
The Demon King's Chat Group

He, Asmodeus Morningstar, King of all Evils, 5th King of Demons, Inheritor of Lucifer Morningstar, plus a Highschooler...? Wanting to live a peaceful and harmonious life, he left the Demon World and became a student in Blue-Orchid Academy. But, his goal of a peaceful life is disrupted when she joins the academy. ... She, Sayuri Nagisa, a talented singer, and a world-famous celebrity, and an Angel. With the goal of becoming an Idol, she enters the music industry and quickly becomes one of the most famous people in the world. Becoming bored with her dream, she decides to become a student and enrolls herself in the Blue-Orchid Academy, leaving the Entertainment Industry. But, Her deskmate is avoiding her like a plague? One day, She was invited to join a mysterious Chat Group, that appeared in her mind. Entering the group, She finds out that her deskmate is something far more than on the surface. Demon King x Angel ... [Welcome to the Chat Group, (Graceful) Angel-san.] [(Evil) Lazy-ass Demon King is (online)] "..." [(Evil) Lazy-ass Demon King has gone (offline)] ... 2 CH/ Week. Depends on my mood, or motivation.

Shadow_7753 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Demon King's Life: A transfer student.

Location: 3rd Classroom of Blue-Orchid Highschool.

In the ordinary classroom, on the protagonist's seat, aka window seat, a handsome boy with black hair and green eyes looked out from the window.

Ignoring his classmates' daily chatters, he closed his eyes and supported his chin with his hands on the table.

With classmates:

"Hey, Did you listen to Miss Yui's new song?"

"Which one? The [A Devil's Break] which was released a week ago?"

"Yeah, It was one of the best albums of her career."

"Still, It is nothing compared to her first album, [A New Life]"

Boys were discussing the new album, released by one of the top Idols of the current era.

Yui Otsaki, A female-singer and a music composer, winner of 2019 International Music Award and 2018 Grammy's award. With a fanbase of nearly 560 million, She is considered one of the top celebrities of the current era.

Going by her stage name, Mrs Death, She quickly scooped the music industry with her enchanting voice and stunning looks. Because of her Elite Background, no one dares to suppress her in the music industry, making her journey to the top effortless.

"Tch, Boys will never understand the meaning behind her songs. They only listen to her because of her voice and looks."

A girl who heard the boy's conversation adjusted her glasses and despised them. Her deskmate also nodded in agreement.

After all, how could these boys understand the deep meaning behind those lyrics? They must be pretending.

"Hey! I also understand those lyrics. It's just that they are too deep."

A boy who heard their remarks quickly refuted and defended himself.

"Anyways, there will be a new transfer student coming to our class. I heard the principal talking about it to our class teacher, Matsuda Sensei."

The girl who spoke earlier changed the subject, ignoring the boy's comment and gossiped about the new transfer student.

"What?! A transfer student? At this time of year? Impossible." The girl's deskmate said with disbelief in her voice.

"I heard that the student is a girl who studied abroad." The girl shook her head and answered.

Hearing the word "Girl", Boys who were discussing their idol, quickly interjected in the conversation.

"What?! A girl?" A boy with brown hair exclaimed and continued, "Is she pretty?"

"Ne, ne, Matsuda. Did you forget our rules? We have to first ask Jasper about the probability of the transfer student being a beauty." Matsuda's friend reprimanded him and said with a scolding tone.

Matsuda scratched his head in embarrassment and apologised, "Sorry, I forgot."

"This is the last time, Matsuda." Mitsuki looked at him with a fake majesty and said, "Or else, don't blame me for being ruthless."

But, their conversation was disrupted by their third friend, Jasper, a foreign-exchange student.

"86%!" Jasper, an otaku, stood up from his seat and exclaimed with a loud voice.

His voice attracted the attention of other classmates, who looked at him with expectations.

After all, Jasper's predictions are always right.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him with expectations, He sighed and explained.


He cleared his throat and looked at the silent classroom and walked towards the board. He took a chalk from the teacher's podium and started to write on the board.

"Here. Let me explain." He wrote for a minute and turned towards the students.

"Before the mid-terms, A new transfer student was enrolled in our class. And, his face value was 82." He looked at the first row of the bench and pointed at the boy who raised his hand in return.

"Before him, A girl was also enrolled during the first-term exams. Thankfully, She left school. Or else, I don't know how to face her. After all, she only had a face value of 60." Shaking his head with a sigh, he continued.

"Now, on our primary focus. As we know, no school would accept students after the mid-terms. That means that the new student has some background."

"But, why would a person with such a background attend our ordinary school?" He waited for others to answer. Sadly, no one raised their hands.

Shaking his head, he continued. "Answer is, The student want's to experience ordinary life. But, Why would those high-class families send their children to this school? They want their sons and daughters to have an elite education."

"This means that our new classmate is a genius or that her family doesn't care about her education. Latter is highly unlikely."

"So, we got to point one. The girl's background is not ordinary."

Everyone in the class started to applaud him by clapping their hands.

"Thank you. Thank you. But, please keep this appreciation for the last." He gestured them to be silent.

Seeing that everyone is quiet, he continued.

"Now, how can we determine that she is pretty?" He said and once again started to write something on the board.

"It's simple. We have to analyse the face value of other transfer students this year in our school. So, we get some 320 students. Out of which, 106 are girls. After all, the ratio is 1:3."

"Now, out of these 106 girls, nearly 23 are considered a beauty. And, the last student who transferred to our school was a handsome guy. It is now in the form of H U H H U H U U H. Here, "U" stands for ugly and "H" stands for handsomeness."

