


after elyze finish fixing herself, she take out her phone first before leave on her room, since today is weekends and they don't have any classes today, she only wears a simple white halter dress that reaches down on her knees and then put some white shawl on her shoulders to cover her back, she also braid her ash gray hair before went down to the dining room to eat.

meanwhile, in living room, you will see chauncey looking at the ceiling like a dead person and couldn't forget his nightmare last night so he just thought to himself, 'that nightmare was quite realistic as heck.. my feet were sore for chasing caitlyn and her two minions and my head hurt so much! am I going to die?!' not only chauncey, but including Alexandra who was lying on the sofa also felt sore in every inch of her body, and keir who was on art room.

meanwhile, rheyne and rohan was still sleeping, while damion shut his self in his office, zepphyr and jotaro was at the training ground, sparring to each other and lastly, devian who was at the kitchen, cooking for their breakfast.

as soon as they saw elyze went down on the stairs looking around, alexandra stand up and greet her with a cheerful smile, "Good morning elyze! did you get enough sleep?!"

elyze then remember her nightmare but she decided not to tell anything to them since she still felt suspicious about it even until now, after all, those dreams felt realistic for her, which is why she couldn't help but be suspicious.

"..Yeah I have, what about you?"

Alexandra's face just gloom when she asked her before she went back on lying on the sofa, "haa.. good for you, I have this kind of nightmare last night that aria and I were chased by rufus and it's reallyyy scaryyy! not only him, but even the different wild animals as well. the rest, I don't want to remember it again!" she complained while rolling on the sofa and holding a pillow while her cheeks was blushing, elyze just look at her meaningfully, but then whispered something.

"seriously, of all people.. why it have to be Mr. rufus who's chasing us? it as if like those nightmares have a deep meaning." when elyze notice Alexandra's reaction, he couldn't help but to grin at her.

"do you perhaps like him?" when elyze asked her like that, Alexandra's face started to turn into tomato so she just throw the pillow on elyze but she manage to catch it without any sweat.

"I-i-i-it's not like that! I mean.. uhmm.. well, Mr. rufus were so kind and cool, a-and uh, he's quite handsome too but I-I-I don't like him at all! it's just t-that.. I j-just Idolize him, yes! That is all! no more, no less!"

hearing Alexandra stuttering at her, elyze just give her a laugh before replying, "If you really like him, then you should make an opportunity to talk rufus, who knows.. he might took liking of you one day."

when Alexandra heard her said those words, she just hold the pillow tightly and avoid her gaze to elyze while saying, "But he's always been surrounded by girls and even guys.. there's no way I.." elyze then tap her shoulder and smile at her sweetly that makes Alexandra blush..

"then if you really think that was the case, use your authority over the academy to talk with him, I'm sure.. no students will dare to interrupt both of you.. is there?"

when Alexandra heard her advice, she started to cry out of nowhere that makes elyze get surprised.

"Uwaaahhh! you're so kind, elyze!"

"err, thank you?"

"You're really a genius! you deserve to be part of Supreme 10!"

"Ha..haha.. t-thank you.."

"I will follow you from now on!"

"you don't have to go that far.."

"Even so! you're a goddess! you're my savior!"

it took a few minutes to make Alexandra calm down so elyze just excuse herself that she would go to devian first, and when she enters at the kitchen, she close the door immediately and let out a sigh.

"I think I went too far on giving her an advice but.." a small smirk formed on her lips as she put her hands on the back and said to herself,

"Now I'm already sure that what was happening here isn't just a mere coincidence.."

"coincidence, what?" when elyze heard a profound voice coming on the side, she just look at him coldly and there she saw devian wearing a pink apron and holding a spatula while smiling at her.

"that's none of your business."

"oh my, has my lady is keeping a secret with me? did you already fell inlove to damion?"

"where the hell did you get those idea?"

"oh so you're not huh..? then why are you keeping some secrets with me?"

they just stare to each other while exchanging a frosty and cold response, but a few minutes later, it was elyze who avoided her gaze first and sigh.

