
The beginning

In a world where crime and murder are common things there are some murder made in à wierd way like being half eating by an animal or maybe, have 0 blood in the vain or sometimes only disappearance report with ni trace of the victim only to find the body in à Bad shape in a public place After 1 up to 5 months .

Harvey was à normal student in à school he was pretty handsome but didn't come frome à prominet family he intend to go to a public school, but he didn't know that the new school his going too is full of mystery .

one day when he was in the street he saw the most beautiful girl in school wondering around with a guy going in à dark alley , the man was tall and seem to be strong but not very handsome unlike Carla that was beautiful and tall and intelligent, and she didn't seem to like those type of guys so Harvey didn't understand

"am sure there is something going on here" Harvey said to him self , so he followed them in the dark alley , but when he reached were they stoped he was shoked about what he saw.