
[The demon never gets a day off]

Cielo was trying to sleep, as he heard bangs and other things outside, he went to take a look.

"What's going on? It's so loud over here?" Cielo Asked.

The servants knew they couldn't offend him, his majesty favors him, the princess likes him very much.

"Well, this servant says that there is a new noble lady to be married in two days, us servants were not told till today. That's is why we're in a rush my lord." He spoke.

"Oh okay, I'm tired anyways I go back now." Cielo replied.

Cielo walked back, to see a young lady standing there in front of his palace.

"Excuse me? Why ya standing there?"

"Oh, greetings to concubine Kinagure, this servant was assigned to help, servant Aki take care of you." She replied.

"Rise, ah! What's your name? By the way?" Cielo Asked.

"Nana, My lord." Nana replied.

"I see, Aki take care of the maid, teach how to mange things or whatever." Cielo replied.

"Yes, My lord." Aki replied.

Aki took Nana away, while Cielo went into his chamber to see, the princess sitting on his bed.

"Little lady? Whatcha doing?" Cielo Asked.

"I was waiting for you, Brother in law." Yu replied.

"Okay, little lady." Cielo replied.

In moments later you could hear, loud thuds and shouting in the distance. An angry Aki dragging a crying nana out to the chamber.

"My lord, she's absolutely useless! She can't cook, clean, anything shes like a clumsy bomb!" Shouted Aki.

"Hmm? Well if she's no use here, well send her to hard labor. Maybe if she spends time there for about two years, then she can come back." Cielo suggested.

"My lord, please spare! Spare me!!!" She pleaded.

"His Royal highness, The crown prince arrives!" Shouted a servant.

Cielo sighed, "So what brings you here to my lovely little palace?"

"Your so cold." Yuki replies "And Yes I do, I simply was on a stroll and happened to pass by, that's all."

"Oh, okay." Cielo replied.

"Brother in law? What are you doing with that useless servant of yours?" Yu questions.

"Well Aki you heard my order, carry it out." Cielo replied.

"As you wish, My lord." Aki replied.

Aki walked away while dragging Nana who was screaming and pleading!

Cielo sighed, "That was annoying to deal with."

Cielo walked over to the draw and grabbed a little bracelet, and walked over to give it to Yu.

"Here little lady, I had the thing carved with your name on it." Cielo Spoke.

"Thank you!" Yu shouted.

"It's not a big deal, really." Cielo mutters under his breath.

Yuki walks up to him. Looks in his eyes, smiles slightly.

"What's so funny for you to smile?" Cielo Asked.

Yuki walks closer slowly, whispers "Nothing, just seeing you all embarrassed is a once in a life time thing, dear Amora."

Cielo freezes, sighed.

'Only that damn angel called me that, maybe he recarnated into this body as well as me.'

Yu left thinking they needed some time alone, when suddenly a Young lady appears.

"Your royal highness, I-I did not know. I was going to visit brother Cielo, I-I'm Sorry, I'll leave now."

She left but soon enough her heart turned black, jealous of all her heart.

"I swear to ruin you, so he will never truly love you ever!" she proclaimed.

Then walked away, grinned in delight.

Meanwhile with Cielo and Yuki...

Cielo was sleeping, due to being tired. While Yuki was reading his reports, sighing.

"Your royal highness, I've checked the info you have told me. It seems to be false." Kai replies.