

Power, Supreme, Invincible

What is "Power" to most of you?

Many would say that power is the means to protect those that you hold dear. Some may assume that is the respect and the glory from others, but you know what I have learned throughout the millennia on which I have stood at the top, power is nothing but troubles, a burden, and loneliness.

My name is "Garlthor" and I have always abhorred violence.

I'm what you would call a pacifist, but having to live in this world, where magic, martial arts, and skills exists, that doesn't seem to be the wisest idea.

Me not being human, and living on a planet where humans are the majority, it would be weird if the humans didn't discriminate my race.

But hey what can I do about it, I;m only one person, it's not like I can declare war against the world, you know.

But they, the humans are the ones that started everything, i was living in peace until a few days ago.

A friend of mine, told me that a man from another world had descended upon this world. And guess what, it was they, those hateful beings that think that just because they are more they are better than use.

When my friends told me about it, I thought that he was messing with me, but his serious face made it even more funny. I mean he's ugly with a capital "E" as in Extremely ugly. He has a sharp nose, like and eagle and those small eyes


just remembering makes me laugh.

Well anyways that's the gist of it, and right now I'm being drag into this hell of a mess.

You know there was once this evil dude, that was crazy enough to go against everyone human of this world.

I think that we are heading in that direction, apparently the man that descended is a human, and he selfishly declare that he will banquis all evil, but the humans of this world are the ones that are telling him what supposedly, we have done.

Lies, everything is a lie.

But do you think he will listen to me someone that his own race call an "Evil" being i don't think so.


"Come in"

"Excuse me, my King, we received news from the scouts"

"Hahahaha excellent, let me finish up here"

"As you command my King"

Well, as you have notice we are currently at war, and well since I'm the strongest being, my race appointed me as their King.

I have to go but, one last time lets me tell you something this is the story as how I became one of the greatest drugs dealers in the world.

Hahahaha not this world that world from which that one men descended.

My name is "Garlthor"

The First and Strongest "Demon King" to ever live.

"OK, Drake, let's go slaughter those insignificant incest. Ahh you are shaking in excitement as well "

"O-of course, my King" Drake tried to sound as much excited as he could, while thinking to himself "Poor souls, their will be river of blood, I can see it"


"Why you sighting Drake?"

"N-nothing my King"

"Ok, Lets go, I have to quench this thirst."

this is just a project that I started cuz of school break, I'm not and experience writer so if you guys see error please let me know and thanks

HeavenlyEvilGodcreators' thoughts