
The Devil's Last Son

Nicklas_McCall · Fantasia
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6 Chs

The Pleasuure In Pain

At first, I wanted to stop but for some weird reason, I was enjoying myself. So I intensified whatever I was doing and he shouted and that gave me so much pleasure.

"Nick, open the door" I heard Sam's voice and he started banging on the door.

Lucky for me I locked the door when I invited Kendrick inside.

"Now listen," I said in a deep weird voice different from my normal voice.

"If you tell anyone about this, I'll continue from where I stopped." I threatened him.

He couldn't help but nod his head.

I opened the door

"Sam, seriously you are destroying our practice session," I said in my normal voice.

"I heard screams so I thought someone was attacking you," he said as he looked at Kendrick.

"We were practicing then Kendrick started shouting, he says he is testing his lungs" I lied.

"Kk then let me leave you guys," he said as he took his leave.

"Now where were we" I said in that deep weird voice.

And Kendrick started shouting again and I felt pleasure in the pain he was going through. After a few minutes, I stopped and took a look at him then reality hit me.

So if I let him go now I'm going to lose a close friend because he is going to be afraid of me then he might even tell people whatever he saw.

I started pacing up and down thinking of a way out of this.

"If only I have the means for him to forget all that he saw -of course Elena, she can cast a spell for him to forget all this".

I took my phone and called her.

"Hey, can you come to my room right now, I mean right now," I said as I hung up.

I continued pacing up and down, I stopped and took one look at Kendrick, he was surely in a mess and he had been talking to himself for a long time now.

I heard a knock on the door and I opened the door as fast as I could.

"You better have a good reason because I was also busy," Elena said as she entered the room.

"So I was kinda busy with something and Kendrick started knocking on the door saying it was very urgent so I opened the door for him when he came in he said he was just joking and got angry" I stopped for a while and let my words sink.

"So I looked at him and he started shouting, saying I should stop and that he is very sorry, but I was enjoying myself for some weird reason," I said.

Surprisingly she said and went over to where Kendrick was.

"What happened Kendrick" she asked him.

"He is a demon," he said.

"What do you mean" she asked.

"He is a demon" he repeated what he said.

"So what do you want me to do" she asked after failing to get anything from him.

"I was wondering if you could cast a spell for him to forget everything he saw tonight," I said.

She was silent for a while

"I know of a spell," she said.

She held Kendrick's head and started casting a spell. She got up and walked over to me leaving Kendrick unconscious.

"He will regain consciousness in a few minutes and when he does he will forget everything". She said.

"Thanks," I said.

"But you know, you should learn how to lie," she said

"So now, tell me what happened," she said with a strict voice this time.

"I was here-" I stopped talking when Kendrick started to gain consciousness.

"Kendrick..are you -"

"Stay away from me demon," he said.

"Please I beg of you, stay away from me," he said.

"It didn't work Elena," I said

"What should we do now" I said.

"I don't know," she said.

We were silent for a while.

"I have an idea," she said "but you gonna owe me big time if I do this for you," she said.

"No problem," I said.

"Let's take her to Master Rita," she said

"No way, I don't want to make a big deal out of this situation," I said.

"Do u have any better idea?" She asked.

"If you don't, then I think this is the best idea I can think of," she said.

"So how are we going to take him out of here without him shouting or calling me a demon," I argued.

"I know of a spell that can teleport us to her house," she said as she took my hand and walked over to Kendrick placed her hand on his shoulder, and started casting a spell.

When I opened my eyes I was standing in front of Master Rita and a lady.

"Elena!" Master Rita shouted surprised.

"Mom, I have a better excuse" she defended herself.

"Mom?" I asked as I had no idea of what was going on.

"I'll explain it later, right now let's solve the problem". Elena said.

"Good evening Maria" Elena greeted the lady who had crossed her legs and looked so relaxed despite what was going on.

"Good evening, now please tell me what's going on" she replied in a familiar voice.

I've heard that voice before, yeah it's the lady that told the mystery man to admit me on the very first day I came to this school.

"So, Nick was trying his best to see if he could discover any of his powers but with no luck and in frustration, his friend knocked on his door claiming it was very important, Nick opened the door for his friend only to find out he was just joking with him, so Nick with his frustration just looked at his friend and he shouted shouting, and started calling Nick a demon with no one to turn to Nick called me to cast a spell for him to forget all that happened today but with no luck, so I was wondering if you can help us" Elena explained everything to her mother so fast that I almost forgot that she lied for me.

