
The Devil's Vengence

A paled skin boy named Bruce, wakes up in a martial world. But unlike others he has shit luck. He wakes up from the depths of hell devoid of emotions, or care of this world's habitints. This is a story of a boy seeking ultimate power in the most gruesome way possible. No honor, no respect just peer passion and anger. Delve into this story as read as to how he goes through his surroundings, and how get gains power.

DivineLover · Ação
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3 Chs

The Darkest Wakening Pt 2

The pain from the poison of the rat sends spiraling pain in his weak body. It feels as if something sharp is crawling through the very inner pores of his skin. He flips to his back side, clenching his teeth reaping in pain. Small wails come out from his mouth. His inner thoughts sound so loud to him as he thinks "AUGHH FUCK ITS JUST A DAMN RAT!" He gets angry and he slams his hands onto one of the dead bodies to hold on to.

[10 minutes go by]

The pain slowly subsides, heavy breaths, sweat, and redden eyes could be seen on his weaken paled body. He notices more rats in a further distance in pure adrenaline and rage he forces his pained body to start crawling on his knees to grab the rats to kill & eat them. He grabs one & rips it's body in half and digs his sharp teeth into the body of the rat. He notices the poison inside of the rate is less painful and is more bearable as time passes and he consumes more of it. He doesn't stop there! He kills and eat more & more rats till the point where he feels bloated and throws up.

He's realized from all the rats he built up a small amount of poison resistance, he then remembered something. "Since I'm in a new world, does it have powers?" He sits down and goes to lay up against a wall and closes his eyes and feels his body.. [1 minute goes by] "Does it not have powers? Or am I just stupid?" He tries again but he clears his mind, his surroundings all of a sudden feeling encased, and his body feels like a spiral. He feels something like a vortex in his stomach. It was his Qi! He felt Qi! He then smiled out of pure shock that hes in a martial world with cultivation! He quickly suppress his emotions focusing on cultivating. He realizes when he does he can fill as if he is takin in water but it's just a small stream of Qi entering his body. He realizes he already has enough strength to walk due this small cultivation amount. He decides its best to just cultivate as much as he can with the new information he just learned because this was immediately very crucial to him.