"those things that I dreamed of last night ..that wasn't just a nightmare.. it did really happened last thursday, because if it wasn't, then why they were all acting like their whole body was in sore? I'm sure you felt that something's off as well when you woke up earlier, right?"

devian's smile slowly fade away as he carried elyze all the way to the counter and make her sat there that makes her gasp, "H-hey! what are you doing—?!"

"My lady.. just pretend you didn't know anything for the sake of your safety, because even myself, barely remembers about what happened last thursday. all I just know is that, it is a dangerous magic that even me couldn't stop it at all."

elyze was surprise about what he heard from devian, so she couldn't help but to felt anxious as well but she didn't make it obvious and just hold her chin.

"so in the end, those incident was made by a mysterious immortal huh? an immortal that have the power to alter the reality, an unknown creatures who can make people fell asleep by utilizing a purple fog around them.. do you know someone who can pass this criteria?"

"hmm.. none, and even if there is, I wouldn't tell it to you." elyze look at her coldly.

"huh? are you defying me?"

"of course not and I would never be. however, this problem is involving with immortals from parallel universe, don't forget that you're still a human, if you keep sticking your nose to something you shouldn't have, you might be put in grave danger." devian slowly approach elyze ears and whisper something to her, it so soft and gentle that you almost think that he's actually caring for you, but for elyze, it is a threat. so the only thing she could do is to bite her lips.

"you surely not planning to give me hard time in taking care of you, will you? you have to give me a payment if that happens, and you know what kind of payment that I want.. my lady."

when elyze felt his breath started to hit on her neck once again, she immediately push her slightly and crossed her arms. 'darn.. why the hell I couldn't win at him?!' he thought and have no choice but to reply on him out of her will.

"I know! I know! I give up damn it! tsk!"

"you're so clever! as expected to you elyze!"

"because you threatened me!"

"Oh my.. I would never do such thing like that to you~"

"Shut up, I'll make you pay soon!"

"I'm waiting~"





inside of room 005, where rohan's room is, he slowly open his purple eyes as he sat up immediately and look around, but when he notice that he's still wearing his favorite sleepwear rather than his P.E uniform, he let out a long sigh and hold his head.

"Wow.. what a nightmare.." he said to himself before lie on his bed once again, suddenly, he remembers darius and for some unknown reason, he felt disappointed thinking that everything was just a dream so he took a pillow and cover his face.

"and here I thought I found something fun to played with.. to think that it was just a nightmare all along.. how frustrating." he whispered like a dejected child while pouting.

"hey, the hell are you talking about, human?" but his eyes suddenly widened when he heard a familiar voice so he look beside him and there he saw a white fennec fox lying on his side, so rohan smile brightly before lift him up and hugged him tightly.

'w-wait! I can't breathe!'

"So everything was not a dream at all..? amazing.."

'a-amazing?! but you almost got killed by a reaper.. how come that's amazing?!'

"does that means that our pact was real as well?"

'well.. you could say that—wait don't change the topic!'

and again, rohan just smile cheerfully at him before poke his reddish nose and caressed his chin, "well, anyway, I'm glad that—that was the case, are you hungry? is there some food that you like?" he asked to darius as if like he's just offering some food to friend, but when darius was about to answer his question, he cut him off.

"except blood and soul."


rohan just laugh once more, "wait me here.. I'll take a bath." he added before he went to the bathroom and close it, as soon as darius saw him enters inside of the bathroom, he immediately change his appearance into his human form and walk towards the window alcove and sat there.

"damn, this human is fuckin' weird." he whispered while pouting, "he's the only human I know who become cheerful as soon as he saw a demon sitting beside him." he added, at the same time, there's a hint of sadness on his eyes so he just glance outside of the window.

'now that you mention it.. there's another person who made the same reaction like him..' he thought before wrapping his arms around his knee and incline his head on it, his face become soft while there's a slight regret on it as he turned into fox form once again and whisper something as if like there's a hidden meaning behind on it. "he must be in the safe place now, wasn't he?"

suddenly he stop talking when he heard the door from the bathroom opens, and there he saw rohan, wearing a plain purple t-shirt and jeans with a violet clip on the right side of his hair, he then took his cellphone and approach darius who was at the window alcove.

