
The Demon Next Door.

A teenager is transported to another world to live with a bunch of anime characters in a God's idea of a paradise. Rent included.

Goreleech · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Demon Next Door: The First Dungeon Raid.

Tyler had a dark smirk on his face as he walked through the city towards the now far closer tower. As he went he noted the city itself was modeled after Tokyo with hundreds of thousands of roads, intersections, and alleys. The bloodhungry teenager made the half hour trip in fifteen minutes and was faced with the hulking structure overhead. It was easily 500 yards across and rose high into the sky with an elevator going into the ground. A line of men and women wielding every variety of weapon and armor were all striding down a set of stairs and Tyler went to the elevator. Once aboard he pulled the shotgun from his back and loaded a 32 round drum mag into the reciever and pulled the hammer back. After he hung an extra 30 drums around him and the empty bag on his back.

"Looks like YOUR ready for war!"

Tyler looked to see a burly woman in fur bikini armor smirking at him while hefting her own rifle. He smirked darkly.

"I'm out for blood. You?"

"ha. I be out for amusement."

"Sounds intense. And with a SCARH? Seems amusing alright."

The amazon smirked at that one as her large bust bounced from the elevator.

"Be ya alone, laddee?"

"for now."

"Ha. Then I say we run together."

"Oh I can run you down."

That made her lick her lips seductively.

"I hope you can do more then that."

"Allow me to show you."

They stepped off the elevator into the dungeon proper and the teenager tackled the amazon to the floor and her fur thong was torn aside and he forced into her tight slit as she growled like a tigeress in heat and the wild ride was on. The teenager giving over to his darker, more depraved side entirely as he PLOWED that sexy and tough amazon until she bled. Then she moaned as she drank her last cream and he went limp.

"OOOOH I have not been dominated like that in so long."

Tyler smiled at the battered beauty.

"I'll be sure to ruin you again some time then."

She smiled with a satisfied pride as she rose.

"Do so. I am Lea the Lioness."

"Tyler the Refugee."

"OOOH i was dominated by a Outworlder? THANK YOU BROTHER LEO!"

Tyler chuckled as he set off into the dungeon.

"See ya round Lea."

She moaned as her battered slit did not like the act of moving in to another tunnel.

Tyler then sighed as he had the shotgun up while he hunted along the tunnels.

"What the fuck am i DOING?"

He moved around corners barrel first and approached intersections with a slowness as he remembered just WHAT happened that day. I got summoned to a new world with ALL of my anime icons. And these are people I KNOW can be trusted with everything I am. That display in the living room was COMPLETELY uncalled for and utterly undeserved. I'm in a new world. i got a new slate handed to me. dammit if i won't let it go to waste. For FUCKS sake KIRITO wanted to go RAIDING with ME! the Black Swordsman himself! AND so does Asuna! the LIGHTNING FLASH! A long, slow smile spread across Tyler's face as he moved along the fire lit tunnels and was met by a lowing minotaur. The creature standing 10 feet tall with red skin and strak white horns.

"I'm in a new world with my icons."

The shotgun opened up with a bellow and the bullman exploded into ash from a direct shot to the heart, leaving behind a glittering crystal and a horn.

"I killed those miserable bastards from my world."

He collected the horn and crystal as a mob of 3 foot tall green goblins attacked from behind. The warrior smiling widely as he emptied his current drum into the mass of thirty.

"I am NOT ruining this because of my old world's residue dammit. For FUCKS SAKE I AM LIVING WITH RIAS GREMORY HERSELF! And Yoshkia! and Belfast! Hestia too, can't forget her. Jesus fucking Christ I need to get my head outta my ass."

He tossed the spent drum aside for a reload before collecting the mass of crystals.

"And I need to apologise. They'll understand. I am NOT in my world anymore. And it's about damned time I ACTED like it."

He smiled warmly at this as he prowled the corridors until his bag was full. Then he returned to the surface and found a booth that exchanged loot for cash. The woman on duty leered at the hulking teenager with the large gun.

"2,500 dollars. Have a nice day rookie."

Tyler chuckled at that one as he got his payout and headed back to the house. as he walked he smiled as he felt just how much lighter he felt.


The house was still in place and he walked up the driveway and into the place.

"I'm back."

