
New Safe Zone

"How about moving the ship that way one then covering the area in between, like this?" Mina suggested as she moved a mini model of the ship towards an unscoured area and placing another radius.

Flora smiled, asking, "Quinsy is this possible?" She turned doing a few calculations before saying, "Ya but we have to move the whole zone so we need to pack everything then we can fly about 100 miles out and cover the remaining distance. However, to do that we need to set up the safety zone there before we land the ship."

Flora nodded taking a few seconds before saying, "Alright, Edna and I, will go with 5 of the fastest fairies, here," Flora said as she pointed to the map, and she continued, "We will leave as soon as we gather the poles, and it should take us about 5 hours to reach this location. The ship shouldn't take more than a few minutes if everyone is ready to leave. So, Mina, get the researchers to start putting their equipment away and get the tents cleared with other fairies, Quinsy keep the ship safe while tracking our location, and Tori guard the ship since Edna, and I will be taking the safety poles with us, clear?" Flora asked and they nodded she smiled turning to Edna saying, "Edna get the fairies ready, I will inform Diana of the plan."

The two left quickly as Flora rushed to the research lab and searched for Diana. "There you are, Diana there's been a slight change in our mission, we will be moving camp to cover more area so you should start cleaning up the lab and placing away unsecured objects before you fly," Flora said and she smiled before walking out quickly and flying out the ship towards the group of fairies in the sky.

"We're ready," Edna said as Flora flew next to her. "Great, let's get going, stay together," Flora said as Edna nodded flying away and the fairies followed behind as Flora was at the back and a little higher keeping watch over all six of them.

They flew with little breaks as they arrived where they were meant to be within 5 hours, but it didn't feel right. There were far too many cracks, now named Ice Rifts, on the ground and not enough solid space for them to set up camp.

"Flora, this place, you feel it too, don't you?" Edna asked and Flora nodded saying, "It's ere, we will move left, are you girls able to keep flying a bit longer?"

They nodded and she smiled, saying, "Just a few more minutes girls then we can rest," as they flew left towards a solid area.

They reached their desired location quickly as they flew further left. Flora took the initiative to set the pole up letting the others rest as she quickly covered the area.

The ship arrived within a few minutes, and they flew up into the ship to rest as it was landing. However, before it could reach the Icey ground, they heard the ice move under them.

Flora and Edna were looking out from the windows, and they swiftly flew outside as Quinsy flew the ship up into the air. The two quickly removed the safety poles bringing them to the fairies that waited outside the ship before the poles fell into the depts of the new Ice Rifts.

"This isn't good Flora," Edna said as they looked down at the ground. Flora sighed saying, "I know, we should go someplace else, we need to tell the others." Edna nodded as they flew into the ship and Mina asked, "What happened?"

"This part of the planet isn't safe, there are Ice Rifts being created without warning, we need to-" Flora was cut off as the ship became unbalanced.

"Quinsy, now's not the time for jokes," Mina said her tone annoyed and Quinsy responded quickly saying, "I didn't do that, there's something under the ship. Hold on here." She pulled up a scan of the ship and the ground beneath the ship as she flew higher. They looked at the image in confusion.