
the demon alchemist

a chemistry teacher Finds himself reincarnated into a demon After wanking from a coma

aleazlllll · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

chapter 3: the training

i woke up early to start my training

sihkunaru bring me to a Place where i could easily train myself to control my alchsmy Powers and become more powerful than before

he said this training would last for months to master the Power of alchemists and only few people can pass this training i'll train my best"

i said smiling

i began training on my body First to improve my physical strenght i used some maniquines made by shikumaru during his free days those maniquines were made of a really strong material

they dont seem to move when i punch them despite i used all the strenght i have in my body

"what the Hell are these maniquines made of"

i asked myself

a strange guy said they were made of material that only grows in this Place

this material worth Lots of Money since Is very resistant and rare.

thanks" i replied to the guy then i back to my training

meanwhile my daughter was studying alchemy Power

After weeks and weeks of training my physical strenght finally rised and i was able to punch the maniquines so hard to make them fly away

shikumaru helped me control my Powers

"you have potential my friend" he said With Happy voice

i trusted his words

i started mediting to relax mind and body i medited for 5 hours a day under a calm waterfall in a River .

months finally passed and i finally achieved control over my Powers and improved my Abilities

and i come back to test my Powers.

while i was walking With shikumaru i was a large spider creature coming After us

i quickly ran into the creature really fast and Attack the creature to the head destroying the fragment Who was controlling It then suddenly the creature changed direction and stop attacking us

we came back to the Academy

the principal said he was Surprised how much my Power and strenght growed in these months

No One has even cam close to this level to strenght except few people like me.

i came out from the principal office and came back to the bedrooms to take a rest

another long has passed