
The Depressed Teenage Hero

Raven Lee, a 17 year old high school student, never had many friends. He knew everyone and most people knew him but he struggled to connect with anybody other than his childhood friend Michael Red. He was the subject of bullying because of his name and demeanor which only ever worsened depression that he felt for the past three years. Day by day the void grew larger inside him until one day, when the bullying was worse than ever, he was hit with a brick and went into a coma.... When he woke up a blue screen was stuck in front of his face that he couldn’t understand. After a minute strange letters appeared and kept changing until they finally became something recognizable. ... It read “Do you want to be a hero?” ... “Saving people and seeing them happy should make me happy too.... right?”

cannon_williams · Jogos
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The Depressed Teenage Hero

This is my first time writing anything that wasn't for school and I highly doubt that I will be any good at it. Nevertheless I love to read and come up with ideas all the time regarding stories. So this is me seeing what happens with it. Please bare with me as I'm a broke depressed 22 year old with a sickly body that's a wreck that just loves to read. With all of that being said anybody that decides to continue and read this thank you very much for giving it a shot!

Sorry for the info for the first chapter, it’s my first time even looking at this so I’ll try to fix things as I get more familiar

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