He got no response. And that was when he noted the house was quiet with not a sound being heard from any of the other 6 occupants. He frowned and looked at the kitchen where a note was tapped to the fridge. He walked over and slumped as he read it.

"we moved out to live with our friends. we do not wish to be shot by some missunderstanding nor do we wish to live in such unease. Belfast."

Tyler slammed a fist the jamb of the wall. The act filled with all the self-loathing now roiling inside his soul.


He set the cash on the counter and checked the rooms of the group....only to find them all empty. That one drove the point home with a hammer. He shivered and walked by Hestia's empty room when he had a thought.

"Wait a minute. Hestia would NEVER abandon someone who needed her help like that. NOR would Kirito. Rias either."

He looked around at the house now and smirked as he noted something.

"That wall's out of place by half an inch. So this is an illusion. I must still be in the dungeon. Makes sense. Now then. To BREAK an illusion."

He walked to the front door and an evil laugh was heard all around him.

"YOU are MINE now!"

"An envy demon. Hey! GLUTTONY'S PET BITCH!"

A ten foot tall creature of neon pink tore from the floor in a rage and Tyler shot it in the heart with his shotgun.


The creature exploded into ash and Tyler was standing in the dungeon with a still loaded pack and facing a 3 foot crystal. He chuckled as he took the thing and returned to the elevator.


Lea was in the thing and she too had luck with a bulging pack.

"Did you defeat the floor boss?"

"not sure. I DID kill an envy demon."

"So you did. Most impressive to have faced envy so soon, rookie."

"I have a lot. Makes sense."

She chuckled and he kissed her out of nowhere and she smiled.

"Alas I am too weak for another round."

"I figured. Still."

He kissed her again.

"I like it."

The amazon chuckled at that attack as the lift returned to the surface.

"A charming rogue indeed. I shall be wary in the future."

He spotted the booth from the illusion and walked over to it. The woman on duty smiled as she leered atnthe warrior.

"Welcome to Oasis crystal exchange. All crystals in the slot."

He unloaded and the tray was retrieved.

"Today's payout is 2,500 dollars. Have a good day."

Tyler smiled at the lady, and eyed her large bust.

"I will. YOU enjoy the perkiness."

She chuckled and fondled her own rack lovingly.

"They ARE exquisite. And know it be an open door as I do so wish to ride one of you Refugees."

"OH I will be sure to destory that ass a yours."

"I be Clare."


"See you in bed."

"See YOU in the morning."

She laughed and he headed off chuckling.

"Okay i like this world."

He walked along the darkening street whistling a cheery tune and making note of the various resturantes and pizza joints in spitting distance of his home.

"Shit, we should be careful on food allergies too."

He returned home and smiled as he saw the lights on around the curtains and went in the door.

"I'm back."

Rias and Asuna were lounging on the couch with both girls in thin shirts and shorts while barefoot, Kirito was in a tanktop raiding the fridge for a drink, Belfast was nowhere to be seen, and neither was Hestia while Yoshkia was in a robe looking at a book in a recliner by the TV. Rias looked up as Tyler walked in and noted the light had returned to his eyes.

"feel better?"

"MUCH. I guess I just needed a refocus and a rampage to get my head straight."

He left his boots at the door and set his loot bag on the counter as Kirito slid a water bottle over.

"Thanks bro."

"ha. How's it work?"

"Dude you gotta watch yourself down there. I was on my way up and encountered a FREAKIN envy demon. Thing locked me in an illusion and I shit you not i returned here already."

Asuna and rias looked at each other and both got up with the slender redhead pulling her rapier.

"Tyler? You seem.....different."

"Yeeeeah. Sorry about all that. All a you. You didn't deserve the threat OR the gun."

Rias pressed a hand on his chest and he glowed a deep red before she smiled.

"He's clean. And I know that residue. ha. Luka says hi."

The warrior chuckled at that as he shotgunned the bottle.

"Makes sense. So i broke the illusion by killing Envy. The way i figured out it WAS an illusion was by two points. One. I got back and the house was empty with a note on the fridge in Belfast's handwriting saying you bailed. Sorry. I know you people. There is NO WAY you would just LEAVE someone that n eeded your help out to dry like that. 2. The walls of the house were off by a half inch."

