
The Demon's Hidden Treasures 1

SYNOPSIS “I didn’t want this Izan, this is all your fault” she said looking away from the mirror to look away from him. “I know but I need you and you agreed to this, so it’s not my fault after all” he said forcing her face to look back at her. “I did not, you coerced me into this so don’t you turn this on me, now please let’s get on with what is necessary” “I am not sleeping with you, sex is intimate and sacred” she said standing to walk away from him. She couldn’t believe she was denying a good night with him. Handsome King of the darkness Izan. “Trust me I know darling, it is sacred” he stressed on the ‘is’ but then continued, “but to you it’s not” She narrowed her eyes finally looking at his gorgeous face. Sometimes he looked cute and she felt like she could pinch his cheeks but on the other hand, dark pleasure played on his face. “What do you mean Izan?” How did he know about her habits back at home? “Well, I did some digging and well, I found alot so this should not be a big issue for you Neera” “With you it is” “I’m sorry, but they’re here and we need to do it” “No” her eyes snapped to the door when a knock interrupted their banter. “Yes Neera” he said his black eyes glinting the dark of the room. The door opened letting in cold air and three people. Why did she agree to his offer? *** What happens when you take an unwanted journey to find treasure. Treasure that you don't really need but end up finding more that just treasure. A new world in which you didn't really want any relation with. It was her one last time that she gave in but the results were much greater.

AlesHa14 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs


Izan left the room a couple of minutes ago but she was still watching by the balcony as the white robed people walked out of the carriage.

They were nine carriages in total and each spat out a man and their entourage. They must've been court members or something. She wasn't entirely sure. A haywire of activities were happening down there.

The door behind her was knocked a couple of times and someone followed right after. She turned to look and was only met by a bowl of food. She'd almost forgotten she was hungry but as soon as the aroma hit her nostrils, all thoughts evaded her mind all she could think about was food.

Naturally she was a hungry baby, her appetite never backed down.

She immediately sat down and dug in, it was yummy, she had to admit.

"Is it good?"

She almost gasped out all the contents in her mouth but didn't. She hadn't seen the soul that dropped off the food.

She'd only thought of the hunger severing her, What if it was poisoned? Whatever, what was done was done anyways.


She looked back to trace the speaker.

"I asked if it was good?" it was a girls voice and she emerged from the corner of the room. Behind the curtain.

"Oh! Hello there?"Neera said livening up to her.

"Is it?"

"Yes it is" the girl sighed out in relief as if a weight had been taken off her back. "I'm Neera, you?"


"Where are you from Adelle?" Neera asked taking the last bite of the food. Adelle was eyeing the food hungrily, as if she were hungry too. Was she?

"The outskirts of the kingdom, what about you?"

Thinking that Adelle was getting at least more familiar with her she decided to loosen up a bit. Although the rest of the staff seemed hostile, Adelle didn't give off that vibe.

She had a soft baby face that made her almost adorable but no chubby cheeks like Izan's.

"Some Kingdom so far away from here" she sat back reveling in her state of fullness. She caught Adelle steal a glance at the empty plate.

"How did you get here?"

"I really regret freeing him or whatever I did because now am here and lost, are you hungry?"

Adelle quickly nodded in happiness and walked closer to peep at the other pot. "Eat that, I need to go"

Adelle's eyes brightened up in anticipation.


Neera left the room and went in search of Izan. Once again. Seems like this was always going to be her trend.

But something always guided her to his location, like now, something or someone was telling her what way to go.

To his office.

"Who are they?" she asked when she walked into the half opened door of the room.

"I heard you speak with someone, who was it?" he asked entirely ignoring her earlier question.

"Adelle, some lady among the staff"

Izan scoffed out a laugh, "Don't tell them anything about yourself, they'll be the ones to find you later"

"Adelle was nice!" she was being naive and she knew it too, only a few minutes and she had no right to come up with a judgement about Adelle.

"I hope so, I need-" he stood up abruptly. All over sudden he seemed nervous or worried, she couldn't read him well.

"What is it?" Neera crossed her arms over her chest waiting for a response.

"They're court members and I don't know what to do with them" he said agitatedly picking some sheets of paper on his desk.

He was a King right? Why was he so lost in this.

"Why?" she walked on forward and decided to make herself comfortable.

"I have to do something that I am totally against"

"And what's that?"

His eyes snapped to look at hers intensely, almost making her feel uncomfortable with what he would say.

"Find a wife or queen"

Her uncomfortability simmered.

"Why should you be against that? it's totally normal for that to happen in the royal world" she explained watching him closely. For herself even if she wanted a happy ever after with someone she loved, her getting married through an arranged marriage alliance was expected.

She was waiting for that day till the day she came here.

"I don't want that, I want to marry someone I love not some totally random woman" he blurted out pacing his room. He turned to look away avoiding eye contact with her.

The first days she saw the man, Izan, he was cold and not a glimpse of softness could be traced but this! Aaw.

He wanted to fall in love, how so cute. Every royal hoped for that but-

This was life and he had to fucking deal with it as it was.

"I'm sorry, but that dream is not really valid" she offered him a pitiful look. That seemed to annoy him since he took the documents and walked out of the office shutting the doors with a loud thud.

She laughed wanting to follow him out but she paused not exactly knowing what to do with herself. She could stay here till he came back right?

She stood up and walked to the small shelves of books on the right side of the wall.

Ozma of Oz and so many other tales. What caught her attention was the Broken heart series.

The First book was; Once Upon A Broken Heart

and the second was; The Ballad Of The Never After.

The book was tabbed at the corners with different coloured tabs. Interesting.

She was a romance book reader and this was definitely one. The fact that it had already been read before made her completely enthralled on reading it.

She pulled out the first book of the series and began reading quickly got lost in the fictional world.


"She is the one that freed him" Adelle told her fellow chéff as she placed the utensils on the table. The person's face grew into one of happiness, Adelle smiled at him too knowing that she had pleased him.

If he was happy then she was too and her family was safe too.

"I knew it!" a lady from behind the man said.


"Tomorrow, and Adelle shall do it the girl is human, it will be easy" he turned to look at Adelle scrutinizing her reaction to her assignment.

Adelle refrained from showing her reaction of fear and horror but simply smiled mischievously with the rest of them.