
Chapter 11

She eventually found him. He was crouched near a corpse. She gasped as she saw all around her. It was the men from before. They were all dead. Their throats had been clutched open and slit. The grass was still crimson with the blood they spilt. They had all been slaughtered, without any exception. Their eyes still held the horror of the beast that had killed them.

Fergus stood up. He looked at her in bewilderment. He waved his arms in question.

"We need to go. Do what you want and let's hurry up."

Fergus finally nodded and looted all of them.

He then took Alex's arms and supported her while walking even though she refused.

They walked back to the camp slowly.

"Listen. I need to get back to the outpost. Do you have a place to stay, a home?"

Fergus shook his head.

"Where are you from?"

Fergus kept silent. Alex had the impression that he didn't like to talk much.


Well, that's helpful. Stupid!

"Uh! Okay, how about this, you, come with me. How's that?"

Fergus nodded after a while.

Alex was better than yesterday but, she still remembered about the beast and wondered how that had happened and if it was still nearby.

They went to the cave.

Fergus kept thinking about something and they both leisurely walked onwards. They had both already looted all they could from the men and got a pretty good haul. Alex now had over 12 carcasses to carry back to the outpost. Davey would surely be amazed. Fergus had insisted that he carry all the stuff and didn't seem to sweat about the weight at all. After that they started the journey back to the outpost.

"What's that thing on your neck?"


Alex was asking about the dog tags.

"You don't talk much. You should do something about it."

"You snore, loud at bed. Do something."

Alex gaped at him and grit her teeth.

Fuck! The first time you say a complete sentence and this is what you say!

"Hey, you can't say that to a lady!"

"Then what?"

"I don't know, something like, spending the night with you was wonderful and warm, I enjoyed it very much."

"Oh, you enjoy?"

"No! When did I say that?!"

Alex glared at Fergus. He seemed young and inexperienced.

Alex didn't press for more information.

"Stop that, you dummy."

Fergus stopped walking and Alex turned to look at him.

He wasn't emotionless any more. He was gritting his teeth.

"Me no dummy!"

He hugged her waist even tighter while supporting her. Her hand around was around his neck. They continued walking.

"I'm sorry."

He stayed silent.

It was almost evening when they reached the outskirts of Blightwood outpost.

They went forward to the gate where Blake stood. He looked at Alex and Fergus while Alex went over to talk to him.

"Heyo Alex! Looks like you and you're 'friend' got a pretty hefty haul, eh. Are you alright? Did you 'appen to run into those bastards from 'efore?"

"Sorry Blake, they're dead, but we still got the meat. It's nothing but a small cut, I'll be fine."

Alex showed him the meat carcasses that they had brought.

"Oye, Oye, poor them, nice for you! And who is this bloke over here?"

"He's a traveler, he helped me out. I vouch for him."

"Hmm, I guess he can go in too. A'right, in you go then."

Alex entered the outpost with Fergus and took him to her cabin, which was small and contained a mattress and blanket, some clothes and other essentials. She sat on the mattress. After dropping off their things, Alex tied a piece of wood on to her leg, for support.

"Let's first have this meat delivered."

Fergus nodded and went out the door.

"At least gimme a hand, you shrimp!"

Fergus grunted and came back giving her his hand to stand up. She put all her weight deliberately on it trying to make him fall. Instead he pulled too strongly and she started to fall the other side. Alex fell down, but not before Fergus caught her and also fell down.

When she saw him, she was staring right at his eyes. Those green crystal eyes were dreamy, they were pretty. Her hand, in the fall had crept up his loose shirt, she was directly touching his body. It felt strong like stone but warm too. She couldn't help but rub her hand around him.

What she felt a long time later was that Fergus' hand had also accidentally grabbed her breast. Although it was from the t-shirt and wasn't bare, she still felt his strong hands.

For five seconds, Alex forgot everything. She reached up and brought her lips closer to his. Her carnal desires were springing out. She closed her eyes and crept forward.

To her dismay, Fergus brought his hand between their lips. Alex felt utter foolishness and anger. She was initiating it and he didn't want to.

Fergus removed his hand. Alex crept up and sat on the mattress.

Subconsciously, a tear fell down from her eye.

"Am I not good enough for you?"

Fergus came from behind, he hugged her closely and wiped her tears.

"Accident, you good, me bad. Me very bad.....

You beautiful, you cry, no beautiful."

"Uh huh, you silly stupid, nff."

Alex turned around and hugged him too.

"You should smile more."

Fergus awkwardly smiled while showing his sparkling white teeth.

"Pffft, haha! No, haha, it doesn't suit you. Haha!"

Alex wiped her tears.

"I'm fine now. Let's go."

Fergus picked her up properly this time.

She went into the center of the outpost where Davey's counter was, Davey was there this time, cleaning his gun.

"Hey, Alex, you're back early!"

"Yeah, caught a big catch this time."

She kept all the meat carcasses she brought in front of the man.

"Oh, this is quite a big haul! What do ya' need then?"

"Fergus. Need anything?"

Fergus shook his head.

She nodded and turned back to the man.

"Just add it for later, Davey."

"Okey, dokey then. If you want a new job, be sure to come, the chief's in a bit of swing anyways."

"Why, what happened?"

"Scouting party just discovered a swarm of dire rats a few clicks away from here. They fear that the swarm is headed this way."

"How long till they make it?"

"2-3 days' tops. The chief's getting a hunting party together to cull the herd. Anybody can join, and weapons will be given free. They're going out tomorrow morning."

"I'll see if I have time. Thanks Davey."