The princess of a Kingdom with legendary heroes as parents she grew up beloved by all. However, the one to love her most is the Devil himself, the most powerful sorcerer in the universe. Their love both forbidden and dangerous in ways they themselves do not understand. Join me in exploring the world of fairies, sorcerers, dragons, and demons.
Azrael was returning behind Andras to see how he would handle the bird but as Andras disappeared he noticed the bird change direction and before he could react, he saw Flora in the bird's claws. He was about to speed up and save her, but she freed herself.
He watched for a few moments before noticing she wasn't flying. He dove down before centering them both and holding onto her as they landed on the ground.
"Thank you," she said, and he didn't respond walking inside before he placed her down. She healed herself and he sighed asking, "Is your armor, okay?" Flora shook her head saying, "Not anymore, the back of it melted a little last time I think, and now the legs are messed up too." He nodded before she sighed saying, "I might freeze to death now."
"You won't," he said his hands glowing creating another ball of flame, this one much hotter, and she smiled saying, "Thank you." He nods saying, "You should rest, I am going out with Andras." She nodded laying down as the flame stayed next to her and he placed the hares in her arms.
Flora woke to the hares shifting in her arms. She sighed placing them in the corner before getting up and trying to walk. Her legs hurt but she was able to get to the cave's entrance to see no one was outside.
Flora sighed not wanting to fly up again walking inside and looking at the plants in the bowl. They were growing but not by a large amount. She took a deep breath before she reached forward and used her powers to grow the plants again. The plants had grown enough to create a few more leaves and she smiled sitting down and noticing the flame which stayed by her side.
"Flora," she heard her name being called as Azrael walked inside, she smiled trying to get up, but he stopped her. "It's alright, anyways, I have a gift for you," he said walking towards her. "What is it?" she asked, and he waved his hand as he created something.
"This?" she asked looking at the ball of fur that was in front of her. He looked away saying, "Andras, and I were training when we caught a glacial bear. It was dying so I brought you its fur, you don't like it?"
She smiled saying, "It's nice, but it still has blood on it." He frowned looking through it again and sighed before saying, "Sorry, I thought it was cleaned." She smiled getting up saying, "Don't worry about it, I will clean it up. Anyways, do you know any place where I could bathe?"
He nodded, saying, "It's a little far though and the water needs to be warmed up." Flora nodded saying, "Lead the way." He glanced at her wings asking, "Are you flying?" She tilted her head slightly asking, "Is that bad?"
He shook his head saying, "No, just a little slower but it'll be okay, let's go," Flora nodded placing the fur inside her pocket dimension, as she fluttered out of the cave. She noticed Andras as he quickly moved towards her. "Hello, thank you for the fur," she said her tone gentle as she noticed Azrael, flying up and through the split on the wall. Flora followed behind him and she started a conversation asking, "How long have you been on this planet?"