Kirito chuckled as he looked at the bigger guy.

"I guess you just needed a moment to TRULY consider the implications."

"Yeah. My world left residue. And I will TRY not to take it out on you guys. If I DO start to get nasty? Just tell me to go massecre some goblins."

Yoshkia smiled as she hugged him.

"I'm glad you're feeing better Tyler."

"Thanks Yoshkia. ME too. Oh. Kirito, I SHOULD warn you bro."

"The monsters?"

"THAT and the native chicks here are NOT SHY. At ALLLLL."

He blinked and Rias smirked then.

"I smell a certain....MUSK.....on you, Tyler. Something we ladies should know?"

"Yeah. i ran into a Sub that wanted it. So. I GAVE it to her."


"NO she's more bondage dom. This one likes it rough.....and for it BLEED after."

"Okay that's enough. Um."

"8 foot tall amazon riflewoman."

Kirito just fistbumped him.


"Death by Snu Snu. name a better way to die, i'll wait."

Asuna rubbed her eyes.


"I love you, Asuna."

"I love you too, Kirito."

"Fair warnign but the chick in the exhange booth was hitting on me hard too. And left the door WIDE open for a later date."

Rias whistled.

"YOU work fast."

"We're refugees. I guess that makes us extra desirable to some."

"Ah. There it is. is the Sub a regular thing?"

"Hmmmm no. Lea likes the change of pace."

"Ah. Okay. CLEAN UP."


He pulled the cash out.

"I raided the first floor and killed the envy demon. was the floor boss. All told 2,500 dollar payout."

Kirito and Asuna frowned.

"for how many monsters?"

Tyler thought for a moment.

"Aboooout 100? Yeah that sounds right. One shell from the gun accounted for 4 head? That sounds right. And even the envy demon fell to a single shot. I hit it in the HEART per the stereotype but ya know."

Asuna was thoughtful at this.

"So if a 100 low level creatures are worth 2,500.....no it wouldn't be uniform. Any mats?"

He slid the horns out.

"I kept these as my first kills. Minotaur and demon."

Kirito chuckled.

"Classic. I;ll head down tomorrow. I'm stronger then you are, Tyler so my payouts might be higher."

"I'll head down too with a sword. Do some weapon testing. I can see guns getting treated differently due to lack of overall skill."

"Smart. Favorite sword?"

"Staffsword that splits into twin longswords. I set a record on the routines."

"NAsty. style?"

Tyler chuckled as he added 1,250 to the safe.

"I used the Elucidator as a template and basically made it into a staffsword."

"Dude that is SO gnarly."


His eyes flashed as he remembered something and he looked at Rias, who gulped.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"We can buy copies of powers off people."

She blinked.

"Oh shit we can. Um,"

"I get a copy of your flight and wings.....actually? I'll get the flight from Akeno."

She smiled as she understood.

"You know."

"fallen angel and devil. yeah. I know. And I'll make a point of rocking the mismatched like she does."

"Thanks Tyler."

"Sure thing, Rias. And I feel i should make this clear."

She smirked knowingly now.

"Challangeing Issei?"

"Yes, but I'll just be here when he self-destructs. But. I WILL those pieces from him. As much as i want to be your boyfriend, Rias? I want to be on your board THAT much more."

She smiled warmly at this.

"The self-destruction we will discuss later. But as for the OTHER piece? I don't have any extra pieces sadly."

"You do. Three of the pawns inside Issei aren;t doing anything and are just SITTING in his soul due to Drake holding them. Since he;s so freakin WEAK, once the 8 pawns reached his soul directly, his power only filled five."

She frowned now.

"I will need to see proof on that, Tyler. If what you say is TRUE, then Issei has been storing my pawns for me without me even KNOWING."

"And you've been playing with an underarmed board."

"Yet, they're only pawns. If you take them, they might not be enough."

"They will if you give them to me BEFORE I start gaining power."

She smiled widely.

"You know how to use this power better then I do. And I was BORN with it. And....I thought about it too. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. So you're a devoted fan?"

"Pff. Bitch please you're MY goddess."

She laughed at that bold faced retort.

"I think I can live with that. So long as you are NOT weird with it."


He looked at Asuna.

"So yeah. watch out for demons screwing with your head and overly aggressive ladies."

