
The Devil's Domain

Blanc was an orphan but with great ambitions. He was always the victim of upper echelons politics just like any other commoner. But at the age of 18 everyone has the opportunity to become an upper echelon. With an ability and a territory, if someone has ambitions and firm resolve. They can become gods and rule the world. But this involved politics and politics are gamble and manipulation and cheating. Everything is hateful but when it is done, it brings satisfaction because of the rewards. Heh, life as a whole is a gamble and Blanc is the biggest gambler in history. After all, someone like him live in just gambles.

Ronan_Ion_1358 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 2: First Recruitment

Blanc thought of something and grinned evilly.

'If you are gonna do this, then don't mind me for being a little evil and I think this is fair.'

He shrugged his shoulders because he didn't care about it.

He then imagined white crystals and then, 20,000 fate crystals. They all piled on the floor.


Blanc let out a sigh. He then, looked at mana crystals and grinned.

He checked the shop.










He clicked on recruitment and went to vampire sections and bought a royal vampire with 20, 000 fate crystals. Of course, his heart bled but he had to do it. He felt like a noble right now. Well, even nobles can't buy such things at first day like this.

After buying, a white ball appeared and after a few seconds it cracked open and from it a beautiful girl appeared naked. Blanc used appraiser on his wrist watch to check her attributes. Wrist watch also have many other functions.

[Race: Royal Vampire]

[Attribute: Rank-9]

[Level: 1]

[Loyalty: 100]

[Skills: Blood Control, Blood Puppet, Domineering Aura, Crimson Flames.]

[Description: Royal Vampire are the most prestigious family of vampires. Their blood line is very strong. Their control over blood makes them powerful and hard to best. Common and Noble vampires will fear them.]

It was a royal vampire and a Rank-9 at that, so naturally it costed alot.

It had red hair with green eyes. It had a voluptuous body of G-Cup and big ass and thick thighs. It's skin was pale white. It's height was about 1.8 meters, same as Blanc.

She came respectfully toward Blanc and knelt.

"This humble servant greets master. Please give me a name."

Blanc had a boner right now but he still calmed himself down and spoke, "Your name will be Scarlet."

"Thank you."

Blanc was having difficulty in looking so he raised his palm toward Scarlet and used his ability.

She now wore red jeans, white shirt and red jacket that are easy to move in. He also wanted a touch of modern society.

She then stood and smiled at Blanc. His heart skipped a beat. Damn, he is a virgin, you know.

"Ahem, Scarlet, I want you to go out and hunt some beasts and explore some area and inform me."

She nodded and left without hesitation. After she left, Blanc sat down on the floor due to mental exhaustion. It costed really alot. After all, this was too much of a cheat and it cost alot because a this type soldier even higher level lords do not have.

He, then, left tiredly towards his bedroom to sleep for a while. His bedroom was on second floor.


After four hours, Blanc opened his eyes slowly and saw Scarlet seeing next to him standing with concern. Blanc sat up and looked at Scarlet, "How was the hunt?"

Scarlet spoke, "It was good master. There are 50 corpses of rank-4 yellow wolves."

"And about the area?"

"I explored not much but in front of us is a dense forest and in back is a massive ocean."

Blanc nodded and glanced at Scarlet, "Have you eaten anything?"

"No, master." Scarlet spoke with a serious expression.


"You should have eaten."

"But how can I without the consent of master?"

"Well, fine let's go."

"But master, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just some mental exhaustion for using my ability."

Scarlet nodded but she was still concerned. She was serious type of girl.

They went to the hall of castle it wasn't big but it was still bigger than ordinary houses.

He looked at corpses and ordered Scarlet to dissect them and also dissected them himself.

After that, Scarlet only needed the blood, so she just drank that, leaving meat for Blanc. He roasted them with fire made by Scarlet.

And then he ate the demonic meat. Demonic meat also helped him raise his strength but not much as soldiers. All soldiers prefer their own food to eat and if you force them to eat something else, their loyalty would drop.

After eating, Blanc came outside with Scarlet. She watched her master.

Blanc snapped his fingers and fences appeared around the castle.

It was for defense and nothing else.

Now, the other problem, rank-4 demonic meat cannot help Scarlet level up. It will take at least rank-7 demonic meat. Although, Scarlet was powerful but she still would be powerful after level up.

Blanc pondered for a moment. He looked at Scarlet and asked, "Scarlet, how deep you can go in that forest?"

Scarlet spoke respectfully, "Master, I can go much deeper than last time ."

Blanc nodded and ordered Scarlet to go deeper but also give priority to her safety and he went to the throne room.

He changed his vision to Scarlet. Lords can change their vision to their soldiers in a limit of 1000 meter.


Scarlet was running very fast across the forest. After running for a while, she came across rank-4 yellow wolves. She snapped her fingers and all wolves died because their hearts had been destroyed. She used blood control.

Then, again she started running. Blanc had told her to kill at least rank-7 monsters. After killing wolves for a while she came across rank-7 monsters. There were 20 rank-7 fire lion monsters.

She raised her palm and squeezed their heart. All of them died but then, a huge fireball came. Scarlet easily dodged it. She saw a huge fire lion coming. It was a rank-8 monster.

Seeing this, Blanc raised an eyebrow. It looked like monsters with high ranks are here in high amounts, then maybe rank-4 wolves were the only one remaining.