
The Deity King

Tay Howard is a high school student in his last year of high school. He had his powers seal away in a family pendant by his father Lamont when he was 8 years old. 10 years later tay power’s start awakening. Now he is after everyone who had to do something with killing his parents, while making a name and kingdom for his self. Everyone will bow down to him when he is deity king

AlwaysAngry · Ação
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17 Chs

Chapter 1

Tay woke up shivering in the dead of Night. He looks around to notice he was surrounded by thick trees and heavy snow. Tay looked down at his self covered in blood. How did I get here, where am I? A loud bang sounded off 5 yards from him. Tay stood up and hide in a bush. Tay pushed the bushes open so he could see. Vampire hunters ran at Lamont, tay dad with swords made of Rhodium. Lamont punch a hole in the first vampire hunter and snapped the others neck. To the left of his father was Vanessa tay mother. Gravity magic compress Vanessa said crushing two vampire hunters till blood splattered all over the trees. On the right of Lamont is the two royal knight captains of our kingdom Shiva and Morgan. Morgan swings her sword cutting four of the vampire hunters in half. Meanwhile shiva transformed into her dragon form and started breathing fire on the last two that Morgan missed. Bring on you filth Lamont said you breaking the laws between human and vampires we are royalty. So what a voice came from in front of him. The group looked up to another army of vampire hunters. Orders are orders get them, yes sir the army said in unison. Just as Vanessa was getting ready to cast another spell a vampire hunter ran her through with a Rhodium spear. Vanessa fell limp. Tay screamed mom before someone hit him in the back of the head instantly knocking tay out. Lamont punctured the vampire hunter chest with one blow. Shit Lamont said how did I let it get this far out of control. Shiva and Morgan yes lord Howard, they said in unison. I'm sealing tay powers in our family pendant. Raise him like a human. Lamont sealed Tay's powers in the pendant. When tay turns 18, before Lamont could finish his sentence Lamont head rolled on the ground. Both shiva and Morgan yelled lord Howard at the same time Echoing through the forest. Shiva bite off the vampire hunter head and pick tay up and flew towards their car. Shiva transformed back before putting tay in the car. Light bomb mine morgan said before throwing them all on the ground, while running towards the car. When morgan got to the car she was out of breath.let's go morgan said slamming the car door as she got into the car. As the trio drove away several of morgan mines started going off right after each other. Speeding out of the Boreal forest, shiva asked where are we going? St.Louis Missouri it's in the United States.

Ten years Later

Ring ring ring

Ugh who's calling me at 6am In the morning.

Hello who is this?

It's me tay, Daron you told me to wake you up early today for assignment you wanted to get it done early. Oh okay I still forgot about it, thanks man. I'll hit you up later. Tay hit the end button and put his phone down on the bed side table.He headed to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. 20 minutes later Tay came out the bathroom bumping into shiva; you heading out early for a patrol again he said Yes master Tay even though they haven't found us in the last ten years you can never be to sure shiva said. Yeah I know but come on they won't come here they don't know where we are tay said a little aggravated. Yes that may be true shiva said with a serious look but the vampire hunters have came over from Canada getting closer and closer to us. The only families they haven't found besides us are the Other four pure blood families in America. Which are The Johnson's, The Jackson's, The Bryant's and of course last but no least The Core family. Every since your parents was killed in that attack in Boreal forest. Remember we are not the number one family any more. Angrily Tay replied yes I know one day I will slaughter all of them. Morgan walked out of her room to his voice echoing through the house. yes lord tay one day you will but not today remember you weak as a human. Now go get your school assignment done before school, I'll make breakfast. Fine Tay said heading into his room. shiva, Morgan said let me talk to you for a min you have to remember Tay rage and fear is the amp to his power. If he is not scary or can't control his anger it will be bad for him doing transforming with his dragon form.