"So....what do you expect me to do?" Master Rita asked.

"I've tried the basic spell but it didn't work so I was kinda wondering if you can use a more advanced spell on him for him to forget" Elena suggested.

"Yeah, I know of a spell that will surely work," Master Rita said.

"It won't," Maria said

"How sure are you?" Master Rita asked.

"It is one of the powerful spells," she said.

"I know, it won't, we need someone with a telepathic ability, someone who is very talented," Maria said.

"Then let's call Master Stephanie, he is-"

"NO!" I interrupted Master Rita before she could finish

"One master is more than enough, I don't want to be the center of attention for the rest of the week," I said.

"Fine, then I will call Darius," Maria said.

She called Darius and told him to come to Rita's place as soon as possible.

"So, when he comes what will he do?" Master Rita asked.

"He will use his telepathic ability to prevent from remembering everything that happened this evening" she replied.

"And is Darius the right person for this job?" Master Rita asked unconvinced by her decision.

"You have no idea, he just doesn't want attention so he always keeps to himself".

She replied with a smirk.

"So how did you know all this and how sure are you that it will work" she asked still uncertain.

"I have my ways" she replied her.

I don't know if it's just me but I feel that she is hiding something.

"Hey, thanks for having my back" I whispered to Elena's ear

"You still owe me an explanation" she whispered back.

I tried to approach Kendrick but he pushed me away by calling me a demon.

After waiting for a few minutes we heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," Master Rita said.

So the mysterious man is called Darius, and though I now know his name, there is still something about him that still feels odd.

"Good evening" he greeted.

"Darius please, you see that boy over there," Maria said pointing her hand at Kendrick

"Please, can you be a gentleman and let him  let him forget all that he saw tonight, would you?."

"Don't come near me" Kendrick ordered

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I'm only here to save you" Darius said stretching his hand.

Kendrick tried his best to resist him but Darius was too strong for him, he held Kendrick's head with both hands, looked at him in the eyes, and told him to forget all that he saw tonight.

"Nick, where are we?" Kendrick asked.

Relieved at last for him to see me as a friend, not a demon and at the same time disappointed because of what I put him through tonight.

"We had a party tonight, don't you remember?"I lied.

"Nope," he said shaking his head.

"Effects of hangover, come on let's go," Elena said as she left the room.

"Nick, I want to have a word with you," Maria said.

I told them to wait for me and approached   Maria.

"Nick now tell me what happened," she said.

"Everything happened just like Elena said but what puzzles me is that he told me that he begs and he won't do it again and when I stopped he started calling me a demon," I said.

"I'm sure that will also be part of your powers, you may intimidate people but your kind of intimidation is very severe," Master Rita said.

"So, is that the only superpowers you have discovered for the past weeks?" Rita asked.

"Yh...I know we are not making much progress" I replied to her.

"Not anymore, from now on I'll be your trainer," Maria said.

"Are you sure?" Master Rita asked her.

"Of course I am" Elena brushed Rita's question off.

"So tomorrow after you are done with your lectures, come and see me so that we start," she said with a smile.

I never knew she could smile.

"Thanks, tomorrow then," I said and took my leave.

I went outside and saw Elena and Kendrick inside Darius's car. We got in and drove back to our hall, after making sure Kendrick didn't remember what happened, Elena again told me to tell her what happened.

I told her a different lie this time and this time she believed me. I don't want her to find out about Ruth and I.

"So about the mom issue" I asked her.

"This is my little secret so please don't let anyone know about this, promise me," she said.

"I promise," I said.

"Master Rita is my mother, she brought up the idea to make it a secret, she doesn't want people to doubt me when I achieve something because my mom is in the council."She explained everything to me.

We were silent for a while.

"It's getting late I have to go, Goodnight," she said as she stood up to leave.

"Hey, thanks for tonight," I said.

"Don't worry about it, just remember you owe me big time" she said and left.

I couldn't help but look at her, who in the world wouldn't fall in love with a girl like this?

I went to my room and slept the moment I fell on the bed.

I got up with a headache, I took my bed, prepared a quick breakfast, and went to Kendrick's room.

"Nick, I still don't remember going out yesterday," Kendrick said still confused.

