
The Demon King's Villain System

Hello, my fellow demons disguised as readers, It's your king talking. I was a Demon King, and I still am…kinda… I am talking to you through a villain system God gave me. Yes, you heard me right…A God…I made a deal with a God and am being forced to do some heroic shits I normally wouldn’t do. But I didn't become a Demon King by doing easy things. So Your Majesty is on his mission to break the system and find a way to kill The GOD….Because no one…Not even God can control me… Join me on my journey, little demons, in this magical fantasy world where I plan to become an absolute ruler while having fun with lovely ladies because why not?

don_offl · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

God Level Power Of Lucifer

As the battle below raged with newfound intensity, the skies above underwent a dramatic transformation. The reddened sky, a canvas painted by the spells and influence of the demons' air force, began to darken ominously. Massive dark clouds rolled in, enveloping the sky in a cloak of shadow, a foreboding sign of the impending arrival of the Demon King.

Gabriel and Ryojin, amidst the chaos of the battlefield, paused and looked upwards, their expressions turning grave. The change in the atmosphere was unmistakable, a herald of something far more menacing than they had faced thus far.

"The Demon King is coming," Gabriel stated, his voice a mix of determination and concern.

Ryojin's eyes narrowed, his grip on his katana tightening. "We must be ready. This battle is about to reach its climax," he said, a steely resolve in his tone.

Among the holy church's forces, whispers and murmurs spread rapidly, a mixture of fear and resolve rippling through the ranks.

"Lucifer himself is coming... Can we stand against him?" a young soldier asked, his voice tinged with trepidation.

"We have no choice but to stand and fight. Our faith must hold," an elder warrior responded, trying to bolster the morale of his comrades.

Meanwhile, the demons reacted with a mixture of triumph and fervor at the prospect of their king's arrival.

"Our lord descends! Victory is within our grasp!" exclaimed a demon lieutenant, his voice echoing above the din of battle.

"Let the holy ones tremble before the might of our king!" another demon roared, rallying those around him.

The battlefield, already a scene of chaos and conflict, braced itself for the arrival of Lucifer, the Demon King.

Standing amidst the chaos, Ryojin looked up into the sky, his eyes narrowing as he muttered.


His gaze fixed on a figure descending through the dark clouds, a figure with fiery red wings that unfurled majestically behind him. In his grasp, Lucifer held a menacing scythe, its blade gleaming ominously.


Below, the elders of the church and the operators of the war machines, trebuchets, and cannons, recognizing the threat, immediately sprang into action. The air was filled with the sound of machinery and the orders of commanders as they prepared to unleash their firepower upon the descending figure.

The trebuchets hurled massive boulders, arcing through the sky towards Lucifer, while cannons boomed, sending explosive shells spiraling upwards. Mages amongst the church's ranks chanted incantations, summoning bolts of lightning, torrents of ice, and bursts of arcane energy, all directed at the figure with the crimson wings.

Unfazed by the onslaught, Lucifer took a long drag from his cigarette, the ember glowing brightly in the dim light. As the barrage of attacks neared him, he exhaled a plume of smoke and raised his hand nonchalantly. A wave of crimson flames erupted from his palm, sweeping forward in a powerful surge. The flames met the incoming attacks, disintegrating boulders, evaporating ice, and dissipating the magical energies hurled at him.

With a smirk on his lips, Lucifer's voice resonated through the battlefield, dripping with disdain. 

"These clowns are so weak," he commented, his tone mocking the futile efforts of his attackers.

The church's elders and the soldiers watched in horror as their combined might was effortlessly brushed aside by Lucifer's display of power. 

One of the gray-haired elders of the church, his face marked with lines of age and wisdom, stepped forward, his staff raised high. 

"Attack, angels of light! Bring down that evil demon!" he commanded, his voice resonant with authority and desperation.

Responding to his call, the angels surged forward. Below, the battlefield held its breath, the spectacle above overshadowing the conflict on the ground.

Hovering effortlessly in the air, Lucifer remained calm, a cigarette still dangling from his lips. He watched the approaching angels with an air of bored amusement like a predator idly observing the approach of his prey.

As the angels drew near, Lucifer's demeanor shifted subtly, a predatory glint appearing in his eyes. He swung his scythe in a wide arc in one swift, fluid motion. The weapon moved with deadly precision, cutting through the three closest angels. They disintegrated upon contact, their light extinguished as they turned into mere specks of light, their existence snuffed out in an instant.

Below, the demons erupted into cheers and taunts. "Look at that! Our king just snuffed out those light bugs!" a demon cackled gleefully.

"Ha! Those holy lights didn't stand a chance! Lucifer rules!" another demon shouted, thumping his chest in triumph.

On the side of the holy church's forces, the reaction was one of shock and disbelief. 

"Holy shit... Did he just...?" a young soldier stammered, his eyes wide with horror.

"Those were angels... He killed them like they were nothing!" another whispered, a mix of fear and awe in his voice.

Even Gabriel and Ryojin, seasoned warriors who had faced countless horrors, couldn't hide their shock. 

"Damn... I knew he was strong, but this... This is something else," Gabriel muttered, his usually unshakeable composure faltering.

