
The Devil's Thinking : Death Call

This is a story of 5 friends who are interconnected & trapped in a dream, illusion, hypnosis, spell & nightmare. They don't know that they are causing the dreams, illusion, nightmare, spell & hypnosis to each other. When they do come to know it seems to be someone unknown controlling their minds.

auraltina98 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 2 : The Plug to Sins

Stevven :

I visited Vixxon at the hospital. His condition was worse than I expected. I was walking with Genesis home. Her home was near mine. We were relatives as we belonged to Cannes. I saw her expression which was filled with complete blue. She was more worried than I was.

Yeah, she liked Vixxon. She had a crush on him & it was pretty obvious to us. She just didn't tell us but me & Vanessa knew right away. She was angry at Nero for doing that & also resented at seeing Vixxon's health. Her brown hair was messed up & her eyes cried.

"It's fine! He will be okay! You don't have to worry! He will be strong in no time!", I cheered. Hoping that it would comfort her.

I was her brother after all & it was my duty to not let her down. She glanced at me with her brown eyes filled with tears. I understood how she felt. He was our friend, we should've stayed back at the hospital. We couldn't because of the teachers & also we had The Duels. I won my battle with Mike & Genesis did too. She hoped Vixxon would be there watching her battle.

But he wasn't. She was sad at that too. A voice called her, which was her father & she crossed the road, waving a bye at me. She wiped her tears so that her father wouldn't see. I went straight ahead waving a bye to her as well. Many thoughts were infuriating me.

1) My parents weren't home & I was all alone for a week.

2) I wanted to stay at the hospital for Vixxon, but I couldn't.

3) I was curious to know who my opponent would be at The Duels.

4) I was nervous & my mind was confusing me.

All of these thoughts just came across again & again. I messed up my hair in confusion. I was also tired as we didn't take the Flanticon. Due to some malfunction, the Flanticon had to be repaired. My legs couldn't walk anymore, so I had to reach home within no time. I removed the keys from my bag & opened the door to my house.

It was all empty & silent. I could see the dark version of my house. It felt like a shadow was staying here from a long time. The sunset giving a little enchantment to the house made me feel like a ray of hope. I removed my shoes & put on my regular flip flops. I turned on the light with no one being there.

By this time dad would be watching the news on the TV & his favorite show 'My little angel'. That show was the most weirdest show for me. God knows how my dad liked it. Mom would be preparing the dinner. I would return from school & help my mom in cutting vegetables or sometimes if things were done I would go to my room & play video games.

That's the reason why I knew a bit of cooking. I went upstairs & kept my bag on the chair. The light was already on. Maybe mom or dad forgot to turn it off. I took on my fresh clothes & went to have a nice relaxing shower. I went in & turned on the tap. The hot water was the perfect medicine to burn the infuriating thoughts in my mind.

Drop by drop it burnt everything away. My mind was now blank & at peace. I had my bath early & put on the fresh clothes. A warm hoodie & my track pants. I was bored & thought to read a book. It was 7:30pm. I had a pretty long day that drained my energy. I was wondering what Vixxon & the others might've been doing.

I grabbed my phone & taught to call Jones to ask how Vixxon was. He didn't pick up the call. I tried again & again. He still didn't pick. Maybe Jones was busy with something. I called Genesis. She too didn't pick up. Vanessa was helping her mom at the hospital. She belongs to a doctor family. You see, the deers are the healers of Heavenearth. They can literally heal any injury/disease. Vanessa considers her parents to be her greatest inspiration. That's why she too wants to be doctor to continue her family's legacy.

Since she was busy I figured not to disturb her. I jumped on my bed, thinking of what to do. I wasn't hungry so I thought to not eat dinner. I grabbed a book from my own library, which had tons of books. I grabbed a book called 'The Unforeseen Warrior' which caught my eye. It was written by K.K.Owl. He was my one of favorite authors of all time. How come I didn't read this book?

I flipped through the pages, which had all the chapters. The book was pretty interesting. Let me summarize. There was a warrior called Sarah. She had a loving family & she was very strong. She had a son later on. Her husband died in the military but she continued her will.

She wanted to pass that will to her son as she was getting old, but he did not take it. She died later on, leaving her son alone. Believing that one day he would take it. The climax part was that the son was none other than our principal, Mr Walter. He is introverted & self centered.

He is quite mysterious & secretive. Many people believe that he is one of The DELTA. The DELTA is an evil group based in Heavenearth. They popularize crimes like assassination, murders etc. It's purely evil. But you can't trust the speculations. It's just a rumour. Besides, Mr Walter is a very nice man. He just pretends to be mysterious. Although he didn't take the will, he might have his own reasons for it.

I finished the book in 2 hours. It was interesting & fun. It was 9. My stomach was devouring. I went downstairs to pick something from the refrigerator. There was Chicken rice! Ah, I love chicken rice! My mom makes them the best.

I removed it & heated it until the timer was 0. It was hot & delicious. I took a plate & sat at the dining table. Not seeing my parents eating dinner with me, made me turn blue. I didn't even feel like having dinner. They were always by my side. Just seeing them gone for a week, made me emotional.

I had my dinner & went upstairs. Books were the only things that made up my mind apart from VR games. I took one from the library, this book had to be different. It was about Arts. Arts is a technique or a power, used in various forms. There is Arts of Fire, Arts of Wind, Arts of Leaf, Arts of Earth, Arts of Lightning, Arts of Ice, Arts of Water etc.

I was just a curious boy where my mind was against patience. I read 3 of them. Majestic Ball, Sphere, Ring. My element was fire. I thought to try them down. I went to my yard & began to say the words.

