
Thoughtful Gift

Flora smiled as she petted the top of the mother wolf, they were outside of the cave getting a little bit of sunlight while she checked on her condition murmuring, "It'll take another 50 hours before she can be considered out of danger." Flora sighed she sat down near the pups on the blanket she had placed as one of them nudged her hands.

"Are you worried about your mom?" Flora asked as she petted the small pup, and he nudged her hand as his mother's tail coiled on them acting as a blanket. Flora smiled petting the pup while also leaning back slightly against the mother.

"It'll be alright, I promise," she said as she closed her eyes taking in a soft breath. Flora opened her eyes up before she reached for the coat she had yet to finish. She smiled as she lined the wrist with fur before another idea came to her. She took out her stash of materials getting to work as she started to create another fun piece of clothing for the cold planet.

Flora smiled finishing the last stitches as she looked up as a shadow formed on the ground near her. She smiled cutting the loose threads as the two landed near them waking the sleeping wolves. The pups nudged at her as she sighed petting them gently with one hand while the other placed the sewing equipment inside the pocket dimension.

"What are you doing?" Azrael asked as he walked towards her. She smiled getting up saying, "I got a little bored after finishing the coat, so I made this." Flora smiled as she passed him a pair of black leather gloves saying, "I don't know if it will fit."

He nods taking off the pair he had on and trying the new ones on, but she knew they were too small when he couldn't pull them down all the way. She sighed asking for them back as she held her hands out saying, "I'll make another pair, give these back."

He shook his head saying, "No it's alright, look," as he snapped his right hand and the gloves grew as they fitted themselves perfectly into his hands while the old pair were put away.

Flora smiled looking up as he said, "Since I got a gift, I should return the favor," he then snapped his left hand, and a long row of cleaned and neatly rolled snakeskin appeared in his arms. Flora frowned looking at the shining silver scales as she stepped to the side to check on Andras, Azrael smiled at her reaction.

"Do not worry, he isn't hurt, Andras was able to hunt a slime serpent today so we brought you its skin since it can be clothing material, plus it's also both durable and stretchy," Azrael explained and Flora nodded saying, "Thank you," before she took the role of skin placing it away inside the pocket dimension asking, "Azrael, do you want to try the new vegetables that grew inside the cave?"

He nodded and she smiled walking towards the cave while he followed behind. "Oh, right I also made some soup, do you want to try it?" Flora asked and he nodded as she gestured towards the bed. He smiled asking, "Do you enjoy cooking?"

"I do, I am not allowed to cook often so when I get the chance I cook as many things as I can, what about you?" She asked as she sat down next to him on the bed passing him a bow that was near the small balls of fire he had created, he smiled saying, "I don't enjoy it, but I can cook well enough to survive."