She chuckled.

"Will do."

Tyler then headed up to his room and took a DEEP refreshign shower. After he changed into his usual home attire of a pair of sweats and set his alarm for 10 AM. He set the horns on a shelf and headed to the kitchen where Rias noted something.

"I see we forgot one rule, Tyler."

He looked at her curiously.

"what's that?"

"NO going around half naked."

The guy blinked and then realized he'd not put a shirt on.

"Oh. Ha. Sorry. I'll be right back."

Yoshkia blushed before noticing something.

"Woah. What HAPPENED, Tyler?"

He looked and saw the set of long raking scars on his side.

"Oh these? I got attacked by a cougar. Thing was loose in my hometown and was starving. i was walking to school when it found me. Thing got it's claws and fangs into my side here but I was able to shoot it as we went down."

Yoshkia was wide eyed at this story and Rias chuckled.

"Okay. Asuna raised a good point. So boys? KEEP the pants on."

Tyler smirked as he looked at Rias.

"Sure. And know YOU have to keep the pants on as well. everything else is optional ladies."

Asuna chuckled at THAT cocky turnaround.

"That's fair. Kirito. NOT. A. WORD."

"Oh come on Asuna. You know I always want to see you."

She beamed happily at that as Tyler sat on a recliner facing the TV. Once comfy he set his laptop up and popped a pair of earbuds in before he started typing. Yoshkia blinked at this.

"wow. I can hear his music from here."

Hestia and Belfast came up from the basement where they'd been discussing the warrior and his problem. Hestia smiled as she saw the shirtless teenager in the recliner.

"Oh good. He's back. Tyler?"


He hit pause and looked over to see the goddess. She having changed out of her white gown thing and into a light robe of blue while Belfast was in a form of gown. Tyler smiled as Hestia sat on the couch by him.

"Sorry for all that Hestia. it wasn't called for."

She blinked. Then smiled with relief.

"I was worried you would stick to your old world. i am glad you're letting it go."

He smiled as Belfast sat beside her.

"I'll try to at least. The residue's mean."

"I will assist."

"Like I REALLY have a choice here Belfast."

She smiled sweetly.

"Good. You understand. Now. Were you injured?"

"Nope. I got attacked by an envy demon but that's all."

Rias spoke up from the kitchen.

"He's clean Hestia. i already checked."

"Thanks Rias."

"See? She's a professional."

That made the redhead smirk as she sensed a setup and moved on. Hestia chuckled at the insinuations before looking at him.

"The payout?"

"2,500. I already split it. There's 71,250 in the vault."

"Good. We got a full stock on food from Ganisha as a welcoming gift. So I think we can have a LITTLE fun."

Tyler looked at Belfast.

"We'll need to keep an eye out for food allergies, Belfast. I had a friend die in school from eating peanut butter when a lunchlady wasn't paying attention."

Asuna smiled.

"Already had that talk. we're clean."

"Thanks Asuna. And let's try to NOT get fat everyone."

The ladies, including Yoshkia, all smirked at Tyler as he said this and he looked at them curiously.

"what? Kirito an I do too ya know."

Rias leaned over the counter in a way her massive rack was on display.

"Anything you wanna say NOW, Tyler?"

"ha. if you get your hair stuck in a door jamb, Rias, I will be VERY impressed."

OOOOOH she gave him the death eye!

"The show had that in it?"

"Nope. Neither did the ight novels. WOW Rias. Ditzy much?"

She had a new look of RAGE on her face as the others whistled. Belfast smiled.

"MOST impressive. And do be more careful dear."

"Let's no one lose a key here."

Belfast looked RIGHT at him in offense.

"I havr NEVER lost a key good sir."

"That you did not find?"

The rest chuckled as Belfast was in the firing line. Yoshkia had a sheepish look on her face now.

"I heard Sakamoto say that."

"Yoshkia? Try NOT to fall into the pool? Please?"

"Hey! I only did that once! eep!"

Tyler chuckled.

"Oh my god you are adorable Yoshkia."

Hestia smirked.

"Okay enough fucking with their heads, Tyler."

"yes Hestia."

"NO. ONLY Bell gets to say that like that.....DAMMIT!"