"Art of Fire : Majestic Ball", just then a huge ball of fire was above me. The heat lighting the atmosphere. It was cool & amazing!

I then began the 2nd one,

"Art of Fire : Sphere", a huge sphere formed & disappeared. I heard a voice shouting at me. It was Mrs. D'zebra.

"When will you stop doing your tantrums Stevven? Should I tell your parents?", she complained.

"No I was just tryi----", I said until she interrupted me.

"Try? Try what? Arts? God forbid, you are underage to use the arts! I must tell your parents!", she complained again.

"No! I was just trying it for The Duels. Besides, I'm not underage! I'm 11 I can use them! But please don't tell my parents!", I begged until she made the deal.

"Ok! I won't tell them! Just go home & sleep it's already 9:45!", she said.

"Yeah! I will! Good night!", I said & went home. I entered my house & sighed. I slept on the couch until I woke up from a sound heard in a distance. It was the sound of the plates coming from the kitchen. I saw the clock, it was 1 am.

They were falling one by one, the glass breaking made an echo in my heart of fear. I thought to check what it was. The flames suddenly turned up & the microwave turned on with it's orange light. A chill passed down my spines. My goosebumps popping up. I felt like someone was behind me. I turned back to see who it was, there was no one.

I was in an illusion I guess or I was dreaming too much. I went back & laid down on the couch. I thought to browse some family photos on the TV. I saw a photo of mine & dad's. He was cheering me for The Duels. I looked happy. I scrolled down to see more. I saw a photo which caught my eye.

It was taken at 1 am. It was a photo of me sleeping. I saw the date. It was today at 1 am. I again felt a chill in my spine. Someone was there in the house! I took a deep breath. I turned back. To my astonishment was a women dressed in black robe & a hood.

It was covering her face except her hands which showed her pale white skin. She then revealed her face. The most disturbing face I had ever seen. She had black eyes! Oh my god! What the hell? Her intense eyes capturing every bit of my bravery. Her rotten like skin making it even more easier. Her skin captivating my fear.

She came closer to me, I stepped back. I reached the shelf behind me. She showed her right hand & pointed it at me. My heart at a great pace. My breaths becoming more heavy. I couldn't breathe. It was intoxicating me. I felt warped when she did that.

My body reassembling like a toy set. She disappeared in front of me. My eyes wide open with what happened. I was still paralyzed. I rushed upstairs to my room & shut the door. Trying to forget what happened. I slept but that horrific incident made me insomniac. Her face was flashing back at me like a camera.

I thought to read my personal diary which I left writing 5 years ago. I flipped through the book. It made me feel nostalgic & reminisced my past. The 1st page was an intro. The 2nd one was the one that made me feel scared in a lonely world. It read :

June 10th 2010,

Dear diary,

Today I committed my 1st murder. I killed Mr.D'zebra & his family. Whenever I used to play with his children Gregg & Kriss, they used to give me the annoying look & used to bully me. I didn't like that. People like them don't deserve to live. I thought to kill them. I came up with a plan to kill them. I took the knife from the kitchen & went to their house. Mrs D'zebra was cooking & Mr D'zebra was watching TV. He told me to go upstairs to play with Gregg & Kriss. I went upstairs to their room. Gregg & Kriss were playing video games. I wanted to join too. I asked them & they said no. They were focused on the game & I thought this would be the perfect time to kill them. I went towards Gregg & slit opened his throat. The blood that was pouring out was something that I wanted to see from so long! Kriss screamt & Mr & Mrs D'zebra came running towards the room. Before they could come, I stabbed Kriss in the heart. Mr D'zebra came running towards me but I cut his leg & he fell to the ground with pain & then I stabbed him in the heart. Mrs D'zebra ran downstairs, I followed her not to get caught. She tripped & fell to the ground, I grabbed my moment & stabbed her 13 times. I felt so happy. It was not my intention to kill Mr & Mrs D'zebra but they came in my way. I had no choice but to wipe them down. I escaped through the backdoor with my t-shirt covered in blood. No one heard anything. I was relieved about this. I went home, took a shower, changed my clothes & pretended nothing happened. My parents weren't home so I was lucky. I wanted to see their blood crying! It was the best day of my life!

My eyes flooding with tears & agony. My heart making a different beat. My brain taking a different form that I had never felt before. I had murdered someone? Wait what? Why? When? Why can't I remember? How? I never committed a murder! This wasn't my diary! It belongs to someone else.

I flipped through the other pages, all of them were about me committing murders! I saw the last page that read I had committed my 666th murder! I committed 666 murders? No I didn't! This is not real! Where am I? I sat on the floor crying. I was in a different world. I guess when I was warped, maybe I came to another world.

I went out of the house in disgust. I went to the nearby park to cool my mind. I sat on the swing & saw next to me. The TV shop broadcasting a news. My eyes drifted to that news.

"Welcome to today's news! Stevven Willfoxx has again committed a murder.", a reporter said.

"Isn't it his 666th murder?", another reporter said.

"We ensure everyone to be safe of this psycho killer who laughs in joy when he see the cries & blood on people.", the reporter said.

"We are trying our level best to arrest him as soon as possible, I have never seen a killer like him before. He is just 11. What made him kill?", a cop said as I moved my head from the news.

"Arts of Fire : Majestic Ball", I said & pointed it at the TV shop. It was annoying me. I didn't do any murder. I am innocent. I saw the shop burning in flames & realised I was in trouble. I went home & slammed the door. I cried & wept until I realised that I didn't do it.

Someone must've taken my identity to escape so that the blame would shift on me. This world that I was in, was nothing but a plug to the sins that I didn't commit.