
Chapter 141: Night Talk


Hey my beauties!!!!

Ok I read one comment who requested for an additional chapter since I skipped an update the other week. So in response to that, I'll be releasing two chapters next week. Thank you and Happy Reading 🤭!


Dexter watched Lee vowed his head from the distance as he apologized to the people who took him in. "So what now?" Dexter looked at Aiden beside him.

"What do you mean what now?" Dexter asked back.

"Your next move, you got your husband back. So what's your plan?" Aiden asked again.

"He got his hair cut and he's newly shaved now hhhmmm…. I want us to stay here for a while. His so called death cause so much of a commotion and I know it will make a lot of noise if they knew he's still alive. Until I have a concrete plan to bring out the news without stirring up too much commotion I plan to keep him here for a while…. And also I want to take this excuse to have a quality time with my family."

"Not a bad idea but what about that boy?" Dexter looked to the direction where Aiden is looking.

"My husband has been in this island for months and yet he didn't budge. I don't think I really need to worry him unless he makes unnecessary move, then that's when I'll think of it as a problem that I need to solve." Dexter said in a cold voice.

"Still as discreetly obsessive with Lee, you still haven't changed." Aiden said laughing. "But are you alright? I think you need to see a Doctor, should I call my sister in law?" Dexter glared at Aiden.

"This will be gone soon. We hadn't done it in a long time that's why…."

"Yeah your walk is giving you away too much, it says that I have been fucked by my husband the whole night." Aiden said sarcastically.

"He wasn't able to fuck me the whole night, I was in pain so he stopped." Dexter said.

"I'm curious for an Alpha like you how would you rate your husband's performance?" Aiden asked curiously.

"Lee is good, I mean I am good but he's on a different level of good or maybe it's because I love him that I think he's good? No I don't know but he satisfies me." Dexter honestly answered.

"You shouldn't really be traveling this time." Dexter looked at his belly.

"I'm just at my 7th month. I don't think it will be dangerous to travel." Aiden explained.

Dexter looked at his husband again from the distance.

"I'm really sorry that I have deceived you." Lee said for the nth time. The owner of the run down resort told him it was ok so many times.

"So he really is your husband then?" Lee scratched his head with the owner's question. Lee looked at Dexter and signaled him to come.

"I'll just go over there." Dexter said to Aiden before going to where Lee is.

"Everyone my beloved husband Dexter Mejia Shun." Lee introduced Dexter to everyone.

"I'm grateful and thankful that you have extended your hospitality to my husband." Dexter said. "But I have one favor to ask. Would it be ok if we stay here for a while? I can help with the management of this resort and also the marketing of it." Dexter suggested. "Of course the only compensation I will ask if for you to let us stay here."

"Dexy honey we will stay here for a while?" Lee asked.

"Yes, I'm not ready to share you with anyone yet." Dexter said.

"Mom, Dad, we can't trust them. They lied to us who knows if they plan to get us to trust them and then betrayed us right away." Richard looked at the owner.

"Your name is Richard right?" Dexter stepped forward and fixed Richard's clothes. "I'm pretty good with what I do and my husband is pretty good with what he does. I'm pretty sure you will need our help to keep this I'm sorry — sinking ship afloat." Dexter said blatantly.

"My husband's expertise is to promote things. He can sell anything. He used to be free lance promoting places and sports things before we got married and after we got married he helped in his brother's work, now he…"

"Lee honey they don't really need to know the details of my work history. The only thing I want to hear is, is it a yes or a no?" Dexter cut his husband.

"Will this really save our little business? With all the big competitors around us, will we be able to compete?" The old man asked.

"Of course!" Dexter excitedly answered.

"Then it is a yes for us."

After the deal has been made and after they retreated to their room Lee massaged Dexter's shoulders, planting small kisses to his neck. "Not tonight, Lexter is sleeping in the bed with us. I don't want our son seeing thing he shouldn't be seeing at an early age."

"Are you sure you can add another work?" Lee asked with worry. "I heard from my brother that you are working with your brother and also at the same time you have taken my part of the job."

"Hey you admired me so much before because you said I can do anything. Honey this is me doing what I'm good at. I won't take a job which I can never handle properly. You know me, I know my limits." Dexter turned and cup his husband's face before planting a kiss to his lips.

"Enjoy your hobby as I work for a living for the three of us. After this I'll make sure to make you work your butt off."

Dexter woke up gasping, his forehead is full of cold sweat, he looked beside him and was able to breathe properly once he saw his husband sleeping. He got up and brush his face with his palm. It was another nightmare, nightmare which haunted him for years that fueled his anger for his husband. The image is as clear as it was the day it happened and till now it still brings him to tears. The pain of someone who loss the life which he brought to this world. Afraid of waking up Lee and making him worry, Dexter got up and went out. He went to get some fresh air, he light up a cigarette. He thought he was able to give up the smoking again but each time the nightmare visits him a stick of cigarette helps him to calm down.

