
The Desolation of Ghidorah in DxD

A man is reborn in the body of King Ghidorah in the world of DxD. With cannon thousands of years away, there is no point in holding back.

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20 Chs

The Golden Demise

In the large forest belonging to one of the many islands of the British Isles, one could see a large dragon casting a shadow over the forest as it soared above it. Searching for something as its heads watched the forest intently.

Then, at the slightest movement, Ghidorah descended into the trees onto his target as one of his heads went to bite at the beast. Only for him to be kicked away as the adversary put distance between them.

Now, having a clear view, the beast was identified as an earth dragon with an eerie resemblance to a T-Rex, just a lot larger.

The T-Rex roared at Ghidorah as it stomped its foot, sending a tremor through the ground. Feeling offended, Ghidorah roared right back as he slammed his wings onto the ground. Causing their environment to shake and the T-Rex to feel real fear at this display.

Yet, the pride of a dragon will not be trampled on so easily. So, the T-Rex rushed at Ghidorah with the hydra-like dragon doing the same. Colliding in a shockwave of force as the T-Rex bit into his third head.

Growling, Ghidorah used his other two heads to bite down on the earth dragon before throwing him off. Looking at his damaged third head, Ghidorah cursed the earth dragon internally as his jaws crackled with golden power.

The T-Rex, even with his limited intellect, could understand what would happen next and knew his only chance of survival was to counter. He breathed in deeply before exhaling a fire hotter than any spell in existence. Incinerating its surroundings until it collided with three gravity beams.

The clash destroyed the environment around them as the two energies battled for supremacy. Yet, Ghidorah's power could not be countered by a mere low-class dragon as he quickly overpowered him

Knocking him back and sending him flying. Major and minor wounds coated his body as he crashed into a mountain and Ghidorah stopped his attack. Taking great pleasure in seeing the T-Rex's anguish.

Struggling to stand up, the T-Rex's body ached in agony but the dragon still fought to face his opponent. Only for Ghidorah to step onto his chest and force him back onto the ground. The Earth dragon roared in pain as Ghidorah crushed his midsection.

"You are unfit to possess such pride. Nor the honor of being called a dragon." Ghidorah declared as he crushed the T-Rex to death.

His heads snaked down and bit into the corpse as his necks glowed golden. The power of the earth dragon replenishing his own as his body grew once again like countless times before.

The endless cycle of taking power and then using it nourishes his body and allows for rapid growth unlike any other. Yet, even the Original did not grow this fast but Ghidorah has linked this to all of the mystic energies he is absorbing. Energies that the original never encountered.

And Ghidorah has taken full advantage of this. Hunting down foe after foe. Claiming their power as his own in hopes that he will be able to surpass the original faster. For in this world, especially in the past, he will need all the power he can get.

With all of the Evil Dragons, most likely, still around and the Heavenly Dragons still alive, he will have many adversaries that he can not face as he is now. So, he raised his heads and smelled the air as he searched for another prey.

Quickly finding one with his incredible sense of smell and with the flap of his wings he took off into the skies. Heading south to the particularly powerful scent, more powerful than any other scent he has smelt before.

Causing Ghidorah to grin in anticipation as he increased his speed. Reaching his destination in mere minutes as he approached a large mountain that was clearly a volcano. As no trees or life, in general, could be seen for miles.

Except for the presence that Ghidorah could sense within. A presence that sensed him soon after as the volcano began to explode. Rocks flew everywhere as the beast pulled itself out of the mountain.

When it did so, Ghidorah came face to face with a red western dragon. Standing at the height of 12ms tall with large wings that are doubled the size of his body. It's green eyes narrowed at the sight of him as it spoke.

"For what purpose do you intrude upon my territory and awaken me, gold one?" The dragon spoke in both irritation and interest.

"Does any dragon need a purpose to do battle? To feel the thrill of conquest?" Ghidorah questioned. His large wings causing large gusts of wind with each beat of his wings.

This caused the red one to laugh at the simple answer. Already liking this strange dragon's mentality. Yet, calling the thing before him a dragon is a bit of a stretch he realized. It felt foreign... wrong.

"No, we do not." The red dragon agreed. "My name is Igneel, the flame dragon! Remember it in death!" Igneel proclaimed as he let out his aura.

The mountain began to melt as the temperature skyrocketed. The air itself began to burn away as Ghidorah looked on in excitement. After so many weaklings he has finally found a worthy opponent.

Letting out a chuckle, Ghidorah introduced himself. "I am The Golden Demise, Ghidorah! And I am the one who will take everything from you!" He promised using all three of his voices, making them echo throughout the area.

Letting out his aura, Ghidorah watched as large and dark storm clouds spawned into existence. They flashed with his otherworldly yellow lightning and released tons of rain upon them as Ghidorah's red eyes glowed with parasitical power.

Their auras clashed as the otherworldly tempest met the flame of Igneel. Who's grin couldn't be wider as he wondered if this is what his father felt when battling his rival. If so, then he could understand his why they fought so much.

The stare down didn't last long as Igneel took flight and engaged Ghidorah in combat. Both knowing that one of them would die here, so they gave it everything they had. And created a battle that would go down in history.