"want to go with me?"

darius just look blankly at rohan, but soon after he jumps on his head and perched there hat makes the corner of rohan's lips twitched, "can't you just walk?"

"Too lazy."

"does your strength hasn't went back yet?"

"I already got recovered, but I'm just too lazy too walk."

"You.. are you really sure that you're the sins of greed not the sins of sloth?!"

"huh?! I'm more superior to the sins of sloth! and unlike that guy, I'm way too more handsome than him!besides.." he give rohan a pitiful look enough to make the people's heart melted on his cuteness before replying to him, "aren't you like me? you're so happy earlier seeing me on your side." rohan just give him an expressionless face and said,

"No. Definitely not."

"Don't make such face like that! did someone has told you that you are annoying?!"

"None. actually it's the opposite, lots of girls like me so much, they saying that I'm interesting."

"then those girls must be blind then."

"they were not. actually because of my face, I often getting raped by them, the next thing I knew I'm already inside of the motel along with four naked girls having a foursome with them."


rohan just shrugged his shoulder before take darius out of his head and carried him, before caressing his chin, suddenly, someone knock on his door so he walks towards it, meanwhile, darius was still shock after hearing what did rohan said, 'He's actually..a trash, that's unexpected!' he thought to himself.

"W-well, anyway.. I must warn you not to talk about what happened last thursday, since every living beings in this dorm only knows that those events is just a dreams or a nightmare."

rohan just nods at him, "got it, I barely remembers what happened anyway." he said while sighing, so darius just stare at him.

"those phenomena was made by a powerful immortal living in the parallel universe that even a primordial demon like myself, doesn't have a chance. so I suggest not to stick your nose from it, it's dangerous."

rohan just scowl to darius and replied, "And where did you get those ideas? why would I risk my life to something I don't even know of?"

"just to make sure, I don't like risking my life either. if you die, I'll die too."

"tss." he just replied and as rohan open the door, he saw his twin, rheyne, on his plain white t-shirt and pants, he was supposed to speak when he saw rohan carrying a baby fennec fox that makes him surprise.

"woah...where did you found that guy?!" he asked to him, that's when rohan understand what darius said earlier, so he just smile plainly and replied, "when I wake up earlier, I found him on my window alcove, it seems like he's hungry so I decided to took him in."

"won't his mother finds him?" using rheyne's finger, he just caressed darius chin, but he stop as soon as he felt a dark presence from rohan who was giving him a glare that makes him smile awkwardly.

"right, he's already yours." he just replied and avoid his gaze, 'Seriously.. he's a freakin' psychopath!'

after thinking this, he just sigh. "Well, dinner's ready, let's just go."

"got it, got it."





as soon as elyze went on the dining room, a creamy white walls exposed to her, there's a large glass table on the center with a total of 12 white modern chairs, and then a small bar counter on the side with a wine cabinet that contains different kinds of alcohols and wines.

"Wow.. did you make all of this?!" when Alexandra saw different french dishes, and italian desserts that was prepared on the dinner table, she couldn't help but to felt amazed to devian, so devian just smile plainly to her, meanwhile, elyze just sat on the fourth chairs and didn't mind them instead.

" cassoulet, lamp chops, chicken cordon bleu and etc, there's also a strawberry shortcake.. are you a license chef or something?" chauncey asked sarcastically and take some spoon, forks and dining knife before started to eat.

"so this is how elyze take breakfast huh? I'm envious.." Alexandra replied, so elyze's lips just twitched, 'I barely eats devian's dishes tho, although his cooking talent is really a top tier that can compared to royal and professional chef.' she just thought and started to eat as well.

soon after, keir also came on the dining room, and when he saw the dining table filled with french dishes that he loves especially the strawberry shortcake on the center, he just smile widely and glance at his brother with a hint of teasing on his face.

"heh.. how rare, so you still remember my favorite dishes—!"

"No. this is just a mere coincidence."

