
The Descent of the Conqueror

In the infinite universe composed of planes, the number of planes that had gained fame with their might and traversed millions of years was no more than the fingers on one hand. Among them was the Celestial Plane, inhabited by beings known as the Fatihs. A young Fatih named Ülgen had just graduated from the academy of the Celestial Plane and was about to take his first step towards becoming a true Fatih in the infinite universe. He knew that his journey would be filled with countless dangers, and he was ready!

CcSupremecC · Fantasia
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27 Chs

Danger But Also an Opportunity

"Werewolves are one of the fearsome native races of the North. They are strong, fast, and resilient. However, numerous unfortunate events since ancient times have significantly reduced their population. Particularly after the War of Lepidus' Revenge, it is known that the surviving werewolf clans went into seclusion, with only a small minority of adventurers roaming the world."

 - An excerpt from the Azderos Library's 'Northern Glaciers and Native Races'

Ülgen was flying as fast as he could due to the sense of danger emanating from the bronze dragon's territory. His full speed would allow him to reach his mother Albiria's domain in two minutes. However, this assumption depended on him not being caught within those two minutes.

Analyzing that a powerful mage was backing his opponent, Ülgen had considered the possibility of the black knight having many different tricks up his sleeve and had acted cautiously. Yet, despite the various possibilities that crossed his mind, the simplest one—the aura seal—had appeared. The moment he realized the black knight was beginning to break the seal, he fled to get out of the bronze dragon's potential sensing range.

Of course, there was a hopeful possibility that the bronze dragon was in a deep dragon sleep. After all, no dragon stayed awake twenty-four seven, worrying about powerful entities clashing near their territory. It was likely that he had encountered a time when the dragon's senses were spread out over the area. Additionally, the dark and gloomy aura released by the black knight had likely triggered the bronze dragon.

"Stop, child!" A majestic male dragon's voice echoed in his mind, causing him to falter for a moment.

The bronze dragon knew telepathy magic! The sense of danger gripped his heart as he pushed his speed even further. His wings were starting to throb from the extreme strain, but it didn't matter as long as he survived. Simultaneously, his senses screamed that a creature much larger than himself was right behind him.

"Child, I told you to stop!"

This time, the voice struck him in shock waves, causing him to stumble. However, he managed to dodge two massive claws trying to grasp him with a quick maneuver, then flew a bit further before slowing down and turning around. It was no longer possible to escape.

A bronze dragon, twenty-two meters in length with a wingspan of thirty-eight meters, stood before him in all its grandeur. Its eyes scrutinized Ülgen with mild surprise. It was abnormal for a dragon who wasn't even an adult to evade its claws.

After gathering its attention, the bronze dragon looked into Ülgen's eyes. It was even more surprised because, despite being tense, there was no fear of death. On the contrary, it seemed like he was looking for an opportunity to escape his predicament. The bronze dragon's intent to kill the young white dragon gradually faded away.

"How old are you, child?" Knowing they were far enough from the white dragon's territory, the bronze dragon chose to satisfy his curiosity before getting to the main issue.

Ülgen was surprised to sense the bronze dragon's intent to kill disappearing. He was a chromatic dragon and, according to general belief, a creature that could threaten many innocent lives if left to live. In such a situation, asking questions instead of directly attacking and taking his life caused the young Conqueror to be taken aback.

But he quickly composed himself. Bronze dragons fell into the category of metallic dragons, known for their good or neutral nature. Additionally, their intelligence was higher than that of an average white dragon of the same age. The young Conqueror knew he could be considered an anomaly compared to a typical white dragon. Most likely, this was why he had piqued the bronze dragon's curiosity.

With an idea forming in his mind, his tension lessened, and his confidence grew. It was a risky thought, but if he succeeded, the benefits would outweigh the risks!

"I am fifteen years old," he began honestly. However, his tone was neither submissive nor arrogant. This level of control was also unexpected for a white dragon of his age.

"Fifteen?!" The bronze dragon's voice rose for a moment. Then, coughing, he looked into Ülgen's eyes to see if he was lying. Seeing he was honest, he couldn't help but frown. "You are abnormally large for a white dragon of your age. You're even slightly larger than a gold dragon hatchling of the same age. And as for your reflexes, I'm afraid no dragon hatchling can compare to you."

Ülgen couldn't help but be surprised at the bronze dragon's knowledge. Clearly, the bronze dragon before him was also different from ordinary bronze dragons. "May I learn your name, elder?"

"My name is Draklon, young white dragon," Draklon replied calmly. "What is your name?"

"My name is Ülgen, elder Draklon. I am the eldest son of Albiria, your neighbor and enemy."

"You are abnormally respectful for a white dragon, and I don't sense the malevolent aura typical of chromatic dragons from you. It's obvious that the source of the malevolent aura I sensed while monitoring my territory wasn't you," Draklon said, turning his gaze to the frozen black knight in Ülgen's claw. "My young friend, I sense a malignant energy from this black-armored humanoid. Will you give him to me to destroy? In return, I can give you a small magical stone." Despite being in front of a white dragon hatchling, he was showing surprising kindness.

But Ülgen's answer surprised him again. "I regret to say, elder, that I must decline your request." He knew he needed to explain so the bronze dragon wouldn't misunderstand him. "Behind this black knight, there is a dangerous entity he refers to as his master. From the abnormalities in the black knight's aura, I assume he is a mage dealing with dark powers. To get a clue about this person's identity, I need to sift through the black knight's memories. We can end his life afterward."

The mention of sifting through memories made the bronze dragon's gaze sharpen. "My young friend, you're talking about doing things beyond the capacity of even an adult dragon. We have much to discuss, but dealing with the black knight is more important. Mind-probing spells aren't within my expertise, but I know they require intense focus. You'll need a safe place while exploring his mind. I invite you to my territory."

Realizing that his spur-of-the-moment idea had worked, Ülgen inwardly rejoiced while he landed with a serious expression and transformed into his human form. "I would prefer my visit to your territory remain discreet, elder. With your permission, I will conceal my dragon aura."

Wondering how much more he would be surprised today, Draklon sighed slightly. Then, extending his claw, he picked up both the frozen body of the black knight and Ülgen and began flying towards his territory.