Hestia was now fixed by a knowing smile from the other ladies and Kirito whistled.

"He got em all. scary."

"Don't cut yourself with your own sword, Kirito."

He glared at him as Asuna chuckled.

"He does it every raid. Loveable idiot."

"Well if he;s an idiot wassat make you Asuna? Since you're the one in love with the idiot?"

She smiled happily.

"A VERY happily married lady."

Kirito smiled as he took her hand and Hestia chuckled.

"BEtter. MUCH better."

"I am sorry guys. And Hestia, Belfast, I already gave the others a backup plan if I get crabby."

They nodded with a smile and belfast noticed the document open on his laptop.

"MAy i ask what you are working on, Tyler?"

"Oh just another of my stories, Belfast. i write a lot in my downtime."

She sat beside him on the couch and him still in the recliner now.

"So you are a creative? Most impressive. What is the subject matter?"

"I'm all over the place really. I'm still figuring out which genre I'm best at and like most so I'll jump from idea to idea. I got like 200 sumthin going right now."

"My word. MAy i read one?"

"Sure. Um, you'd need a computer like this though."

The maid smiled warmly and retrieved one from her room.

"I already have one."

"Alright. I get your Email?"


"Alright which one is a good one....ah. Tale of the Demon. 2000 pages."

"Oh my. is it complete?"

"No actually. I kinda burned myself out to a rather extreme degree on that one. And here's the kicker: YOU'RE in it."

She blinked.

"I am a character in your story?"

"ALL a you are."

Hestia chuckled at the shock in the room.

"He likes using characters like us and dropping us in different scenarios and letting them play out. For example. Belfast has to survive in a forest and gut deer with her bare hands."

Rias chuckled.

"A maid take out of her mansion and dropped in a nitty gritty storyline. Classic. ME?"

He smiled at that.

"Oh you pop up a LOT, Rias."

"Um. HOW many times?"

"Jesus. 20? 30 times at least?"

"Okay. NOW you have my attention. Longest one with me in it?"

"Tale of the Demon."

"One with the MOST of me in it?"

"OOOOH good one.....ah. Anime Adventure."

Asuna smiled.


"A few. I actually have a fanfiction on SAO finished."


"I TRAINED you. An him to a point."

"Okay now I have to read this."

"Coming atchya."

Yoshkia smiled.

"Oh, oh! Me too!"

"Sure thing Yoshkia. You're kinda common too. since you're my second favorite strike witch."



"Oh. Tell her that."

"will do. Here. Ha. Hey Rias."

She smirked.

"NO spoilers."


He looked at Belfast as she was reading and smirked at the intrigued horror on her face.

"Welcome to MY world."

"YOU have a VOICE and it is DEPRESSING. I like it."

He chuckled before looking at the group.

"So whaddya want for dinner ladies and Kirito?"

Rias smiled as she leaned on the counter.

"Let's just get some pizza and rootbeer. Seems in order."

Hestia nodded as she slid a delivery menu into view.

"Our address is on the top there."

Tyler got up.

"I got it. MAke a list people."

The girls and Kirito put their orders down and Tyler pulled twice the estimated bill from the vault. Yoshkia frowned.

"Why so much Tyler?"

"Gotta tip the pizza driver, Yoshkia."


Hestia smiled as she added more insight.

"In Ganisha's world people are paid as people, Tyler. So you don't tip."

"Ah. In my world you pay extra as a complement, Yoshkia. Since drivers and the like are paid like dirt."

"Ah. Weird."

"Fosho is called Japan in my world. And they don't do it either."


He put the order in and afterwards the group all sat on the couch. Well. Tyler sat in the recliner and Rias chuckled at the sight.

"Dad chair?"

"pretty much."

Yoshkia was comfortably resting by Asuna.

"Now what? we just sit here?"

Tyler smirked.

"wanna watch Strike witches ladies and Kirito?"

Rias got VERY intrigued then.

"Oh absolutely."

Tyler retrieved the three seasons and the movie as Yoshkia got curious.

"ME too?"

"Yup. Yours a favorite a mine Yoshkia."


He sat in the recliner and hit play. Belfast smiled as she closed her laptop to watch.

"I must show restraint as it is quite the page turner, Tyler."

"Thanks Belfast. let me know what you think once you finish."