"I'm not done talking yet!"

hearing his brother's words, he just pouted on him like a child, keir sat down in front of Elyze before he began to eat the strawberry shortcake that was in the middle first and savor every last of it, and by the time he tasted the sweet flavor of the strawberry shortcake that his brother made, for some reason, a mysterious boy with a crimson red eyes and silver silk hair that is similar to him wearing a beautiful smile appears on his mind that makes keir gasps.

a few minutes before he recovered, he smiled bitterly as his serious expression turns into the face of a child who just got buy his favorite toy, he then compliment devian's cooking with a small hint of sarcasm behind on it,

"wow~ your cooking tastes good as always, brother! it makes me remind of something in the past! when you often sneaking up in the kitchen so that you can bake a strawberry shortcake for your mother-!" all of the people inside of the dining room stop from eating when they felt devian's dark presence, even elyze couldn't help but to look at him as well especially when she saw devian's cold and icy expression while letting his killing intent covers the whole surroundings. when keir realize this, he also give his brother a cold expression.

then devian asked, "The hell are you trying to play at?"

"why..? I'm complimenting you here, is it that hard to accept a compliment from your half-brother?"

"don't act like we were close, I don't even care at you, not even a slightest. therefore, you have no rights to talk about 'her' Infront of me."

and that makes keir hurt a little, so he just gritted his teeth secretly and clench his fist, on the one hand, although alexandra and chauncey doesn't have any idea about the sudden changes of the atmosphere, just by seeing devian wearing his cold expression and feeling his killing intent were already enough for them to grasp the situation, so Alexandra tried to stop them.

"E-errm, let's not fight Infront of the dinner table guys-!" however, keir didn't listen to him rather he just provoke his brother even more and grin widely.

"ha! Yeah right! were not even close so why would I follow you?! huh?!"

"you.. you seriously testing my patience..?"

"heh..? you actually losing a patience? now that surprises me.. you did really change so much these past few years, brother! I thought you're just a robot who doesn't feel an emotion or remorse at all but now.. it's very surprising! If only your mother was still alive right now then she would probably be happy seeing you like tha—!"


all of them glance at devian when they heard him shouted, even elyze, who just busy eating his food couldn't help but to stop and gasps, this is the first time he saw devian losing his patience. normally, if someone was badmouthing him, he would just simply smile and talk back, but now.. he's actually losing his patience that he even blurted out keir's real name, which make elyze comes in a conclusion, things started to get dangerous. so before things really become a disaster, she have to butt in but then, she heard keir's bitter laugh echoing the whole dining room.

"Haa.. You actually calls me in my real name.. now that's interesting, Brother L—!!" devian was supposed to attack him but all of sudden, he stop out of nowhere and couldn't move even an inch, that's when he realizes everything as soon as they heard elyze spoke.

"hey.." with just her one word, all of the people inside of the dining room felt a chill running down to their spine, they gasps when they saw elyze and her expressionless face with bored eyes as though she found this events rather disappointing, like an audience who lose an interest to the play they were watching.

"We were Infront of the table, stop acting immature."

and that makes keir feel an annoyance towards her so he replied, "Huh? just who do you think you are..? this is our own problem, so stop minding someone else's businesses—!" but he stop when elyze cut her off by giving him a glare.

"I told you to shut up didn't I? don't be stubborn and learn to respect the people who is more older than you, fool."

"Huh?! did you just call me, fool?! you psychopathic bitch-!" keir's eyes widened when elyze suddenly took a dining knife and run towards keir as quickly as she could before pointing the knife on his neck that makes the others gasp as well.

"that's why I'm telling you to shut up, if you don't want to see this psychopathic bitch slit your throat and kill you." then she whispered, "this is not your world where you are the prince of an influential kingdom and can kill people as much as you like just by snapping your finger. because in this world, you are just nothing."

after she said those words, she let go of him before look at devian, and when devian saw a disappointment on elyze eyes, he couldn't help but to bite his lips, 'damn.. what have I done..?'

then elyze mouthed to him lastly that makes devian feel down even more,

"this is not you devian, you disappoint me."