"It was more like a date between Elena and me but you wanted to come along and when you came you were so hyped I don't know if you drank any alcohol, you were shouting and then you passed out, lucky for us Elena has a friend who stays nearby" I lied to him knowing I have no option.

"If you say so, come on we are late," Kendrick said after he finished dressing.

We went for lectures after lectures I took some time to be with Kendrick just to be sure for the last time that he doesn't remember what happened yesterday, and to my delight, he still doesn't remember anything.

After school, I went to Maria's office we talked for s while mostly about the message I created yesterday.

"I don't know," I said.

"I was enjoying myself seeing him in that pain and discomfort, it was more like music to my ears," I said so disappointed in myself.

"It Kk," Maria said trying to console me after seeing how disappointed I was

"Maybe that's what your powers are," She said.

"So you are telling me my power is to enjoy seeing people in so much pain" I argued.

"Something like that, are you telling me that vampires are happily feeding on people to survive? they don't, they wish they had another way but they don't that's the only way for them to survive" she said in a thin voice.

It looks like time does not affect her, she still looks like a teenager, with cute lips and long black hair which dances on her shoulder every time she walks. She is no doubt everyman's dream. Her dark skin color makes her more like a goddess.

"But with them, they have no option to feed on them otherwise they will die," I said.

"Exactly, but you do have a choice, that's why you have me, I will show you how to use your newfound powers" She paused for a while to stare at me.

"We will start from how to use that your will not only even if you are angry, but we don't have anybody to test it on, so just listen to me, and when you find yourself wanting you just do it," she said.

"So, all you have to do is to make it your very first priority to make the person fear you, let you intend to let the person feel pain, like what you wanted to do with Kendrick," she said.

All I could do was nod my head.

"After making it your intentions, you just look straight into the person's eyes and you will see the effects after that, you can even use your powers to get a confession out of someone," she said with a smile.

After digging everything I was still left with many questions.

"So what do they see when they look at me" I asked.

"That, you will find out soon," she said with a smirk.

"And how come you know of all these things about my powers?" I asked.

"God, you ask a lot of questions, you will soon find out," she said ending my question again.

We were silent for a while then she started asking me questions about my family, I told her of my dad and mom and how my mom is busy most of the time so it's like my father and me every day. We talked for a while and I told her I was tired, we decided to meet tomorrow.

When I got to my room, my roommates were just smiling at me.

"What happened" I asked knowing they wanted to ask me something.

"Yesterday, when we came back you were not around and we wanted to know what happened between you and Ruth," Seth asked.

"I was about to go that far with her then Kendrick started knocking on the door, so she took that as an excuse and left," I said.

"What was it that he wanted?" Prince said.

"I don't know, he said he just wanted to destroy whatever I was doing so we went out with Elena to party" I lied about yesterday to them.

"By the way, Ruth says we should give this food to you" Rick gave me the bowl.

When I opened it, it was full of rice and chicken, I looked up and smiled.

"Who is hungry?" I said with a smile.

Spencer said he was full so he didn't eat.

"The food is really delicious," Rick said.

"Are you guys dating?" the Prince asked.

"Nope," I said.

"What are you waiting for, she is clearly into you, when you propose to her she will hardly say no," Seth said.

"And I also want to eat more of her rice, "Prince said.

"Think of it Nick, you guys are not dating but look at how you are enjoying, imagine what you will do when you guys are dating," Rick said trying to convince me.

"It's a bad idea, ladies are complicated Nick" Spencer said" Maybe she wants your relationship to be like this, no dating something more like friends with benefits" Spencer continued opposing what the other guys were saying.

They argued for a while and then stopped after we finished eating, I slept for a while, got up, and started to learn.

We heard a knock on the door when my roommates opened the door it was Ruth, they started leaving slowly but Seth gave me a nod before leaving.

We talked for a while then told her I wanna tell her something.

I pushed her close to me and looked at her in the eyes

"I know it's gonna sound crazy what I'm going to say, and my decision has nothing to what happened yesterday, I started catching feelings for you a week after we met and you have been so much love and care lately, which made me fall in love with you even more, at first I saw you as a friend but when I got to know more of you I was really surprised how a beautiful of the heart of yours could be so lonely and  I would be hurt seeing this beautiful heart of yours maltreated by someone who doesn't deserve you" I stopped for a while to look in her eyes.

"I love you, Ruth, I do," I said

She looked at me for a while