"If we go with this pattern, there is an 86% chance that the next person will be in "H" faction. In our case, the transfer student will be a beauty."

*Clap* *Clap*

Sounds of applause rang through the class but were quickly stopped because of one person's reminder.

"Sensei is here." A boy announced to his classmates as he saw their class teacher coming towards their classroom.

Without saying anything, everyone in the class silently took their position and pretended to read their books. Jasper also rushed away from the podium with a chalk in his hands and took his seat. Unfortunately, he forgot to erase the board, which was filled with "U" and "H" along with some numbers.

A bald, middle-aged man walked into the class with a straight posture. Following him, a beautiful girl with black hair wearing a student uniform also stepped into the classroom.

"See, I told you. Students in Class 3-A are one of the most disciplined and honest students in the whole school." He looked at the new transfer student and said with a proud voice.

"It seems that sensei is right." The girl nodded her head and said.

"Haha." He touched his nose with his hand's and said, "Go and introduce yourself to the class."

The girl nodded her head politely and walked towards the stage. She adjusted her dress and looked at the students who were looking at her with a curious gaze.

"Hello, My name is Sayuri Nagisa. Please take care of me in the future." She said with a smile.

"*Ahem* Student Sayuri, Please sit on the empty seat next to the Student Alviss." Matsuda-Sensei said and pointed his finger towards the black-haired boy who was sitting near the window seat.

Nodding her head, she walked towards Alviss, who was staring at her with an expressionless face. She placed her bag on the desk and looked at the boy sitting next to her and introduced herself.

"Hello, My name is Sayuri."

Instead of an expected reply, the boy just nodded his head and ignored her.

'What a rude guy.' She thought with dissatisfaction.

She calmed herself and once again said, "Hello, My name is Sayuri. Your's…?"

The boy turned towards her, staring at her with dead-eyes and said, "…Alviss. Alviss Forneus." Pausing for a moment, He continued, "Please don't disturb me."

"…What?!" She looked at him with disbelief.

Ignoring her jaw-slacked expression, he sighed and opened a familiar interference.

A blue-holographic screen popped up in front of him.

[(Evil) Lazy-ass Demon King is (online).]

[(Edgy) Prince of Darkness: Ah, Asmodeus! Finally, you're online.]

[(Edgy) Prince of Darkness: Please, Asmodeus.]

[(Edgy) Prince of Darkness: Only you, A full-fledged Demon King can help me with this problem.]

[(Edgy) Prince of Darkness: Asmodeus!]

[(Evil) Lazy-ass Demon King: "…" Please don't disturb me. I am busy.]

[(Edgy) Prince of Darkness: Asmodeus! Please, I beg you. You're my only hope, my last straw of survival. Please!]

[(Evil) Lazy-ass Demon King: *Sigh* Fine. But this last time. So, what's the matter.]

[(Edgy) Prince of Darkness: Thank you! Next time, when you visit my Castle, I will treat you with a delicacy created by Mr Arnold.]

[(Evil) Lazy-ass Demon King: Eh? When did he arrive?]

[(Edgy) Prince of Darkness: Last Night, He also bought few ingredients from Shadow Realm. He is giving us a treat, and I have a few invitations.]

[(Edgy) Prince of Darkness: I can give one to you.]

[(Evil) Lazy-ass Demon King: Aamon! If something is bothering you, or troubling you, Don't hesitate to call me. I am more than happy to lend you a hand in your problems. (seriousface.jpg)]

[(Cliché) Young Master: Aamon? Do you need my help? I am free today. Please tell me if something is troubling you. (smile.jpg)]

[(Madman) A Magi-Technician: Did I hear Mr Arnold? …Fuck I hate this voice function. Anyways, If you need something from me, feel free to ask. (generous-smile.jpg)]

[(Edgy) Prince of Darkness: You guys…. Are truly shameless.]

[(Evil) Lazy-ass Demon King: So, What do you need from me?]

[(Edgy) Prince of Darkness: Yeah, I nearly forgot!]

[(Edgy) Prince of Darkness: Guys, can anyone help me to get rid of Valeriana? She is stalking me since the morning.]

[(Edgy) Prince of Darkness: Right now, she is looking at me by a telescope. She hasn't realised that she is exposed. Please help me. (cryingbitterly.jpg)]

[(Evil) Lazy-ass Demon King: By any chance, Is her name Valeriana Tempest?]

[(Edgy) Prince of Darkness: How do you know this? Yeah, her name is Valeriana Tempest. (curious.jpg)]

[(Evil) Lazy-ass Demon King: I see… Please don't contact me.]

[(Evil) Lazy-ass Demon King has gone (offline)]

[(Madman) A Magi-Technician: Wait! My machines are retaliating against me. Stop! No, no. Don't use that tentacle attack. Fuck!]

[(Madman) A Magi-Technician has gone (offline)]

[(Cliché) Young Master: Oh no, It seems that my father is calling me. Goodbye.]

[(Edgy) Prince of Darkness: I can understand others. But, isn't your dad visiting AR realm for an annual competition? How can he call you from there? (Liargotcaught.jpg)]

[(Cliché) Young Master: That… He bought a new phone. Shit! He is calling me once again. Goodbye.]

[(Cliché) Young Master has gone (offline)]

[(Edgy) Prince of Darkness: You know what? You guys will miss Mr Arnold's feast.]

[(Edgy) Prince of Darkness: But, thinking about this, Mr Arnold's food is far less tempting than Valeriana's wrath.]

[(Edgy) Prince of Darkness has gone (offline)]

Just like this, the Chat Group once again descended into silence.