
The Demon Lord Descends on America

I awaken from darkness, bathed in blood and fire, reborn anew. The demon lord Mephisto arrives on Earth, initiating the second cycle of evolution. Modern civilization teeters on the brink of collapse under the onslaught of advanced beings. Even the torrent of steel and war machines cannot hold back the tide, as the world gradually descends into unknown chaos...

DaoistoQq9Ni · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
128 Chs

Chapter 31: The Silver Beast of Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills, spanning a mere 6 square kilometers and housing fewer than 40,000 residents, carries the title of "the world's most prestigious residential area". It's a city within the city of Los Angeles, famous not just for hosting the world's top shopping streets but also for being the home of countless lavish mansions owned by Hollywood stars.

Of course, Bruce knew that the real ultra-rich rarely lived here. More often, it was the celebrities. But that didn't stop Beverly Hills from being revered as a mecca for the film industry. The main street, Wilshire Boulevard, is also where banks and commercial buildings are located, filled with countless high-end department stores.

Rodeo Drive, primarily known for its luxury shopping, boasts Southern California's most prestigious shops. Every boutique here has its unique architectural style. A saying around here goes: "If you have to ask the price, you can't afford it."

This place seemed more fitting for him. At least, it seemed more beneficial for regaining his strength. Enjoying the blistering sunshine overhead, Bruce, wearing sunglasses, leisurely strolled the streets. It was a pity that New York was the economic hub. For now, he couldn't leave that city behind, but it seemed he'd have to shuttle between the two in the future.

"Hello, Mr. Lee. I'm Melissa Suzanne Claibor, your real estate consultant. I'm delighted to assist you." A professionally dressed woman had been waiting on the slope. Seeing Bruce and his bodyguard approach, she quickly greeted them with a smile.

"The owners of this French-style mansion are a young Chinese couple who put it up for sale two months ago. The mansion covers an area of 36,000 square feet (about 3,344 square meters), with a land size of 2 acres (approximately 8,093 square meters). The balconies and windows on the second floor and above overlook the famous Sunset Boulevard." Melissa, ever diligent, guided Bruce through this grandiose mansion at a steady pace.

From what they could see, the spacious courtyard boasted a golf course, a swimming pool, vast green areas, and a European-style garden, all surrounding a three-story luxurious villa. The entire estate exuded an unmistakable air of grandeur.

"Very well, Melissa. How much are they asking for it?" Bruce asked, having only taken a cursory look around, visiting less than half of the estate. He had already chosen this property from various photos beforehand. Visiting in person was just to get a feel; he didn't need to be too fussy.

"The property is in excellent condition, and the owners have carefully maintained it. Their asking price is 35 million dollars," Melissa began, pausing in her tracks, intending to provide more detailed information.

"That's it. I'll take it. Please get in touch with my finance officer, Mr. Leslie. He will assist you with all the paperwork," Bruce said, suavely putting on his sunglasses and heading out. "Gus, hand Miss Claibor one of Kit's business cards."

As a top-tier real estate agent, Melissa had dealt with many wealthy clients, but never had she encountered someone with such a demeanor. Making a multi-million dollar decision after a brief visit was undeniably astonishing, even if she had heard rumors about this major client and his number one New York mansion.

Regardless, landing a huge commission so effortlessly was a cause for celebration. An elated Melissa quickly escorted Bruce out, only to be met with a striking sight.

Parked nearby was a flat, eye-catching sports car. Its silver exterior gleamed under the sunlight, revealing its high-quality carbon fiber and brand-new leather seats thanks to its convertible design. The car's aerodynamic shape was like a perfectly crafted artwork. The prominent logo, extended rear, and ultra-stylish spoiler ensured that this supercar grabbed the attention of everyone in sight.

Pedestrians couldn't help but gawk at the supercar, some stopping from afar to snap pictures, while nearby, two staff members politely dissuaded onlookers. Even Melissa let out a soft gasp. And this was Beverly Hills, where luxury cars were a dime a dozen!

In Beverly Hills, every inch of land drips with affluence. Seeing a Maserati in front and a Rolls-Royce Phantom behind is an everyday occurrence. It's no exaggeration to say that every tenth step offers a view of a luxury car—vehicles worth millions that most people only see in magazines and on television are abundant here.

Even so, the well-traveled Melissa couldn't tear her eyes away from the shimmering silver supercar.

