and Christine's seat just to get to the back.

"Ouch. Fuck." I get up and reach for Anisha but my movements stop as I hear footsteps just outside the car. I put my ear on alert as I follow the sound of the footsteps. The second footstep stops my breathing.

I quickly take my phone out and dial for the emergency call before I even get to click the call button, a thought rush in my mind saying I don't even know where this Walmart at.

"Ugh!" My emotions turn full of rage knowing I can't even call the cops or even Rachel and Mike to inform them what situation I'm in now. "Elena, Sofea, where are you both?" I questioned myself in low voice.

I got so frustrated. Then suddenly Elena's voice can we beard outside the door saying, "AJ?" Her voice is so calm as she calls me. I was about to reply to her but Tanisha quickly shut my mouth with her hand and ask me to remain silent.

I was shocked and just remains silent as the footsteps walked away from the car's right side window which was covered with dust.

The light footsteps get heavier as the person walking almost sounded like a man step and a voice can be heard saying, "They are done."

I was about to fall for the trap. I can't believe they can mimic someone's voice. My heartbeat was unaccountable while Tanisha pushed Anisha with her other hand to wake her up.

After several minutes, Tanisha takes her hand off my mouth. "Who are they?" The first question come out of my mouth once she took her hand off. Anisha slowly woke up also Christine but I can tell they still feeling the dizziness.

"They are Dalgian. They take whatever they wanted and no one can't face them. If one did, there will be consequences." She let out heavy sighs as she leans on her seat and collect her breathing back.

"What are we going to do now?" I look at the dashboard and noticed that the car is still alive which mean we can make a run for it. Christ seems to understand what's going through my mind.

"We wait first, AJ. If we make sudden movements, they will notice and then will track us down." I let out a sigh and tries to remain calm and cautious.

"Fine. Can any of us call Elena or Sofea, I was wondering if they both are okay or not." Anisha places her hand on my shoulder. "Let me call them for you." Then she smiles at me giving me goosebumps. She even flirting in this weird situation.

"No. I will do it." Christine said and immediately dial Elena's number. "Hello, Elena are you there?" Christine quickly questioned Elena as soon as the call got picked up by Elena.

Not gonna lie the quick pick-up call kinda give me shivers. "Yes, I'm here. Where you guys at?" Elena questioned us back. Christine slowly lowers the phone down and turns the speaker on.

But she put her finger on her mouth which mean we all need to be in silent mode as she spoke back. We put our ears on alert as we hear the voice speaks to Christine through the call. "We already reached home. How about you?"

Christine keeps her voice tone calm without a trace leaving her mouth which will make the impersonator feel suspicious. "How— I mean oh, I will be there soon."

I was shocked that the voice seem surprised and suddenly raised its voice but then somehow it realized that it was mimicking someone's voice and decided to reply in a soft tone voice back, leaving small chuckles at the last sentence.

Christine knew it, that wasn't Elena's voice. She smiles because her guess was right. Christine makes a signal to Tanisha, who seems to understand and she pulls me closer.

She slowly whispered into my ear. "Try to make your voice seem far and call out for Christine to come to help you with the groceries." I nod and exhale while controlling my voice.

I cup my face as I say, "Christine, I need your help with the groceries!" Tanisha and Anisha nodded in pride as I managed to fake my voice tone. "Coming! I got to go help AJ out. See ya."

Christine ends the call as soon as she said the last bit of the sentence without waiting for the impersonator to reply to her. "Now we wait because they buy our acting."

We wait with patients and are anxious inside the car, hoping they will leave as soon as they can. After ten minutes in the car, with all our confidence and courage, we slowly roll down the window to see the outside.

We all got out of the car, getting out eyes alert from each direction. We saw Elena walking with Sofea. Sofea seems so injured. I ask Christine, "Is that real?" She kept her eyes on them and look at Anisha, signaling with her eyes.

Anisha's sudden moves shock me because I kept my eyes on the two figures approaching us. She hugs me tightly while saying in a whisper. "Play along, if they are real, they will get mad. Trust me."

I nod and play along. "Anisha stop it." Suddenly the two figures stopped walking and the figure on the right seem to lift her hand off the should of the figure on the left.

"Anisha!" It's Sofea's voice yelling Anisha's name out loud. "Now that fucking real one." My sentence makes Christine chuckles a bit.

I glance back at Sofea and Elena, my expression changes because they both know we're right in front of us with anger and bruises around their face and arm. Some scars on Elena's neck.

I lift Anisha's hand off me and walk upon them. They both got in the car sitting between me. Once we got inside the car, Christine changes the gear to drive and we drove out of the parking lot.

"Once we get home back, can you help explains everything that happened, AJ?" Christine requested me to speak up but the way she asked on their behalf was in a soft tone and hesitates. I look at each of them and smiles. "

Sure, I will. After all, you guys saved my butt. So yeah I owe you all." They were looking at me also Christine in the rearview and quickly turned away as I smiles and was willing to do something on their behalf.

I let out soft chuckles to see their reaction at the same time. After five minutes on the car ride, Sofea speak up to break the silence while I on the other side kept scrolling through Instagram stories on my phone. Almost got bored.

"I'ma take a few winks, wake me up when we arrive home soon." She leans her head on my shoulder and slowly drifts to sleep. Elena looked at Sofea in envious to see what she doing. I look at her and pat my lap.

"Here." I smile while looking at her face that flustered red but she slowly lowers her head and lay down on my lap. I put my right hand on Elena and kept her still on my lap even the car moving or even making any sharp turn.

I switch off my phone and put it aside without moving much as I feel a bit light on my left shoulder. She is already asleep same goes for Elena. I place my hand on her head making sure her head didn't fall off my shoulder.

We stayed like this for the whole car ride back home. I'm glad our ride home didn't get inconvenienced by anyone or anything. Christine takes a different way back home to prevent any of the team disciples might have followed us home.

"I'm going to drive using another road. Might a bit far but I can make the slightest twist turn in case someone follows us." I look out at the dusty window. "Should we go car wash first? Like drive-thru one."

Christine looks at me from the rearview and replies. "Sound great. There suppose to be one after the traffic light up ahead." I nod. The traffic light sure keeps a lot of cars in busy lines, it takes too long to just turn the green light.

We finally pass it on the second time the traffic light turns green. We drop by the car wash. We pay the price, and it didn't cost much but I can say it's still a high price to just do a quick drive-thru.

After about seven minutes of washing and drying the water off, we get back to the busy traffic. Christine makes a few turns left and right making Sofea's head and Elena's body move a bit to the same movement the car makes.

Once Christine feels a bit secure that our ride is safe, she begins driving back home as quickly as she can.

The three of us kept our eyes and ears alert looking at the back of the car and the side windows. The ride took us 20 minutes to finally arrived home.