"It's bad for the children to inhale smokes from cigarettes. I never took you for someone who smokes." Dexter looked at the person who made a remark about him smoking.

"I only take a smoke when I needed it." Dexter simply answered. He throw his cigarette away even though he barely smoked it.

"Why are you up this late in the evening? Can't sleep?" Terrence asked.

"Yes and no." Dexter sighed as he looked at the night.

"I'm sorry, for what happened before. We have dragged you to that mess and it almost destroyed your marriage….."

"It was as dark as this night when I watched my baby taken away from my body. I resented everyone of you. Till now I'll be lying if I say I have fully forgiven everyone but if I don't move on it will cost me my family and friends. I don't want that to happen. I don't want to hurry myself in forgiving all of you either maybe little by little I'll get there someday." Dexter took a deep breath.

"I know and we all understand. We will wait for you, you are part of our big family Dexter."

"His silent cry and gasping breathing still haunts me. Every time I hear it, It seems my throat is getting squeezed, I can't move and I can't breathe. I want to ask for help but no voice is coming out, no help is coming. And I watched him die over and over again in my dreams. Sometimes I wished that I was unconscious during the entire time my baby was struggling so I wouldn't have to witness it and relieve it each time in my dreams." Dexter tilted his head up to the sky trying to suppress his tears but the cracking of his voice is giving him away.

"I'm so mess up, even now I'm still am. The only thing that's keeping me in line with my sanity and life is my family, my family which I almost loss. I wouldn't be able to survive if I truly lost Lee. I can't Terrence, I realized that no matter how much hatred I have for him it doesn't change the fact that I love him so much that I can't bare to loss him."

"I'm sorry." The only thing that Terrence was able to say, he can't even look him in the eyes because he knows that what Dexter told him are true.

"Terrence do me a favor and keep my family out of danger with your affairs. We will help but there will be limits to how much we can help. I won't let any of my family die. You know what I mean. I'm not Lee, I'm not soft and I always do as I say."

Terrence nodded, in all the years he has been friends with Dexter it becomes clear to him that Dexter can do anything when it comes to protecting his family. Even up to the point of torturing and scaring someone. The man which he held hostage in his basement, the one who mistakenly abducted his husband wasn't able to leave the mansion unscathed. The man left the mansion incomplete without tongue and without his jewel. Lee doesn't even have any idea that such thing happened under his roof. The man was soon pinned to the crimes which tied him clean to the scandal that tied to the Witchburns. How did Dexter was able to do it, no one knows but he knew all the evidences where ready even before the tragedy of his pregnancy happened. Everything was prepared, everything was secured it was as if he was just waiting for things to explode before he released everything. Dexter works really clean. Terrence realized that the most calm person are the scariest one. He is better an ally than a foe. He should have realized it sooner when Dexter turned his mansion to a place with highest security that is not possible for infiltration. When Dexter learned more mix martial arts and when he learned that the Alpha even trained and taught himself how to shoot different caliber of guns. Dexter is continuously learning, growing and adopting all to protect his family. Even when he's pregnant he kept things minimal, offered limited help. He knows his limits and stayed in the safe zone he created for his and his family. He should have seen it, Dexter's weakness and his strength comes from one thing, specially that person.

"I'll go first." Dexter said.

"Are you seeing a Doctor!" Terrence asked.

"Yeah I do but I'm here, I think my appointments to him have to wait a little." Dexter turned his back to go back inside.

Terrence sighed, he really hope that their problems from the past was the end of it. He's scared that if any of those resurface or comes back another life will be put to danger again, specially now that Chester is pregnant again. "No you are thinking too much, they are dead and just two more months Kitten will give birth." For an unknown reason what Dexter told him made him feel nervous.

"He's a double edge sword, I don't want to imagine if something bad had happened to Lee back then, I don't know what Dexter would do." Terrence whispered to himself, he sighed. "What am I even worrying about? What could go wrong?" Terrence just laughed the worried he was feeling.

Dexter slowly and carefully lied back down, he buried himself to the arms of the man he loves. "This time I'll do better, I won't let anyone hurt you and our family again. It will be ok this time. There's no need for me to be scared again." Dexter whispers.


"Sweety careful with that, no no no that's expensive….. Sweety…." Jules quickly dodge when Axel throw the monitor to Jule's direction.

"Fuck! He still can't tame his Omega, I should have gotten myself a popcorn going here." Henry glared at Jean who enjoys watching the scene in front of him. "What?! It is not everyday I get to see that prideful man circus himself around just to please his wife."

Henry just sighed he felt hopelessness in Jean's case.