"We underestimated him. This changes everything. We need a new plan, and fast," Ryojin said, clenching his jaw as the reality of their situation sank in. The angels, their supposed trump card, had been defeated with such ease, leaving them to grapple with the daunting power of the Demon King.

The remaining angels, driven by the commands of the elders, continued their assault, mindlessly rushing towards Lucifer in a desperate bid to overwhelm him. Their movements, though swift and graceful, bore the mark of control, lacking the free will that might have made them more unpredictable and dangerous.

Lucifer, with an air of disdain, hurled his scythe like a javelin at one of the oncoming angels. The weapon spun through the air with lethal precision, striking the angel squarely in the chest. In an instant, the angel was no more, dissolving into a burst of light upon impact.

In the next moment, Lucifer reached out and seized another angel by its head. His grip was unyielding, the power in his hand evident as the angel began to crack under the immense pressure, its form fracturing as if made of fragile glass.

From the battlefield below, Gabriel and Ryojin watched, their expressions a mix of anger and helplessness. Sensing their gaze, Lucifer turned his attention towards them and chuckled, a mocking and chilling sound.

"I almost got impressed by you for a second," he taunted, his red eyes gleaming with malice. 

Lucifer's voice resonated with an air of caprice as he addressed the chaos below. "At first, I wanted my little demons to fight against overwhelming odds. It would have paved the way for stronger, more powerful demons. But now, I've changed my mind."

Meanwhile, Azazel with his black feathery wing, flew toward Lucifer and hovered behind him. Curiosity etched on his face, he asked, 

"Why did you change your mind, Your Majesty?"

With a chuckle that seemed to mock the very notion of predictability, Lucifer replied, "I am the Demon King. It's in my nature to say one thing and do another. Keeps things interesting."

In the midst of this exchange, Gabriel, summoning his power, cast a spell that allowed him to soar into the sky. Ryojin, not to be outdone, harnessed his own mystical energies, his katana serving as a conduit, and flew up to join Gabriel, both heading straight for Lucifer.

Seeing the two of the strongest warriors of the holy church, Azazel unsheathed his curved swords, a deadly gleam in his eyes. 

"I'll slaughter these two today," he declared, poised to dash forward.

But Lucifer raised his other arm without even looking at Azazel, signaling him to stand down. 

"Stand down, Azazel," he commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Azazel exhaled a sigh of frustration but obeyed, backing off as commanded. All the while, Lucifer held the angel in his grasp, its form fracturing further under his unrelenting grip.

As Gabriel and Ryojin approached, Lucifer tilted his head and crushed the angel into specks of light, extinguishing its existence with a mere clench of his fist. He then turned his attention to the two warriors, his expression one of cold amusement.

"Now, you can talk," he said, his voice dripping with disdain as he faced Gabriel and Ryojin.

As the holy church's forces below momentarily ceased their attacks, captivated by the unfolding confrontation in the sky, Gabriel and Ryojin moved forward, their faces etched with resolve and determination.

Gabriel, his voice carrying the weight of authority and righteousness, addressed Lucifer. 

Gabriel, his voice laced with accusation and resolve, addressed Lucifer. 

"You know, your lust for power and this whole 'domination' thing is pretty messed up. You're tearing everything apart!"

"Yeah, and for what? Just to stroke your ego? You've got all this power, and you're using it to just... what? Play god?" Ryojin, his expression stern, chimed in. 

Unfazed by their words, Lucifer regarded them with a sardonic smirk. 

"Oh, please. Spare me the moral high ground speech. Power is the only thing that matters in this world, and I have it in spades. Why shouldn't I use it as I see fit?"

Lucifer's snicker cut through the tension, dripping with disdain and mockery. 

"You know, you could have avoided all this if you had just rolled over and surrendered. But no, you chose to fight because you fear what you cannot understand, what you cannot control. I am stronger and more powerful than your pathetic gods," he taunted, his red eyes gleaming with arrogance.

"Where is your god now, huh? Where's this mighty savior of yours in all of this chaos? Isn't your god responsible, or just incompetent, since he's done nothing to save all those lives lost to my hands?" His laughter, cold and hollow, echoed in the air.

Then, Lucifer casually cracked his neck, exuding an air of nonchalance amid the mounting tension. With a flick of his wrist, he tossed another cigarette into the air, catching it effortlessly with his mouth. 

"Thank you for bringing all these souls to me," he said, his voice dripping with malevolence. 

"Each one you lose only serves to make me stronger."

His smile twisted into a sadistic grin as he raised his hand towards the storm clouds above. The clouds responded, crackling ominously with red lightning, a visual manifestation of the impending doom he was about to unleash.



Gabriel and Ryojin, sensing the imminent threat, panicked. They dashed forward, a desperate attempt to stop Lucifer before he could bring down his cataclysmic power.

But, in a startling turn of events, the bolts of lightning suddenly froze in mid-air, suspended as if time itself had halted. A golden beam of light, piercing through the chaos, shot down from the sky directly at Lucifer. The beam engulfed him, and in a blinding flash, Lucifer disintegrated, his form consumed by the divine light.