

"So miss Jia Thomas will you be my girlfriend?" This was not the first time Jia had heard this request coming from her first love. Who she had believed was her soulmate. The first time she had heard this her stomach exploded with infinite number of butterflies. Making that one of the happiest days in her life. But hearing it now her stomach exploded with bats rather than butterflies. Settling dread instead of happiness. This was not what she had expected to hear from her now mortal enemy. “But you don't like me.” "From which part of my confession did you get that conclusion from" "You broke up with me because you don't like me" "That's why I'm asking you out again." "Will you stop this nonsense." "Ok cool. Give me a valid reason other than our break up for rejecting me. I'll back off." He raised his hand in surrender "I'm engaged." "Now that's an excellent bluff." He laughed hard holding his stomach What happens when your once believed soulmate come to ruin your happily ever after with your scientifically proven soulmate. Will there be a triangle love story between the princess and the black and white knights? Or is it going to be plain war between the princess and the black knight..?

All_writtingz · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


"Morning Jia.." Thushara ma'am called out to me as I entered our lounge. I closed the door and walked to my seat not greeting her back as I usually did

After yesterday's talk with Eddie I couldn't sleep all night as my mind refused to stay silent. At first all I could think about was of Krishna and how he tried to use me. But then my thoughts shifted to our hospital, department and all those people who were working here not knowing they were on top of a time bomb.

Was anyone else aware of this?

Did Yadav sir know who Krishna really was?

Did he and those who worked in the administration section know our hospital's situation?

My head was filled with unanswered questions and doubts, I had desperately wanted to confide in someone. I wanted so badly to discuss it with Sagar sir or Thushara ma'am or even Sam. I wanted them to reassure me that it would all work out and no one could just shut down our hospital. But the fear of blowing the matter out of control kept me from calling even Neha. Afterall Eddie  said he's working on finding a way out. I have to trust him and wait, no good will come by disclosing the news and simply panicking people.

"Well someone is in a bad mood." Her eyes followed me to my seat which was right opposite to hers

"Hy... What happened?" Thushara ma'am asked as I switched my screen on. She popped her head beside my screen refusing to take her enquiring eyes off me

I couldn't meet her eyes fearing that she would be able read my mind. After a bit when I had finally schooled my features into a I'm-not-worried-about-a-whole-hospital-vanishing smile. I looked up at her only for her to turn towards the sole reason of this crisis.

"Dr Das.." Thushara ma'am greets Krishna as he entered in his scrubs. Not paying any heed towards anyone in the room he straight away flopped down on the three seater and covers his eyes with one arm going to sleep

"Ooook....." Thushara ma'am turned towards me making a confused face from yet another lack of interaction

"Is it just me or did you all get some sour news?" She asked narrowing her eyes on me. I suddenly felt like a deer caught in front of headlight not knowing what to do

"What sour news?" A voice interrupted her interrogation drawing both our attention towards the door

"Oh. Hy Sam." Thushara ma'am raised her hand greeting yet another new arrival

"Hy thara... Hy vitamin.. Is our newbie asleep?" Sam enquired giving us both a high-5

"Ya he had to scrub in twice. How was the seminar?" Thushara ma'am asked as Sam started gulping down a whole can of water

"It was ok. The usual's . Paper cup chai, half cooked meals and gossipy quacks.." Sam answered taking a seat next to her and stretching his arms out

"Oo god! They are all renowned doctors from all over India! And your calling them quack?" Thushara ma'am asked with pure shock

"Mm..." Sam hummed a reply as he rotated his head left-right and then right-left

"You can't be changed." She finally gave up with a sigh

"What about your PPT? How did it go?"

"Who am I? Dr Sam Wright! Ofcource I aced it!" Sam shurged his shoulders like it wasn't even worth doubting

"Ohh... And all the credit goes to my vitamin. Thanks Jia for the last minute editing. You did a huge favour." Sam turned towards me throwing a wink my way

"What's up with you? Not feeling well? Usually you'll swoon all over small compliments." He looked at me with doubt as I had only given him a tight lipped smile in return

"That's what I'm saying she's been like that since morning. When I asked her if there's any problem she's not talking." Thushara ma'am added filling in

"Jia.. Everything alright?" Sam asked again

"Ya Sam, just headache." I said smiling at the two pairs of concerned  eyes now examining me inch by inch 

"Ok. Then take pills. Don't catch cold. It's really hilarious if a doctor gets sick." Sam said returning back to his easy attitude

"Ya.. I will." I smiled once more. This time more genuine after seeing their concern

"Then you stay here and take rest we'll head out. Dr Thushara?" Sam said getting up and walking towards the door

"Ya coming." Thushara ma'am waved once before rushing after him

After both of them had left the lounge feel into a painful cold silence. Sagar sir had his day off today so I was left alone with a sleeping devil on my own. I sat on my computer going through old patients files and studying them for a while. But when it started to get hard to concentrate I decided to go home. Now that Sam had returned I could take a day off.

As I woke up from the chair ready to leave. Krishna broke the silence "So it turns out you didn't bluff"

He had not moved from his sleeping position. And if I hadn't heard his words so clearly, I might have really believed he was asleep

Always so good at acting.

"And you did" I replied facing him

"What..?" He asked raising up to meet my gaze with his confused ones

"Just leave it. I'm fed up of your act. I'm fed up of putting up with you. Im fed up of you playing around with me feelings..!" I said my voice raising unconsciously


"Save it. Whatever new lie your going to tell save it. I'm done with you Krishna." I said cutting him off

"Jia I don't know what your talking about but honestly my feelings are true---" Krishna defended himself against my acquisitions looking totally confused

"Eddie told me about the will!" I blurted out as he started taking small steps closing the distance between us

He came to a sudden stop looking stunned, his mouth half open and his words long lost. He just stayed there staring back at me

"He told me about the conditions listed in it.." I continued as I glared back at his pale form

"So that's it right? Your true feelings. All you want is to succeed and I'm the scape goat? Why? Why me? Because I did the mistake of loving you a long time back? Because you thought I'll come back to you no matter how much you hurt me like some abandoned dog?!" I raised my voice yet again.

I felt my throat and eye burn from all of the pent up frustration. But I refused to shed even a single tear in front of him.

He is not worth it Jia..!

I chanted composing myself.

I won't give you the pleasure of seeing me cry again..!

"You know what when I first heard how your grandfather was trying to manipulate you into doing something. I actually felt bad for you. But your no better than him. Your also manipulating people to get what you want..." I went on without my voice breaking

"If you have some consciousness left in you. Please do me a favour  and don't come in front of me ever again." I deadpanned  turning on my heels heading towards the door

"Jia--" Krishna called as I opened the door

"Please.... I can't guarantee  that I'll be able to behave this civilly next time." I told him as I got out and closed the door not once turning back towards him

Hy guys!! Ik I'm back after a long time. So you see its been hard for me keeping the weekly target cause I'm still studying and the workload is huge towards the semester end... So I feel I can't give my best towards the chapters... thats y I have been MIA and I have actually decided to take a break and come back with full devotion... So until then....

Yours J♡

P.S. You guys can look forward to a surprise when I'm back ;)

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