"Axel the more you break things here the more your husband's debt to my hospital increases." Henry explained.

"I said let me go! If you let me and my son be on our own then I'll off your hair and you will never going to see me again." Axel said.

"You can get out of here if you really wanted it to." Henry state a matter of fact.

"Yeah only to be captured by your wife and your friend. I'm not like Jeffrey who hungers for love that would make himself be blinded and be used by other people." Axel said.

"That will hurt my wife if he ever hears that. Though for the record I never once used him and never will." Henry said.

"Can you guys leave us alone?" Jules who has been silent since what Axel just said requested for them to get out of the room. After that it is just him and Axel.

"Sweety….. no Axel." Jules took a deep breathe before saying anything. "If you can't trust me then I want you to kill me. The keys out to this room is in my pocket. You can get them, I already informed Jeffrey not to follow you if ever they found my lifeless body and I already arranged the money and assets that can last a lifetime. This will give you and our son a very comfortable life."

Axel looked at him in disbelief. "Come on take the knife and….." Jules walk slowly till he's face to face with Axel. He grabbed his hand and place the knife to his hand, he lifted it and point the pointy edge of the knife to his heart. "Stab me here to where my heart is."

"Why?.... Why are you doing this?" Axel whispered, he must admit he's captivated by his eyes. Eyes that looks at him with so much longing.

"You'll get your freedom if you do so. I promised to give you what you want, so this is me giving it to you but you have to kill me at least then it will put me out of the misery of losing you and our child again. You can't be too cruel Axel, leaving your husband twice." Jules laughed bitterly and then looked away to keep his tears from falling.

"Why should I trust you?" Axel asked.

"I don't have the answer to that just like how I didn't have the answer back then. The only thing I can do is to show you, because I know, no words can make you trust me. I have known you far more than anyone in this place." Jules simply explained.

"Kill me now Axel, have a pity on me. You made me promise not to harm myself whatever happened to you and I'm fulfilling that promise even though it is really hard living without you after all these years. Please put me out of my misery." Jules looked at him to his eyes. "Do it Axel, I'm begging you….. because if you don't I will stick to you like a leech till you learn to love me again."

"Why do all these for me….. I'm filthy….."

"Never once I have seen you as someone who's filthy. You are my wife, I have always see and treated you with high value and respect. Axel just give me a chance to win you over again…. That's all I'm asking."

Axel looked at him with suspicion. " You work for the Government and I…."

"Vladimir is dead….. Victor is dead….. so who will have the power to tell you what to do now? I worked my ass to cover your tracks and crimes. It was the deal I made from the organization I'm in. I'm not even sure if I should tell this but even Henry made a bargain to completely clear his wife's record even though he knows that he's already dead... Now thinking about it I'm glad I listened to him."

"So it wasn't a coincidence that the news about the incident that involves us disappeared in an instant?" Axel and Jules looked at the entrance of the room.

"Tell me, what deal that my husband made with your organization?"

"Jeffrey." Jules mentioned the person who's leaning at the entrance.

"I'm the one who's asking a question." Jeffrey walked towards the table and took an apple then bite into it.

"So what is the deal?"

Jeffrey asked again.

"Doctor, he will be an on call Doctor to dangerous missions where the chances of someone getting hurt is high also…. Since your crimes are big he needs to go to a war as a medical doctor….. two wars to be precise — he has been to one already so just one more."

Jules stopped talking when he saw Jeffrey crashing the apple he's holding with his one hand.

"I need to go." That's the only thing that Jeffrey said before disappearing to the room.

"His husband signed to be a volunteer doctor to clear his crimes?" Axel whispered.

"Yeah, we are both desperate you know. You two making your husbands promise such ridiculous thing. If I can go back I'll make sure to take back that promise." Jules said laughing.

"Death is no something you have to laugh at!" Axel shouted.

"Easy for you to say, you have not been in my shoes, you don't know how it feels to lose the purpose why you keep pushing. You came into my life carrying nothing and yet you went away carrying everything in my life…. It's so unfair Axel. You are so unfair…"

Thug! Duhg!

"Fuck! Let's go or else Jeffrey might kill his husband."

Axel and Jules run and there they see a very angry Jeffrey.

"Darling calm down."

"Calm down? How come I have not known this fucking thing?! When did this war happened and how fucking long? Why signed up to a war? Are you planning to kill yourself?!"

"Darling calm down the baby." Henry reminds Jeffrey the fact that he's pregnant to help him calm.

"Don't Darling, darling me!!! When did this happen?" Jeffrey shouted.

"It was just a mini war more like a civil war so it wasn't really that bad this happened months after we thought you died…."

"I was in another country." Jeffrey whispered. "But I only wasn't able to monitor you for just a couple of months." It was more like Jeffrey is talking to himself which got Henry very confused.

