
the demon alchemist

a chemistry teacher Finds himself reincarnated into a demon After wanking from a coma

aleazlllll · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

chapter 1 the beginning

My name Is sakishi im a 40 years old chemistry teacher from Tokyo Who teaches in 2nd superior

I have a 18 years old daughter who Just got graduate

Every day seems to be the same like a loop

The same things the same people

When a day when i was coming back at home

A strange looking creature attacked me

I didnt know Where It came from or It was

The only thing i know i fell into a Deep coma

During this year i Heard some voices in my

head that keep calling my name and tell me to Wake up and they kept tormenting for years and years.

After those years of coma i woke up but i was different

My body was that of a child and i had Sharp nails and lorg hair

My daughter was next to me and She told me She still remembers me

We suddenly got bringed into a different world

Different from the One i used to live on

I Just realised i could start a new Life

A strange creature approciated to use telling this Is the world where demons live

It was like a sort of parallel world to ours

Like a sort of multiverse containing other universe

In this world alchemy Is pretty praticted

It was used to defense and Attack

I began to praptice alchemy In an alchemy school

The creature revealed his name Is shinkumaru

He bringed me to the class where i could follow the lesson

The teacher explained the base for alchemy

And how to use it like when i used to teach to my students

We praticted use alchemy to defeated enemy

I Just realised the powers i achieved was unique

I was able to defeated multiple Monsters With Little effort

passing the First exam.