

Alex pushed Silver against the wall. "You're mine." He whispered to her in a husky voice. "Get your hands off me, I belong to nobody but myself." Silver grumbled while struggling to break free from Alex's tight grip. Alex wrapped his other hand around Silver's slender waist and pulled her body closer to his. He inhaled deeply to catch her sweet scent. "You became my personal property from the moment I captured and brought you into this mansion. I'm your master and you'll do everything I tell you including helping me kill your father." "You're just a maniac and I'd rather go to hell than help you." Silver said as she tried to avoid Alex's alluring gaze. "Darling, this is hell and your stubbornness is exactly what makes this fun, but I don't understand why you keep resisting when I can give you everything you want." "I want to go home." Alex chuckled when he heard Silver's ridiculous request. He put his long fingers on her chin to raise her face up to look at him and pressed his lips against hers. A few seconds later, Alex pushed his face backwards." Interesting, but it seems your body doesn't agree with you. Do you still want me to let you go?" He seductively asked with a devilish smile. Silver was breathing heavily "You are indeed the devil." It was undeniable that she enjoyed the kiss because she couldn't stop herself from moaning. ******** Alex was the heir to the strongest mafia family, but his family was betrayed and brutally massacred. He witnessed the death of his parents and thanks to his mother's sacrifice he escaped this unfortunate fate to become the only survivor of his clan. Many years later, Alex became the leader of another notorious mafia clan. He is back to avenge his parents, family and clan but to accomplish his mission he needed a golden card to play against his enemy and that card was Silver Lorenzo. However, Alex can't stop himself from obsessing over his prey. Silver, the only daughter of one of the wealthiest conglomerate family had all the luxury a girl her age could wish for but lacked one thing in her life: "Freedom". This made her very rebellious as she tried to escape her cage. After a couple of failures, Silver finally succeeded to escape. Unfortunately, she was captured and locked up in another cage by a man aiming to destroy her family. In order to survive, Silver must escape this monster's clutches and prevent her family's downfall. However, Silver finds herself wanting to spend more time in the arms of the devil she was supposed to run away from. This is a story about two individuals with intertwined fates. Is their love strong enough to conquer their family differences or will they bend to the pressure like their ancestors?

Kyle_Kingston_5465 · Urbano
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Chapter 1

Silver's POV

"Where the hell are you right now, Bethany?" I screamed at my best friend over the phone.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know why I can't get this damn car to start." Bethany responded in a pleading tone.

"Are you kidding me?... What do you mean by you can't start the car?...Do you realize that you're putting me in a risky situation?" I yelled back at her in frustration.

"I know....I know and I'm so sorry because this wasn't part of the plan, but just give me a few more minutes and I promise to get it fixed." Bethany said.

"I can't wait that long, Beth. Besides, you also know how difficult it was to ditch my father's watchdogs. Their wit is very sharp and they must have discovered that I have dsappeared few minutes ago." I complained anxiously.

Although Mia tried to assure me and I could hear the devastation in her voice. However, I was also under a lot of pressure and I just couldn't afford to wait any longer.

"Calm down, they won't be able to find you that easily because it's a very spacious club. This is why I chose this place as our stage." Mia said confidently.

"Damn it....." I cursed and quickly hid myself behind a wall.

"What is happening over there?" Beth asked in worry.

"Those bastards, I can see my bodyguards at the building entrance looking for me. What am I supposed to do now?" I asked as I secretly peeked out from behind the wall.

I began to fear that I would get caught and the consequences would be unsatisfactory.

"Okay, I take it back and I must admit that those guys are good, I can't believe they actually thought of searching for you outside the club." Beth praised.

"Beth, this is not the right time to compliment my bodyguard." I snapped at her angrily.

"Sorry," Bethany apologized. "We need to change the plan because I can no longer pick you up from outside the bar," Beth said.

"So, what is your new plan?" I questioned impatiently as I continued hiding behind the wall.

"Alright, there is an alley linking to another street next to the club. It would be best if you took that alley while I drove the car to meet you at the next street," Bethany suggested.

I looked around the area and sighted the alley Bethany was talking about, but I felt uncomfortable with the idea because the alley was very dark.

"Ummmm...are you sure about this?" I mumbled in doubt.

"You don't have to worry about anything. I promise you'll be safe, just trust me." Bethany encouraged me again.

Bethany had been my best friend since high-school, infact to be precise, she was my only friend. So I knew I could definitely trust her advice.

It might seem weird that despite my prestigious reputation, I only have one friend whereas a lot of friends should be flocking around me but it because of my reputation that I don't have too many friends.

My father, Greg Lorenzo, is the CEO of Blue enterprise, the country's leading technological company and I'm his only daughter which makes the heir to all of his assets.

Many individuals have tried to approach me, but thanks to my dad they were chased away because I was always surrounded by his elite guards.

I couldn't blame him because I understood my father's reasons for being over protective of me. My mother was mistakenly killed by assassins thinking my father was in the car.

Ever since that tragic incident dad tighten up the security around me and limited my interactions with people.

The only reasons Bethany remains my friend are only because he was convinced that I needed someone my age to talk to regularly and because Bethany was also my mom's best friend child.

I enjoyed all the luxury anyone could ever wish for but the one thing I lacked was my own freedom.

It was my twentieth birthday today, and as a result of persistently pleading with my dad. He finally allowed me to go out and celebrate with Bethany with the only condition of taking a couple of bodyguards for our protection.

My best friend and I, however, have a secret plan other than just celebrating my birthday. I have grown tired of being caged down and there is no way my dad will ever listen to me about giving more freedom than I already have.

Moreover, a couple of days ago, I discovered that he was planning my engagement to his business partner. I figured it was time for me to run away as long as I didn't want to remain a prisoner and my accomplice was my best friend.

We have already bought our tickets for the next flight to a different country and it leaves in a few hours.

The plan was for me to escape from my bodyguards while Beth and I escape with the get away car she had already parked in the club parking lot a day ago.

But the situation isn't going according to plan at this moment, so if I were caught right now, it would exacerbate my predicament.

When I thought about how severe the consequences of my actions would be, I hurriedly ran towards the direction of the alley without any hesitation.

The alley was a dark, quiet and narrow path. The only source of light that I could use to see as I ran was the flashlight of my phone.

I suddenly stopped running because I could hear faint sounds of several voices coming from a corner ahead of me. I also perceived the smell of the cigarette they were smoking and I was sure that the voice belonged to hoodlums hanging out in the alley.

I slowly tried to backaway in order to hide my presence because it would be a nasty situation for me if I was discovered by these hoodlums.

At this point, running back to my bodyguards was a better option. Sadly, it seems my luck totally abandoned me today because I stepped on a bottle that clanked loudly.

"Damn it..." I swore in disappointment because I just got stuck in a serious dilemma.