"Wait! You monitored me?"

"Yeah! I need to know if you are doing something dangerous to yourself and it turns out yes you are!" Jeffrey start pacing back and forth. "Fuck! Can you take it back? I'll go in your place instead."

"Darling it's not as dangerous as it looks like. I'm stationed at the hospitals so there's nothing to worry and in those missions they are making sure I'm safe. I got more than I asked for so it's a win win thing for me. Beside just one more war and I'm good. They'll only be contacting me for important things. I have asked for a heavy thing and now that I'm thinking about it, it's worth it."

"What did you asked?" Jeffrey looked at him.

"To not show your face and to make it appear that Jeffrey Witchburn is different from my wife. They also buried your case as fast as it appeared. I don't want your reputation to be soiled by people who doesn't know you." Henry explained.

Jeffrey laughed. "It's like you made Jeffrey Witchburn an unknown existence, like me and him are a completely different person. Why did you do it?!" Jeffrey grabbed Henry. "It's like you asked for my crimes to be erased! You asked for a big thing Henry!"

"I basically paying for it with my life Jeffrey, it's a fair trade. Now that you are here I think I have gotten more than I thought with that bargain." Henry shouted back, he took Jeffrey's hands to his shoulders.

"You don't know the pain I went through, I blamed myself for not able to do anything for you so I tried to do things that can at least clear the name of the person I love. It was a fair trade Jeff, I only get calls when one of their agents got hurt badly. People wouldn't even going to notice because they are the one who goes here. "

Jeffrey looked around the hospital "This hospital is like an undercover hospital for their agents." Henry nodded.

"You fucking turn your hospital to…. Fuck!" Jeffrey shouted.

"Are there agents who are confined here?" Jeffrey asked.

"No, not at this moment. It's just Jules who's here." Henry whispered in answer.

"Jeff Darling, don't be like this. Please." Henry try to hold Jeffrey's hand.

"I thought I monitored you enough, how did this get pass me?" Jeffrey whispered to himself.

"Are they fighting?" Axel asked Jules.

"Seems to me, yes, I think they are." Jules answered back.

"They were all just lovey dovey a moment ago." Axel responded back. "Are we like that too?" He added which made Jules laugh because of the pure innocence of the question.

"Yes we are. The hardest part of fighting with you is that you sometimes tends to get a little physical." Jules joked.

"Am I?" Axel asked with full of surprise.

"Of course not, how can you even hurt me when you don't even want to see me get hurt." Jules comeback made Axel speechless. "I think it's time to make those two stop fighting."

"Well apparently you are not as amazing as my wife in that technical aspect so I bet you really wouldn't be able to tell and also this is a secret organization and by secret it means it doesn't need to be known to people specifically to people such as you and my wife." Jules cut in.

"You!" Jeffrey pointed his finger to Jules. "What have you gotten my husband into?"

"He wanted this Jeffrey, for you."

"Darling, no one forced me to do it. I want to honor your wish and at the same time I wanted to save your name and reputation. I don't want people to remember my wife as someone who he didn't wish to be. Please don't be mad." Henry held Jeffrey's hands.

"Is there a contract? The duration, how long is it?" Jeffrey asked.

"I have to serve one more war, my hospital is open to everyone who's in needs so I don't see any reason not to help. About servicing other agents personally is a choice of mine. That is a cheap price to pay to the thing I have asked and now that I know you are alive it pays off ten folds. Please don't be angry." Henry hugged Jeffrey. Jeffrey just nodded in response.

Jeffrey can't sleep, after finding out about the deal his husband made, it stirred up the uneasiness inside his heart. Jeffrey decided to get up to get some fresh air from the roof.

"Can't sleep?" Jeffrey looked beside him and saw Axel.

"How can you trust them?" Axel asked.

"I know no matter what I say you won't believe it. You already have your doubts already." Jeffrey was not in the mood to to persuade Axel. After what he just found out about Henry, his concern is more about His husband's safety.

"Do I love him?" Axel asked.

Jeffrey looked at Axel before saying "Axel only you can answer that question." But Axel

Didn't answer.

Jeffrey sighed heavily before answering Axel's question. "You used to preach to me how the right man will value me. You told me a man who really loves me will accept me for who I am. You even went to introduce me to your husband's friends who are also married to Omegas. I never believed you and yet here I am loving and being love by the man who can accept me."

Jeffrey caress Axel's smooth face. "You said it was Jules who taught and showed you that. You would rather die than see Jules hurt and that's how you got those bullets to your head."

Axel hold the part of his head that has scar from the surgery, he tried tracing the bullet scar and a sudden flashes of memories flood to his head which caused his head to hurt, the last thing he knew was him falling to the floor and Jeffrey's voice calling his name.

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