Carefully crafted by Novitec, a company dedicated to engine upgrades and high-tech developments, this customized 2015 Lamborghini Aventador LP750-4 SV epitomizes the classic Lamborghini style. Its somewhat exaggerated design complements its overall form, making it a true piece of art.

Such a modified vehicle, which surpasses the typical production car, comes with a hefty price tag, with the seller asking for $2.15 million.

When Bruce approached Citibank's private banking officer, Dewa Vijeri, to purchase the car, this expert, familiar with the psychology of the super-rich, immediately introduced him to this meticulously modified beast. Bruce didn't hesitate and immediately sealed the deal. Without Citibank's connection, getting the car so quickly might have been impossible.

"The car's tank is full, Mr. Lee," said the delivery staff member, relieved to see Bruce emerge. Dealing with the onlookers wanting selfies had been a chore. He quickly handed Bruce the paperwork, and with a few swift signatures, Bruce settled into the gleaming convertible.

With a roar of the engine, Bruce sped off, leaving behind a trail of envious stares. Gus, driving a Cadillac, and his crew quickly followed suit.

Hollywood, located in the northwestern suburbs of Los Angeles, stands as a world-renowned film city and the epitome of American cinema. It's the beating heart of the U.S. and global film industry. Unlike New York, known for its indie films, Hollywood buzzes constantly with countless films being planned, developed, and produced, with innumerable film crews starting or finishing their shoots.

Today, Hollywood's influence reaches across the globe. Institutions like Congress, the Pentagon, the FBI, the CIA, the Washington administration, and other major city departments have set up dedicated liaisons or offices here to collaborate with Hollywood, ensuring they're portrayed positively in films.

It's a hub for the world's finest actors and the largest number of them. Countless youths, and even older individuals dreaming of an acting career, flood in. Short-term acting courses spring up in various arts institutions and universities. The actor's guild database lists way more actors, both part-time and full-time, than the industry demands. With hundreds of thousands of both known and unknown actors striving to make a name here, the odds are truly daunting for newcomers.

Rachel Cyrus, exhausted, stepped out of the studio after a day's shooting. Having been in Los Angeles for several months now, her life revolved around auditions, interviews, and attending gatherings where directors, producers, and investors might be present. Scoring even a minor, unknown role felt like a victory.

Being an unknown without connections meant she always had to give her all, and tread carefully. Waiting hours, sometimes an entire day, for even a minor role with just a few lines became commonplace.

Although she was mentally prepared for the long haul, understanding that this was a necessary phase to break through, Rachel, who once shone on her school's stage, felt somewhat disheartened.

This was Hollywood, and there were countless beautiful dreamers like her. What further troubled her was the difficulty in finding true friends here. She wasn't a naive girl and had principles she steadfastly adhered to. Behind the glamour, the intricate web of politics and backstabbing was something she couldn't change but had to cautiously sidestep.

"Hello, Nancy," Rachel fumbled to retrieve her phone from her bag, recognizing the call from her agent, Nancy Jacobs.

"Rachel, there's a new film by Apex Entertainment starting production next week. I think you could try for the third lead role. Come to the office tonight; you'll need to prepare thoroughly," Nancy's crisp voice relayed through the speaker.

"Alright, Nancy." Rachel quickly responded, her voice softening as if choosing her words carefully. "By the way, Richard Robb approached me again today..."

"Did he?" There was a brief pause from Nancy on the other end, but she quickly continued, "That's your call, but I won't interfere. Just remember, it's best not to upset him."

It was clear Nancy was busy. After a few more words, she hastily ended the call. Rachel gazed at her phone's now silent screen and couldn't help but offer a wry smile.

All things considered, her agent was genuinely decent. As a senior female agent at United Talent Agency, Nancy managed contracts for stars like Amanda Severed. The fact that she occasionally took the time to help Rachel, offering precise and valuable advice, was commendable.

At least in situations like this, Nancy never pressured her.

Rachel's thoughts drifted to when she first signed her contract, recalling Nancy's words: "You're a grown woman who can think for herself now, Rachel. You don't need me to teach you everything. I won't tell you what you should or shouldn't do. It's entirely up to you.

"But let me remind you, Hollywood is ruthless. It doesn't believe in tears or the weak. This isn't like school where giving a hundred percent guarantees a good grade. More likely, even after all your hard work and dedication, you'll remain unnoticed and insignificant.

"Trust me, that's how it ends for the majority here. If you don't want to be one of them, you better not miss any opportunity, even those that don't seem like opportunities at all."