
The Developer of Dimensions

Arthur, an ordinary young man, wakes up in an unfamiliar apartment after a night of drinking. As he tries to come to his senses, he quickly realizes that something is wrong. The world around him seems both strangely familiar and terrifyingly unfamiliar. While exploring this mysterious world, Arthur discovers a surprise that will turn his life upside down. While surfing the web for entertainment, an unusual window appears: ---- Do you want to start the Dimension Developer System? Yes/No? ---- By accepting, Arthur is offered the incredible opportunity to become a Dimension Developer. Using this revolutionary system, he creates iconic works such as "The Last of Us" to influence this new world. With the help of his new creations, Arthur embarks on an epic struggle to reclaim Earth from the clutches of the Whispers and Beasts that have invaded it, through dangerous expeditions and daring conquests. Arthur will discover the secrets of this system and the true intentions of those who designed it. His quest to free humanity from the monsters that rule Earth will lead him to startling revelations about the nature of his own reality and the role he's destined to play. Between fierce battles, startling discoveries and extraordinary mutations, Arthur will have to face his own demons and decide how far he is willing to go to save this world... -------- PS : I use different software to translate my texts from French to English, so if you see something that doesn't make sense, please let me know! Discord invitation : https://discord.com/invite/E29zb4Ut2w

KleyLeBro · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

The Pendant's Mystery

POV Arthur:

I was lying on the ground, the impact of my fall still reverberating through my bones. Breathless, I tried to get up, leaning on a collapsed column. The light filtering through the hole in the ceiling bathed the room in a diffuse, dusty glow.

"Arthur, are you all right?" cried Emilia, panic evident in her voice.

"Yes, I'm fine!" I replied, trying to sound more reassured than I felt. "Just a little stunned."

"Stay where you are; we'll come down and get you," James responded.

"No, wait," I said as I struggled to my feet. "I'll explore this place while you look for a way down. Maybe I'll find something useful."

James hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Okay, but be careful. Call if you need help."

I nodded and began to examine the room I'd landed in. It was an old living room with torn couches and overturned furniture. The walls were covered in mold and cracks, silent witnesses to abandonment and desolation.

Rummaging under a collapsed sofa, I discovered a first aid kit still intact. Inside were time-blackened bandages, empty medicine boxes, and insects swarming to escape the box. "Disgusting," I muttered. This kit could have been useful, but given its condition, I put it back.

As I continued searching through the wreckage, something caught my eye. A shard of silver, half-buried under a pile of moldy books. Pushing aside the debris, I uncovered a silver pendant no larger than my hand. It looked ordinary at first glance, but as I examined it closely, I felt a slight, almost imperceptible vibration emanating from it. A thrill of anticipation ran down my spine.

This had to be one of the relics James had mentioned. I placed the pendant in my pocket and felt a strange warmth spread through it. Continuing my exploration, I found several other items of interest.

In a partially dislodged cabinet, I found what appeared to be a diary written by a former resident. It contained tips on purifying water, building shelters, and crafting makeshift weapons. "This would have been useful before, but now..." I muttered, tucking it away.

Just as I was about to head for the exit, a thud caught my attention. Near the fireplace, a metal box was half-hidden behind some crumbling bricks. Opening it, I found an old walkie-talkie and some spare batteries. "With any luck, we might be able to use these," I muttered, picking them up.

I continued to rummage through the debris, discovering items of lesser value but still useful. In a ruined closet, I found a box of clothes, still in good condition, lying beneath a collapsed sink.

As I navigated through the rubble, I came upon a small, finely carved wooden box. Inside, family jewels and a few old coins gleamed faintly. Although these items had no immediate practical value, they could be traded for food or other necessities.

After gathering what I could, I headed back to the hole to report my findings to James and Emilia. "I found quite a few useful things! Did you find a way down?"

"Yes, we're coming!" James shouted, his voice echoing through the building. A few minutes later, a makeshift rope was lowered through the hole.

"Climb carefully," Emilia advised, her face appearing through the opening.

I packed the items I'd found into my backpack and slowly climbed up the rope. When I reached the top, breathing heavily, I handed the bag to James, who took it carefully.

"What did you find?" he asked curiously.

"Quite a lot," I replied, taking the pendant from my pocket. "But this is what intrigued me the most."

Emilia approached, her eyes widening when she saw the pendant. "It's a relic, no doubt. Looks like going into this building was a good idea."

"I felt it as soon as I touched it," I said. "There's also some jewelry, a diary with a few pages intact, and a walkie-talkie that might still work."

James nodded, clearly impressed. "Well done, Arthur. The diary you can keep, and the walkie-talkie might be a long shot, but it's worth trying." He patted me on the shoulder.

We decided to return to camp to examine and sort through our findings. On the way back, we shared our impressions of the building's condition and the objects we'd found.

Back at camp, we spread out our discoveries on a makeshift table. Nina and Liam approached, their eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"So, what did you find?" Nina asked, pointing to the pendant.

I quickly explained the origin of each item. She carefully took the pendant between her fingers, examining it closely. "This is incredible. This relic could really help you. Maybe it has powers we haven't discovered yet."

"And the journal," Liam added, flipping through the yellowed pages. "A few pages survived the damp, but otherwise there's not much here."

Ethan, who had been inspecting the walkie-talkie, chimed in, "The walkie-talkie's dead. Most electronics are useless these days unless they were made to last, and this one's no exception."

We spent the rest of the afternoon examining our finds and discussing how best to use them. The pendant remained a mystery, but we were all convinced it could be useful.

James explained that weapon-type relics were easier to use because their function was clear, but with relics like the one I'd found, we had to figure out its purpose.

Since this was my first expedition, and everyone agreed, the team decided to let me keep the pendant, partly out of kindness and partly because its usefulness was still a mystery.

As the sun began to set, I sat down by the campfire. Nina had tied the pendant to a rope, and it now hung around my neck, hidden beneath my clothes.

As dusk turned to night and everyone went about their tasks, I felt a familiar presence beside me. Emilia was sitting next to me, her eyes fixed on the flames.

"How are you feeling?" she asked quietly.

"Oddly relaxed," I replied. "It's as if this pendant has a calming influence."

"That's quite possible," she said with a smile. "There must be something special about it. We need to find out what it is."

We sat in silence, watching the dancing flames. The night was still, broken only by the crackling of the fire and the distant sounds of the forest.

Just as we were lost in thought, a scream pierced the darkness. We jumped to our feet, all our senses on high alert. It was a cry of distress from the other side of the camp.

"What was that?" Nina asked, her voice shaking.

"It was Liam," James replied, grabbing his rifle. "Let's go check it out!"

We hurried to the source of the scream, our hearts racing. When we reached the edge of the camp, we found Liam on the ground, his face contorted in pain.

"What happened?" James asked, rushing to his side.

"Over there," Liam murmured, pointing to a dark silhouette at the edge of the forest. "Something… attacked me while I was pissing…"

We looked in the direction he pointed, catching a glimpse of a figure watching us before it disappeared into the darkness. A new threat had arisen, and from the look on James' face, it didn't bode well.

If you like my work and want me to continue releasing chapters every 2 days, don't hesitate to give me powerstones!

KleyLeBrocreators' thoughts