"I will do so. AND take notes."

The first episode played out and the friends all relaxed to Yoshkia's story. Then the second appeared.....and the bath scene played out. Yoshkia blushed HARD as her little nipples were shown on screen and Tyler patted her fondly.

"You're gorgeous, Yoshkia."

She deflated from relief.

"Phew. Thanks, Tyler."

"And you get used to it. The nudity I mean."

Rias smirked thinly.

"So my numbers."

"I've seen, Rias."

"Never. A. WORD. Out. OF CONTEXT."

"Yes President."

A ball of fire appeared in her hand as if she wanted to THROW it at him!


He laughed at her barely restrained fury.

"Do I use THAT on you?"

"err. Sorry President."

She glared at him balefully and he smiled.

"Oh come on Rias. if I DIDN'T tease you with that, I'd be VERY disappointed in myself."

"That's ALL it is? JUST a tease?"

"Of course. I LOVE how your name sounds, Rias."

She smiled at the way he teased it.

"Just don't,"

"I know. And we ARE dueling over a chessboard, Rias."

"If you can multitask, we DO have a nice counter."

"I have a better chess set."

"Loser does one thing the winner says regardless of what is it?"

"No sex, dirty play or dumping that idiot?"

"Deal. And POINTS."

Tyler chuckled as the pizza guy arrived.

"I will NEVER take advantage of a friend like that Rias."

He paid the driver the 300 dollars and the boxes were laid out on the counter. The warrior then retrieved a chess set from his collection and sat across from the busty devil and her own plate. She smiled warmly as he revealed a crystal chess set based off HER show with the pieces her and her fellow devils.

"Okay this I love."

He smiled as they set their pieces up.

"Two outta three. Spin gthe board each round."


"Place your bets people!"

The friends smiled as the game began. Tyler smiling as he played Rias in her element.

"I always dreamed of playing you in chess, Rias."

She was also smiling as pieces started falling.

"You're good."

"I'm rusty. Not many people would play me after a while as I kept winning."

"That sucks. Oh shit. there goes that plan."

"ha. Oh hey. Akeno's pinned between like FOUR girl pieces."

"Ha. I HAVE always suspected."

"Asia does."

"Oh she so does. She and Xenovia are bisexual actually."

"Lemme guess. they found that out on each other?"


"Church nuns am I right?"

"You so are."

"Kyba's Kyba so who cares?"

"Ha. Koneko?"

"Pff. She's a scrapper."

"She'll LIKE you."


She smiled at that tribute and that smile died as her king fell by a well snuck pawn.

"Dammit. Okay one nothin."

The board was spun and they pasued for izza before the game was on. Tyler smirked as she moved a bishop.

"Interesting choice."

She smirked as well.

"Akenos is better at mindgames."

"She's a seductress. MAkes sense. yet I see a massive hole."


"Yeah. Here."

He slid a rook into a clean line and Rias blinked as her king was in check.

"Okay I got tunnel vision."

She lost and smiled.

"That one was sloppy."

"We're tired and had a rough day."

"I still lost. So. What am I NOT wearing tomorrow?"

"Ha. MY demand is a one night cuddle ses."

She laughed at that one.

"A freakin CLASSIC man. Alright. I'll sleep with you on blackmail."

"I mean I CAN get creative if you really want me to Rias?"

"Cuddles is fine."

He chuckled her easy fold and they fed on good pizza. Yoshkia yawned after a bit and the friends cleaned the mess with the remainder of the pizza being placed in the fridge. Tyler and Kirito went around the house shutting off lights and locking doors and drawing blinds before Tyler triple checked everything. Then he headed up to his room where rias was already comfy in his bed and naked.

"So you know? I CAN use all my power to torch you if i feel the need."

"Sounds like a hot night under the covers, Rias."

She chuckled and opened the blanket, granting him a lovely full frontal.

"Cuddles granted."


He climbed in beside her and she smirked as he wrapped an arm around her waist to press her into his frame.

"Clever bastard."

"I don't pinch."

"GOOD. And damn dude. You're warm."

"Says the hot devil."

She smiled as he stroked her blood colored hair.

"Good night, Tyler."

"Good night, Rias. YOU are so much more then that show could EVER hope to imitate."

"My heart hurts."