
The demigod's mate: Enchanting her blood

Axella moved to Las Vegas with her mom, as she was admitted into Blue Moon high. It has some secrets that was only disclose to a few members in the school. As time goes on she met Terrick, who happened to be the most powerful half vampire, half demon and the coldest guy in Blue Moon high school. the first day of Axella's stay in the school, she found her way easily as she met a friend who happens to also be her roommate. Although, Axella never knew about the existence of vampires in the school but she believed they existed and was so much interested in them. Alnord was another powerful vampire who was interested in the new girl Axella though he pretends not to be but deep down him he was madly in love with her. However, Axella was only interested in Terrick, she don't know why she was drawn to the cold and antisocial guy, but she found herself getting closer to him. With time, the vampires found out about Axella's special blood that draws them to her. Alnord was interested in being the leader but he needs to enchant Axella's blood to achieve his aim which was evil.While Terrick who wasn't interested in her blood had a good aim cause he fell in love with her. who will enchant her blood and claim her?

Tolu_17 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter five(colliding with the demigod)

" Good morning students of art class, I hope the suicide stops, if any of you feel depressed you can tell your teacher about it, do not keep it to yourself okay"Mrs Vivian said.

" Okay ma"the students all chorused except for Terrick who was silence, Arnold who has a devilish smile on his face, and Keevah who wasn't interested in whatever Mrs Vivian has to say.

"I hope am communicating cause three people doesn't care if am talking or not "she said referring to the two demigods and Keevah who scoffed.

" If I am thirsty at night I won't hesitate to tear this lecturer apart and suck her blood"Keevah muttered chewing gum.

" Anyway it's their business" Mrs Vivian said and turned to the board to teach....

✴✴ After an hour of lecturing on the subject food and nutrition, Mrs Vivian left and the class became noisy again.

Axella didn't say anything cause she doesn't understand anything from Mrs Vivian lectures. Even though she concentrated on the teacher, she still couldn't understand a thing from what she taught.

Pearl who seems to know what was going on with her moved closer to her " you don't understand what Mrs Vivian taught right"she asked and Axella nodded.

" Then let me teach you"Pearl said and Axella's eyes turned bright Immediatly.

" Really you will teach me"she asked to be sure if she heard her right, and Pearl nodded.

Axella squint like a squirrel and hugged Pearl so tight.

" Axella am choking"she said with much struggle as she couldn't even breath anymore.

" I don't mind"Axella who doesn't know what was going on with Pearl said.

" Axella am dying"she muttered again and that was when Axella unlock from the hug.

" Am sorry Pearl I was just too excited"Axella apologized with a pout and Pearl laughed at how cute she looks .

" If you have killed me with your hug who would have teach you, now that you didn't understand what Mrs Vivian taught us"Pearl asked and Axella giggled.

Pearl brought out her text book and started teaching Axella, everything Mrs Vivian taught them.

"I want to visit the washroom"Axella said and Pearl nodded.

" Be quick about it ok" Pearl said and Axella nodded.

✴✴ Axella stood up heading to the ladies washroom, she urinated and wash her hands and face before leaving the wash room.

Her mind drifted back to the suicides in the school, " why would students be so depressed to the extent of killing their selves "she thought as she was walking through the hallway.

She wasn't looking where she was heading to not until she collided with a strong body.

The body has a wide chest and it is very huge. "Fuck!!"Axella rubbed her head as it hurts a lot

She raised her head slowly only to see the handsome demigod, which she saw some days ago guping down water.

Her lips spread into a smile, but the guy didn't reciprocate the smile, he has a straight look on and it would be hard to read his emotions.

" Am sorry"she muttered and Terrick gave her a strange look, he could smell that she was a human, and he vowed never to have anything to do with them, cause he might end up sucking their blood if he becomes really thirsty and can't control his thirst.

He didn't even spare her a one last glance before walking away. Axella stood there watching as he walked out of the hallway, " he is really so cute and he has a broad chest"she gushed happily, talking to herself as she walked back to the class.

She has a smile on her lips as she walked into the class heading towards her seat.

" Why are you smiling as if you won a lottery"Pearl asked and Axella shook her head and continue smiling.

" Won't you tell me why you're smiling"Pearl pouted and Axella moved closer to her .

" I saw the demigod today, we collided at each other why I was heading out of the washroom"Axella whispered and Pearl bite her lips.

" Don't tell me you're crushing on Terrick"Pearl asked and Axella shook her head.

" Nope I am not, and moreover many girls are after him already , he is just so cute to ignore but that doesn't mean I like him at all"Axella said and Pearl smiled secretly.

Pearl has been crushing on Terrick ever since she came to college a year ago, but she did it secretly to avoid Keevah and her accomplice.

" I thought you were crushing on him, I was about telling you to give up if you were, cause he won't spare any girl a glance at all"Pearl muttered and Axella nodded, and they was silent in their midst for some seconds until Axella turned swiftly to Pearl.

" Are you crushing on him also" Axella asked pointing her second finger at Pearl and she almost choked on her own spit.

" Why....would..I crush....on him?"she asked with an akward smile.

" I thought you're also part of those girls dying for a boy cause I really pity them, they are just wasting their precious time."Axella said and brought out a book which she took from the library and started reading.

" I thought you were part of those girl crushing on a boy cause they are all wasting their precious time"Axella's voice kept ringing in Pearl's head.

Soon the lecturer came and lectured for two hours and the students were already tired after he left.

✴✴Some were stretching there butts, while others were talking to each other.

" Am so tired, my butt feel so stiff like fuck!!"Axella said stretching her hands and her legs.

" Gush!! Mr David couldn't even pity us, we sat on a chair for two good hours now i have muscles pull on my butt cause it's stiff now"Pearl muttered and Axella laughed.

" And his lecture was making me feel sleepy"Axella said and Pearl nodded

" I feel like sleeping the minutes he walked in, cause that Mr david is the most boring lecturer I have ever come across, Mr hamsburger is even more better than him even though he is really strict"Pearl said in one breath and Axella couldn't stop laughing.

" I thought I was the only one feeling sleepy in this class"Axella said

" You're not alone kitten we're both in it"Pearl said and Axella nodded.

" Let's head to the cafeteria am farmished"Axella yawned and Pearl smiled.

" Let's go"Pearl held her hand as they both left the class heading to cafeteria.

✴✴ Soon students started dispersing out of the class, everyone was heading to the cafeteria to grab their lunch.

Pearl and Axella got there, and Pearl was able to secure a good spot for the both of them, Axella went to sit while Pearl went to order their lunch.

She came back with a tray filled with different food. " Wow!! the food looks really enticing and yummy"Axella licked her lips as she took the hamburger and munched on it.

Her mouth was filled up, yet she was still talking, " this hamburger is the best, I love you Las Vegas"she muttered as she took a milkshake from the tray and opened it before sipping from it.

She nodded her head as she took another bite from the hamburger and sipped it in with the milkshake.

" I love you boo bear"Axella said and Pearl laughed.

" Now you've given me a nickname cause of food kitten, wow!! just wow"Pearl said amidst laughter.

" This is the best I have tasted so far, apart from my mum's omelette and garnished noodles, yours and this is the third most tasty food I have tasted in my life"she said and took another bite.

All this while all eyes were on her, as they continued murmuring and whispering to each other, but Axella wasn't concerned cause she didn't give a damn about their murmurs and continue munching on her lunch happily.