Remember when he get his powers back we have to keep him calm remember lord Lamont vampire power and dragon powers grow strong because of it but tay will not have control of that since his human body haven't had its full power in 10 years. So him getting mad all the time is not a good thing if he cant control hisself right now. so we have to be ready for his birthday it's in two month's and we still don't know if he will pick up queen Vanessa witch power but we all know most definitely his parent vampire powers. Okay shiva said with a solemn face but we still have to remember he is the last of The Howard bloodline. Tay started getting dressed for school already finished with his assignment. It's already 7:30 ugh so not ready for school it's pointless. I know majority of this stuff they teaching he said out loud. Tay grabbed His bag and headed down stairs to eat breakfast. Shiva and Morgan both were already cleaning there plates. You have 5 mins eat up this your last year of high school and you will be 18 in two months any plans lord tay. Not that I know of but I want to see my family grave. Morgan shook her head sadly and slowly; shiva instantly got mad lord tay you know we can't go back to Canada to see your parents grave not only that we don't even know where their graves is at. Plus that's vampire hunter turf since they kicked the vampire council out no magical creatures are allowed to step into Canada. Since your parents the king and queen were killed there no one has stood up to take Canada back. Yes I know Tay said With a sad face. Anyway lets go we have to go to work too shiva said. Tay finished his breakfast and cleaned his plate before going to get in the car. It took 5 mins to get to the school remember; Tay no basketball practice today so you will have to catch a ride with us later. Yeah I know tay said later it's already embarrassing y'all dropping me off. How about getting me a car of my own. We will see Morgan said but you know we have to cover your safety shiva chimed in. Yes yes I know he said getting out the car. Tay saw his Friends Daron and Titus in their school uniforms that say college prep high school. Tay Nod to acknowledge them, What up guys tay said Titus chime in Wssp with you and that broke a*s Honda Civic. haha really funny trust me I rather not sit in it anymore let alone look at it anymore Tay said covering his face. let's hurry in I'm freezing man Daron said ain't you cold Tay? I never get cold for some odd reason. It's October 25 3 days away from Halloween y'all going to the dance,Titus said heck yeah dawg going to get some Ladies that night. Yeah unless you Tay I doubt you can get with the lunch lady daron said to Titus. Yeah fuck you too you know I got swag. As we walk into the gym Titus bumps into the school bully chad. Excuse you Titus damn you can't see where you going chad said. How about you look were you going we were coming in you thick neck dinosaurs. I see you got jokes today Titus. I sure do tell your mom I got some for her too. Oh really you must want your ass beat today. Chad grabs Titus neck and push him against the door I'll fuck you up chad said to titus. Come on chad not today we have a game in a few days we don't need him hurt. Chad finally notice Tay and Daron, I'll let you off this time because the basketball star here asked me too let you off this time. y'all better win too or I'm beating all three of your ass. A fat vein popped out of tay neck who ass you talking about. Mind you chad is a good 6'4 and burly brown hair Tay is 6'1 tall and ripped black hair. Make sure you pop that pimple on your nose and leave the winning to us chad now let Titus go before i; Before you what mr. Howard you may be the basket ball team captain but your still a student. Those words were no other than principle shiva. Oh nothing just having a friendly chat with chad. I see it don't sound friendly. Principle shiva sternly looked at chad who was beyond pissed from the insults. Now head to your classes the assembly has been pushed back to later. Yes Ma'am Daron finally spoke up pushing pass us rushing to class to see his girl Ashley. Who was a slender curvy 19 year old girl who most guys wanted. Tay home room class is B-1 but it's always noisy and you know the class before you get to it. As He went inside he could hear all the chatter outside of the room. Tay went to the back of the class with Daron and Ashley who were already kissing in the back. Come on you too get a room Tay said. Awe Tay you jealous Ashley said ha; you wish Ashley. Speaking of tay when are you going to find you a good woman most every female been eyeing you especially Sarah from biology Ashley said. Yeah Sarah is beautiful and look like a goddess but I'm not worried about any woman right now just making sure I graduate. Daron and Ashley looked at each other and laugh you worried about graduating my guy if we don't know one thing for a fact it's that you out of everyone that's graduating this year you are definitely the top student to Graduate you literally the number one student out of 300 students you top of the class. Facts, Tay said Then the Teacher ms. Robinson walked in the room. okay everyone take a seat. Please open your Calculus text book. As Tay sat at his desk by the window and open his book Tay stare outside the window daydreaming while ms.Robinson started teaching . Out of nowhere Tay throat started burning intensely and His chest started caving in while expanding. As Tay fell to the floor and fainted. Daron yelled tay while Ashley scream at the top of her lungs out of fear. Everyone rushed to the back of the classroom to see Tay holding his throat passed out while his right eye is bloodlust red. Someone go get nurse morgan and principal Shiva!