
Slimy Creature

"Flora!" she heard Tori's voice from the cracks as she continued, "Get out quickly." Flora grabbed Diana and flew up while the others grabbed the other two researchers and flew out, "Go to the rest of the group and wait there," she commanded before placing her down and flying towards the crevice from where she heard Tori's voice.

"Tori!" she yelled as she flew inside to see Tori and other holding back a slimy creature. It was pale white with no eyes its skin was shinny and covered in something slimy as it opened its mouth spiting something.

Flora immediately created her defense barrier before asking, "Tori, is everyone okay?" They nodded flying back slowly as Tori created more chains to hold the creature back. "Tori get the others out of this area now," Flora said as she pushed the barrier forward stopping the creature as the other flew out the crack towards the sky and she also flew back.

She flew up while holding the barrier in place when she noticed the small cut on the creature's head. Flora sighed creating chains similar to the ones Tori created but more flexible as she held the creature down with both the barrier and chains.

She flew towards it as the struggled more she said, "It's alright, calm down," her tone gentle and soft as she reached forward. It seemed to calm as she placed her hands a few inches from the cut and a golden hue moved from her hands to the cut slowly healing it. It stopped moving as the pain disappeared and the chains loosened. She smiled moving back saying, "Thank you, and sorry for hurting you."

She then flew up and into the air as the chains and barrier around the creature disappeared and it moved back to where it was before. Tori walked towards her upon seeing Flora fly out as Diana rushed to her side examining her asking, "Are you hurt anywhere?"

Flora shook her head saying, "I am fine, how are the rest of you?" "Tori is with an injury," Quinsy said as Mina added, "She's trying to be tough." Flora gave them a gentle smile saying, "Take count while I heal Tori." They nodded as they gathered up everything.

Tori sighed asking, "Flora, what happened to the creature?" She smiled saying, "It was hurt." Tori was going to ask another question but the look on Flora's face answered it without her asking.

"Should we continue, there will be more cracks on the path ahead?" Edna asked as Flora glanced up. She smiled saying, "Yes we need to map as much as possible, plus no one is injured right now." They nodded as the walk started once again and everyone was back to their original positions. They finished the 10 miles within the next few hours and returned to their campsite.

"Good work everyone, we will continue to explore the rest of the planet in 16 hours, during this time the researchers are free to use the ship and document their findings and rest. Fairies, you will be given your duties by the guardian fairies," Flora said as they waited for further instructions. Everyone quickly dispersed themselves as they got to work.

The time following after their landing couldn't be documented with days as the planets all moved and functioned differently so the fairies had learned to document their times in hours and at the end when they reached their goal of 500 hours they could depart, unless a disturbance occurred.

The first 300 hours were documented without a hitch as everyone did their work and got the job done, but as they traveled further from the ship the more time it took to travel and collect samples.


"Flora, we can't set up camp outside the safety zone and we also can't scout this much area within a few hours," Edna said as she pointed out the map they had. Flora sighed, before asking, "Quinsy can the ship travel?" Quinsy shook her head looking at the chart saying, "We can't travel back and forth with the ship, we will lose too much fuel."