
The Demon God is Reincarnated

Demon God… That was his nickname, the people in Heaven Divine feared him whether they were Mortals, Gods, Immortals even Devils were afraid of him. Upon hearing his name, everyone knew that only one thing would happen... Massacre. One day the Demon God cornered by his enemies died, thinking that this would be his end, somehow in the last second of his life he was able to understand the Dao that he always longed for, that always feared and made him paranoid with the enemies he killed... But who would have thought that in order to understand the Dao of reincarnation he had to die... Yan Shun... That was the name of his new body he reincarnated into, he was a prince who had his memories sealed and had all his meridians sealed so he couldn't cultivate. In the sect he was in he was treated like trash and everyone made fun of him. But who would have thought that overnight the trash would turn into a genius... Or rather a demonic genius thirsty for power, blood and revenge. ... The MC will kill a lot and will have no mercy on anyone, but he has feelings for his women, but in some cases he will emotionally manipulate them to take advantage of them in their fragile moment. He is a Demon God don't forget that. –––––––––––– - Tags: Villain MC | OP MC | Rape | Gore | Dual Cultivation | Virgins | Harem | Yandere | Incest | Milf | Loli | Pregnancy | Gender Change | Netori | No-Sex Toys | No-Futanari | No-Yuri | No-Netorare | Notes: English is not my language, I am translating everything with Google translate, I expect a lot of misspellings and errors. The cover does not belong to me, I found it on Google, if the owner wants me to remove the image, just say so and I will remove it immediately.

Dashlin_King · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Death of the Demon God

In the Skies of the Divided Heaven.

"Your last words Long Yu?" A middle-aged man with wild black hair and a muscular build spoke to the young man who was floating in the sky surrounded by people, rather the whole sky was infested with people, none of them even blinked and stared at the young man fearfully that will escape again.

The young man who had injuries all over him, his clothes in tatters, blood and dirt all over his body, just looked at this man and the people around him with a small smile, his killing intent seeping from his blood-red eyes, one could see faint scarlet smoke seeping from his eyes… That was his killing intent, one that he had accumulated over 1550 years of killing who knows how many Beasts, People, Celestials, Devils, and Gods…

He had killed so many that even his killing intent manifested into reality causing his enemies to even have visions of death, but right now his killing intent couldn't give even a small illusion to his enemies.

All of them were strong, none of them were mere cultivators, all of them were Celestials and a few Gods that surrounded him, furthermore at this moment he did not have a strand of Heavenly Qi left in his body to continue fighting.

Despite his injuries, Long Yu was conscious and was floating in the sky by sheer force of will, but… His vision was already blurry, as soon as he met the eyes of the man who had spoken to him earlier, the man flinched because Long Yu kept his relaxed smile all this time… That was not a good thing.

"Your... Wife... How is... Peng Ku?" Long Yu asked weakly with a small sinister smile.

The man upon hearing it turned pale, but immediately yelled at him with anger.

"You! Demon! I swear by the Divine Heavens that if you did something to her I'm going to kill you, not even your soul will be saved from me." Peng Ku immediately took out a jade slip and tried to contact his wife, but… There was no response.

"Speak! Where is my wife Long Yu? If you want a death with an intact body, tell me where my wife is!" Peng Ku immediately released his cultivation from and pressed Long Yu to speak, but all he received in return was a light evil laugh.

"Hehehehe…" Long Yu laughed evilly as he gently moved his left hand to his right hand and lightly touched his space ring.

Everyone got tense because they didn't know what weapon he was going to take out, but... What he took out was not a weapon...

What he took out was something that was circular in shape like a ball and was wrapped in a white cloth that was stained with drops of color... Red.

The faces of everyone around him turned pale and they shook their heads. That wouldn't be... What they thought... right?

Long Yu gently opened the cloth revealing… The head of a beautiful woman, but her face… She had a horrified expression.

Everyone held their breath as soon as they saw this image, Peng Ku upon seeing the human head his entire body began to tremble.

"N-it can't be, th-it's a lie." Peng Ku muttered in a tearful voice.

Long Yu seeing Peng Ku in that state simply smirked. He grabbed the head he was holding by hair, grabbed the chin of the woman's head, opened and closed it as began to speak.

"Oh~ Husband, don't worry about me, I'm fine as you can see, even though my whole body is missing which was eaten by lions and hyenas, my head is intact and fine, though I think it was my mistake to leave my body on the ground when my head was cut off, theeh~" Long Yu sharpened his voice and tried to imitate the woman's voice, although it clearly did not come out.

Long Yu, seeing the faces of all the onlookers, smiled and quickly released the woman's jaw and pulled out another head of from spatial ring.

I grab her by the hair, lift her up and shake her slightly, he began to speak again with a high-pitched voice, but more childish this time.

"Mommy is right daddy, don't worry about us, we had a great time with our God Long Yu, you should have seen us as he fucked us with his long fat cock and made us scream with pleasure. It's too bad you didn't see it with your own eyes daddy, he made us too- pfffffff hahahahahaha I can't go on with this." Long Yu simply couldn't go on with the mockery he was making.

"Catch them." Long Yu tossed the heads of the wife and daughter towards Peng Ku.

Peng Ku was still in shock and it wasn't until one head crashed into his face and the other into his chest that he woke up. He immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, passed out, and began to plummet towards the ground.

"Hahahahaha I can't believe that worthless man died hahahahaha" Long Yu seeing that Peng Ku died in such a pitiful way began to laugh maniacally, he even had to grab his stomach because he thought his guts would leak from his wounds.

Everyone in that place still couldn't believe what they had seen, they had just witnessed an act of pure evil, even if they were all cultivators and throughout their lives they had to kill, they had never seen such a sinister and dark act.

But what could they expect from Long Yu, they literally called him Demon God not because he was just a God, but because he was a truly evil, sinister, dark and shameless being.

"Y-everyone kill him. Kill him now before he gets away!" A man from the crowd who was in the God Cultivation Realm shouted, attracting everyone's attention.

Immediately everyone threw powers at Long Yu, fireballs, ice, lightning of all elements, soul attacks, swords, spears, axes even a stick.

Long Yu watched all these incoming attacks with a slight smile and closed his eyes, if he had at least 10% of his original power, he could kill all these weaklings, but at this moment he had no strength, blood and energy left to continue fighting. He simply opened his arms, looked up at the sky and yelled.

"Eat my ass motherfuckers! Hahaha!"


All the powers and weapons thrown at him collided with his body causing an explosion that shook the entire divine sky. His body disintegrated and his soul was in the process.

'You bastards won't even give me a chance to reincarnate, sigh~ the Dao of reincarnation that I always dreamed of mastering, that I studied all my life, in the end only to get nothing.'

'If only I had the Dao of Reincarnation… Life and Death couldn't even stop me anymore, if I could only comprehend it in this moment of darkness. As long as he closed his eyes and saw darkness, he would be sure that once he opened his eyes, he would always see light at the end of it all, after all with the Dao of Reincarnation he would be… Unstoppable.'

Long Yu at that moment of not having a body and feeling how the powers of the soul were destroying his soul and having that vague illumination with himself in his last second of life, something deep inside him shone like a sun and…

I need help with names of techniques and powers for the MC, do you have any ideas? Leave it in the comments, I'll be reading it, no matter how absurd the skill is, I'll read it.

Dashlin_Kingcreators' thoughts