
The Start

In the bright full moon, a man stood amongst these sky touching buldings and millions of people going about their lives.He sigh, looked towards the bright moon and closed his eyes.Thinking how and why his life came to be this way.Thinking to himself, Gen asked.

"Why am I the only one living so miserably?Will anything be good for once? Why am I the only one always getting the short end of the stick?"

Gen thought it's useless to live and jumped off from the building.When he jumped off he flashback back to his childhood.The past where he used to be a 12 year old kid.He was good kid with a great talent for learning and adapting to knowledge very quickly.The teachers would always praise him for quick to answer.

Some of his classmate started bullying him because of his talent.Gen asked help from his teachers but no one helped him.

So, Gen never got the help and judgement he deserved.When he told his father about his classmates bullying him;instead of consoling his youngest son, his father scolded him for bringing such small matters into the house.

After holding his tears, he somehow, Gen told his mother about the incidents.She told him that she would talk to his teachers. Gen was relieved and decided to wait for tomorrow. But the next day, nothing happened. He still got beat up again, his parents had no time to listen to him. Even his older brother whom Gen looked up to told him 'Man the hellp up'.His brother was 16 years old and part of his basketball team. And due to his growth spurt kicking in,he often tended to be physical with his body and rash with his mind.

Gen couldn't asked her elder sister as she would get mad at him even if he mistakely entered her room.She was peculiar with her things,clothes and looks.

So after his family and teachers failed to help him, Gen had no choice but to endure the harassment at school. Hoping the bullies will get tired of him.He even stopped being active with is his tidies and interacting alike to not stand out.

But during these days, Gen started to keep himself busy with Manga...TBC